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Has human trafficking, sex trade increased say over 10 years?

Is all this on the increase?

2FollowHim 8 June 10
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I will let you know this as well some refuse to believe me and that's fine, we are feed aborted babies, and you decide where the turtured sacrificed children and enslaved dedicated end up. I know, I am willing to share but don't call me anything other then sharing facts proof and evidence with you. Because that's what I do, it's on you how you take the information or not. Right?


Yes with supply and demand it brings the need for slave labor in high demand and major companies are not shy in using and vilatating human rights. I been shopping mom and pop for 25 years it doesn't cut out all my aiding in slave labor but I am very picking and believe me a 15 minute shopping trip takes 1 hour or longer because of label reading etc. Tunnel systems have made it much easier to tranport victims more are being made. ( if you watch tweets etc.You will see) the moving routes though bird migration. The increase also comes with the fact the Satanism is the fastest growing religion in the world and ritual sacrifice Is real as is canabalism. Andrenchrome is a drug only found in the human body extracted from turtured (to install fear) murdered children (children because as we age the pineal gland shrinks were the drug is produced) unregulated in the USA the elites drug of choice. Many reasons. Pineapple is the only fruit to eat flesh interesting the ROCK JOHNSON did a interview he "jokingly said he only eats children to the age of ten followed by pineapple to a 14 year old child. (Funny haha)

I always wondered about they 'see darkness as light's but I think they DO!! Nobody does stuff they really think utterly wrong, without mental problems.

@2FollowHim correct! This thinking can be set in many ways grooming brainwashing or by forced splitting of personalies, Dr. Phil Is a expert at this. I suffer from what professionals call sleep umm I can't spell it. Were you can't move but you think your awake weird dream like things happen you remember vividly. It's not that at all. It's a higher consousness if you can understand I believe you can Medicate and take this away. Sacrifice and use the drug adrenochrome to try and regain it because you lost it on selling your soul to Satan.

@Gerri4321 yes

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Posted by potatSome info on sex trafficking

Posted by KristinaDavisHence the m o n e y t r a n c f e r s y s t e m?

Posted by Gerri4321Explortation, sexual deviance etc. of our children is taught to be excepted at no choice by the parents, and many school employees abuse our children and schools are run by who? Facts not opinion.

Posted by Gerri4321As the ability for government to use their sources to traffic humans from the boarder is slowed down by the Trump Administration the human trafficking will increase in our communities.

Posted by Gerri4321Grooming our children to except sexual deviant oddence from us in public?

Posted by Gerri4321Grooming our children to except sexual deviant oddence from us in public?

Posted by Gerri4321Grooming our children to except sexual deviant oddence from us in public?

Posted by Gerri4321Grooming our children to except sexual deviant oddence from us in public?

Posted by Gerri4321Axu lix ing . org a boy for u a girl for me. Cult mentality.

Posted by Gerri4321Humm r e m o v e d? I s t h i s w h y b o y p e d o s y m b o l h e r e a m i n a p p r o ved group

Posted by Gerri432190% of hollywood per Mel Gibson feast off the blood of childern, yet they conitue to paint the President as inmoral.

Posted by Gerri4321Hollywood is Evil reaching the hearts, minds and souls of the young world wide, when are we going to stop paying them to giving them the chance to spread Evil influence on our children?

Posted by Gerri4321Hollywood is Evil reaching the hearts, minds and souls of the young world wide, when are we going to stop paying them to giving them the chance to spread Evil influence on our children?

Posted by Gerri4321Hollywood is Evil reaching the hearts, minds and souls of the young world wide, when are we going to stop paying them to giving them the chance to spread Evil influence on our children?

Posted by Gerri4321Just a note

Posted by Gerri4321Trust no one! You can't!

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