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Ben Shapiro mocks Jesus. Why is it okay only to mock Christianity?

ramzpaul 8 Sep 23
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I never listened to Shipiro bc I thought he was a conservative Christian maybe Zionist. I’ll have to check him out more


If Shapiro wants to continue to pretend that he's an advocate for the right, he's going to have to repress his genetic predisposition to spit in Evangelical's faces.

But he can't.

Triumph Level 6 Sep 24, 2020

You want to find out about Mel Gibson and his views and where they came from....
This is as good as any source.

The joke? It was pretty lame.

Was I offended? No
Did he attack Jesus or Mel....? Not IMO.
He just made a lame joke.


Shapiro is a grifter on the conservative movement.


I sat in the theatre watching Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ"... while not 10 feet away from me a group of young Muslim men laughed and mocked the film from start to finish.

Jews don't believe Christ was the Messiah. They are still waiting.


Because Ben Shapiro is a Jew, and an Israeli puppet.

Better explanation is because Jews don't believe that Jesus has ever come. They only read from the Torah, the first five books of the Bible. They don't believe there would be a second coming of Jesus, as Jesus in their religion has come at all. And, being that Jesus is New Testament mythology, I don't know that he even factors into what they believe anyway.

They read from a much wider selection of writings, a large portion of which make up the Talmud. It instructs them on their behavior and interactions with the goyim, among other things.

Besides the Torah and Talmud there are a large number of apocryphal writings and additional texts. It's purposefully convoluted and opaque to outsiders because they would be severely persecuted if their real teachings were revealed to all.


I don't think Christianity should be held to the same standard as Islam. Islam is a religion of war and Christianity is a religion of peace. Granted, both have been religions of war for centuries but Christianity was never supposed to be that according to scripture. It was the religion of tolerating being struck on the cheek without reaction. It was the religion of the fruits of the holy spirit. It is, I believe, the religion of martyrs, not in the Islamic sense of dead warriors on the battlefield, but rather dead witnesses to the peace of Christ. Some Christians would like to see respect for their religion put on the same basis as respect for Islam but they are not the same. Christianity is as sublime as Islam is vulgar. Christ said his kingdom was no part of this world and his followers were instructed to have no part in it except to perform the 'ministry of reconciliation' to bring peace between people and God. So I think Christians should get on with lives that are active in the faith and passive to the ways of the world.

brentan Level 5 Sep 23, 2020

Can you explain what you mean by "passive to the ways of the world"?

@Flagherty They were 'to be in the world but not part of it' - John 15:19, 17:14-16. Their duties were to grow spiritually as sons and daughters of God and to preach the gospel.


its ok because he knows there won't be any Christian radicals out to off his head for blasphemy.

iThink Level 9 Sep 23, 2020

There's a point!


I don't think Shapiro was mocking Jesus, but was making fun of Mel Gibson. Also, I don't see anything wrong about finding the joke distasteful and not wanting to follow Shapiro because of it. Personally, I found it funny considering the very premise of its implications that there's a "part 2" biblically.

Also, I do agree that the double standards of humor has left me feeling uncomfortable with some jokes. A big one would be "white people" jokes. With things like Christianity, race, and patriotism constantly being mocked, yet it doesn't work the other way around, a lot of humor has come off more distasteful. So, I get it that it gets under your skin after a while...years.

Either everything is on the table, or none of it is. Monty Python frequently told abrasive religious jokes. It may not have been everyone's taste. But, there was a certain amount of respect for those that didn't hold back and for who no subject was too sensitive not to poke fun at.

Wokeism has really taken a toll on comedy. What's left comes off like unfunny slander of white, Christian, and patriotic individuals. Who then, in return, can't even rebuttal a snark comment with it's parallel equivalent, for fear of being one of "those people".


Oh I thought he was the Conservative golden boy? Now you are turning on him? Oh, right, I had to double check this group... it's because he is Jewish, right?

Why is it okay here to mock Judaism?

look who's back

Wow, such a great comeback. Clippy, that's super topical.


Because Benny boy is a neo-con - never trumper?

How is Ben a "never trumper"?

@BoxedFoxLLC Haven't followed him for a while and things have changed pre-election. He talks neo-con issues mostly. Before election rhetoric never heard him promote Trump like other big right talkies. Bennie boys Bennie tells us a few things also.

@johnlondon I don't know much about pre-election Shapiro (I would look into it a bit, but I'm not wasting time going through Ben's tweets to find Pre-election stuff), but I know he seems pro-trump now.


Ramzpaul, dude! He's not mocking Jesus. He's mocking Mel Gibson.



@Triumph. Aieeeuhhhh??? You might read up a little on Ben Shapiro. As an orthodox Jew, he regards Jesus as among the important prophets to be revered and respected. I have no idea what kind of “logic” is rattling around in your brain.



@Triumph Just “Wrong”??? Educate me, o oracle of wisdom. What are the facts and sources that prove your one-word answer?

Ben Shapiro teamed up with Michelle Fields and tried to damage the Trump campaign with phony assertions against Corey Lewandowski. Shapiro is a snake,....always has been.


Critical thinking abilities can't be taught. You either have them or you don't.

@Triumph ... Like the critical thinking to required to respond to the simple assertion that Shapiro is mocking Jesus, not Gibson?

Or the critical thinking required to respond to an argument without disparaging its author? “Slander is the only recourse when the argument is lost.” - Socrates.


Mocking the Messiah is a common feature of Judaism. If you were even marginally informed you would know that.


@Triumph, when each assertion comes with an insult, I see no reason to believe anything you say, and have no interest in exchanging views with you. Please do not reply.

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