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Is Joe Biden a pedophile? Are many of the Elites pedophiles?


Gerri4321 7 Apr 25
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Honestly, I doubt Joe Biden is a pedophile - it would be highly atypical for a child sex predator to behave like that while in the national spotlight, knowing that it would eventually attract attention and arouse suspicion.

Predators prefer to keep their dirty little secret hidden, so that they can continue their predacious behaviors.

I disagree join the human sex/organ trafficking trade industry it is the opposite of what you think

@Gerri4321 If you meant 'join the IDW group,' obviously I am a member, because I was able to post. If you actually meant "join the human sex/organ trafficking trade industry" ..... no.

You are welcome to disagree, but human psychology the preponderance of evidentiary behavior is with me on this one. The vast majority of them know that society views their predilections as morally wrong, so they carefully hide it from society - even if they don't share the same morals.

@jneedler pedophile symbols are everywhere ans some will keep it hidden but many hide it in plain site. So learn there are different types pedophiles or don't

Many know him as creepy joe any thoughts why?


@Sarge45, @Gerri4321 That was obvious to most of us, but perhaps you need it spelled out: he doesn't understand societal norms regarding personal space, so he behaves in a manner that many in our society find very unusual, uncomfortable, and even weird.

Hence: "creepy"

But, hey, you guys keep going with the "everything unusual is a pedophile" storyline.

@jneedler hey you you stick with the you all know everything about us and what we think theory it's worked so well so far. And by the way. I work with pedophile and survivors!

@jneedler grooming children in plain sight is a very common habit of pedophiles family members will do it watching movies at picnics, parties, swimming, a coach was pulling my granson out of class to watch old baseball re-runs with him in his office sendind little shit home with him my kid flipped her lid. He retired 2 months later after the lawsuit was mentioned ya he don't understand SOCIAL NORMS NOW THIS IS SOCIAL NORMS NOW. YOU CAN TELL IN THE REPLY TO THE POST

Get the idea pedophiles are grooming the maases I have a tweet a men wife child in a, pic. Says ya so what I'm a pedophile I'm telling the world I'm a pedophile hand on child's head ya they do it behind close doors open your eyes

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Posted by potatSome info on sex trafficking

Posted by KristinaDavisHence the m o n e y t r a n c f e r s y s t e m?

Posted by Gerri4321Explortation, sexual deviance etc. of our children is taught to be excepted at no choice by the parents, and many school employees abuse our children and schools are run by who? Facts not opinion.

Posted by Gerri4321As the ability for government to use their sources to traffic humans from the boarder is slowed down by the Trump Administration the human trafficking will increase in our communities.

Posted by Gerri4321Grooming our children to except sexual deviant oddence from us in public?

Posted by Gerri4321Grooming our children to except sexual deviant oddence from us in public?

Posted by Gerri4321Grooming our children to except sexual deviant oddence from us in public?

Posted by Gerri4321Grooming our children to except sexual deviant oddence from us in public?

Posted by Gerri4321Axu lix ing . org a boy for u a girl for me. Cult mentality.

Posted by Gerri4321Humm r e m o v e d? I s t h i s w h y b o y p e d o s y m b o l h e r e a m i n a p p r o ved group

Posted by Gerri432190% of hollywood per Mel Gibson feast off the blood of childern, yet they conitue to paint the President as inmoral.

Posted by Gerri4321Hollywood is Evil reaching the hearts, minds and souls of the young world wide, when are we going to stop paying them to giving them the chance to spread Evil influence on our children?

Posted by Gerri4321Hollywood is Evil reaching the hearts, minds and souls of the young world wide, when are we going to stop paying them to giving them the chance to spread Evil influence on our children?

Posted by Gerri4321Hollywood is Evil reaching the hearts, minds and souls of the young world wide, when are we going to stop paying them to giving them the chance to spread Evil influence on our children?

Posted by Gerri4321Just a note

Posted by Gerri4321Trust no one! You can't!

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