I know I can trust you? HUMANLY, so to a degree. I don't even TOTALLY trust myself. I've made enough messes.
I've THOUGHT strongly, and been very wrong.
I trust God, the bible completely. That's it.
Thank you. Most supportive, message i have received ever. Every time you think you find that safe ray of light in comes the darkness and suckes it back to the deepest pits of dark i fully understand the how and why. Evil enjoys being in done in plain sight
@Gerri4321 That's the big slap in the face, the magic, pulling the wool. As hard as things can be, I find I can only trust Jesus.
All else fails at some point. And trusting in tough times is a challenge, bigger than I knew. The bible indicates things will get worse. Well, that lines up!!
@2FollowHim God did say Spirits and False Prophets would walk the earth. So i have to agree yet sadly in what i do, trust is necessary to some degree. Don't always like it.
@Gerri4321 We have to WATCH and pray. Not sure? I'd TRUST that ? I'd go more slowly. Years ago, a movie? Where fools rush in. Good movie. True. Sometimes I've done that, been that? I'd like to stop.
@2FollowHim I do understand yet this is a game to them gotta play to win
@Gerri4321 What do you think of this?
@2FollowHim Brittany Spears And more hollywood stars hate DR. Phil "rehab" he is a expert at mind splitting personallies in people ( I fear for repeat people on his shows) this can also be done though video games etc. Think school shootings if the investors were allowed to investigate the truth would be known. Now in areas that want a shooting to happen and this was not in place trust me they are staged. Yes I can prove this
Posted by potatSome info on sex trafficking
Posted by KristinaDavisHence the m o n e y t r a n c f e r s y s t e m?
Posted by Gerri4321Explortation, sexual deviance etc. of our children is taught to be excepted at no choice by the parents, and many school employees abuse our children and schools are run by who? Facts not opinion.
Posted by Gerri4321As the ability for government to use their sources to traffic humans from the boarder is slowed down by the Trump Administration the human trafficking will increase in our communities.
Posted by Gerri4321Grooming our children to except sexual deviant oddence from us in public?
Posted by Gerri4321Grooming our children to except sexual deviant oddence from us in public?
Posted by Gerri4321Grooming our children to except sexual deviant oddence from us in public?
Posted by Gerri4321Grooming our children to except sexual deviant oddence from us in public?
Posted by Gerri4321Axu lix ing . org a boy for u a girl for me. Cult mentality.
Posted by Gerri4321Humm r e m o v e d? I s t h i s w h y b o y p e d o s y m b o l h e r e a m i n a p p r o ved group
Posted by Gerri432190% of hollywood per Mel Gibson feast off the blood of childern, yet they conitue to paint the President as inmoral.
Posted by Gerri4321Hollywood is Evil reaching the hearts, minds and souls of the young world wide, when are we going to stop paying them to giving them the chance to spread Evil influence on our children?
Posted by Gerri4321Hollywood is Evil reaching the hearts, minds and souls of the young world wide, when are we going to stop paying them to giving them the chance to spread Evil influence on our children?
Posted by Gerri4321Hollywood is Evil reaching the hearts, minds and souls of the young world wide, when are we going to stop paying them to giving them the chance to spread Evil influence on our children?
Posted by Gerri4321Just a note
Posted by Gerri4321Trust no one! You can't!