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Why can't Millennials see the undeniable truth that they have been brainwashed beyond help? Surely, just pointing out that they all have the exact same views, and I mean exact? Just naming a few reasons why there should be Millennials with opposing views, like gender, race, religion, hobbies, beliefs, sexual preferences, extrovert, introverts, humour, family wealth, home town, weight, pastimes etc should differentiate the everyone and form cliques. Arguments inevitably follow, fights become common, especially all-male schools etc etc but no, they are all exactly the same, like programmed robots with no personality and all socialists and not one thinks transgenders are suspect. This is just not possible in an uncorrupted age group in any school, in fact, it is impossible, but they don't even concede that it should be questioned. Why? The Left did a number on them all, thats for sure, but surely there were strong-minded exceptions who could see what was happening? I haven't met one either in real life or online and that scares the hell out of me. Am I the only one?

NeilJohnson 3 Mar 25

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I am technically a millennial and don’t fit many of the stereotypes aside from listening to music when I work. I do not think as many of the millennials fit the uber left wing mold as people think. You have to remember that news agencies and media outlets need shock to sell. So they are going to highlight the crying kid on campus over the one doing their work to have a fulfilling future. That being said I have met some who think their shit does not stink. They give off an aura of being top performers. However, when speaking with people that worked with them directly they did not have very many good things to say and frankly some very bad things to say.

I think there is some truth to the brainwashing aspect. A teacher has a lot of power over the thoughts of a child and parents are willing to back this so that way their child can learn as much as possible. Plenty of parents are too tied up in work to see what the kid is being taught to point out errors and the child gulps it in. By the time they enter college they view their professors as being a breed above. They enter the lecture hall with virtually zero experience and take what the profs say as being solid truth and get very little exposure to opposing view points without seeking them out. When I think back to college the only professors who didn’t push a political agenda were business professors. My Econ professors all were right of the mean for the standard college professors. Then I had one English and one religion professor who expressed concerns with how lock step students were with a specific political ideology.


Indoctrination starts at a young age and now continues throughout the educational span of our youth. Lenin said " give me your children to teach for 4 years and I will plant seeds that will never be undone".


I think part of the problem is that the US has been at war for so long with no real gains. If it had just focused on Afghanistan we would have an ally by now with decent infrastructure and democracy. But no, we had to go after Iraq for some pointless reason. Splitting our resources, and ultimately getting nothing out of either of them.
We need a real war. Not a war against a country that can barely scrape together enough machinery to build an AK-47. So either China, or Russia. Though a great test bed would be the UK if that whole Brexit thing goes through. As long as we don't build a wall in Northern Ireland it should go pretty well. Then we just take Poland as is tradition, then we take on Russia. Preferably in Spring.


I am in my early to mid 40's and I remember something my father told me at a very young age and that is that things are only as difficult as you know. I thought about that recently, and to me it kind of mirrors things being as difficult as you make them. I have never known true poverty, I have never lived in a depression, or had to wait in a bread line. I believe you can explain the concept of those things to someone and they can only relate to a point, unless they have lived through it. I am not sure how in a panic I am with regard to millenials, because I am sure there is to much adaptability and true genius in us as humans. There is also the ebb and flow of all things and that has been seen throughout time. We as a society go flow one way to the point we can not go further, so we correct to center or go way the other way, and back again. So while it may seem like this generation is way different from the previous generations, I may argue that it is actually no different than mine was, and at some point in their lives they will correct and move on accordingly, and like mine their will still be fringes on both sides. All that said, I do believe we need to teach to question more in everything within, and around us.

Interesting as you basically are saying that attitude is everything if I am reading this correctly. (Don't want to put words in your mouth) If that is true...and attitude is driving the millenial thought process...then a big question is how did we get to this place. A question I often ask, that is, how did we go from the greatest generation to quckly?

@goosepop yes attitude is at least most of it. That is a good question and I wonder how many times it has been asked through the generations as adventions of tools, useable electricity, engines, ect have made certain things in life easier. Maybe it is all interspective and maybe quantum science may be showing us that, I am not sure.


Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but I don't think millennials are all that bad. Yeah, maybe they are a bit more socialist-leaning, but there are also others that are way more libertarian than their parents and grandparents.

Actually, I think the generation that raised millennials and the baby boomers were way worse. They thought they had two different political parties but the only real difference was that one party was pro-life and anti-same-sex marriage and the other wasn't. Both got us into wars, both increased gov't spending and size, both increased regulation, etc. There were not many differences between Clinton and Bush except the social issues I mentioned. Even Obama and Romney weren't that different from each other.

Yeah, there are millennials who are NPCs--they don't think for themselves. But those types have always existed--and probably in greater number than today. With increased internet access, it seems like people have more unique views that ever before. I look at the baby boomers and the generations just below the boomers and even they in large part, like my parents, are far more open minded than they were 15 years ago.


This is something my wife and I (both millennials) talk about frequently. From my perspective the left has removed opposing view points from almost every aspect of our lives while making it unacceptable to think apart from the heard. YouTube censors, college professors protest and blacklists, late night humor is now political activism, social media shadow bans. Then of course our media and politicians fill the tv channels with "less factually correct and more morally right." bullshit. A position that differs from the narrative is taboo and can cost you your career. Thats why I'm glad i found this site.


Three thoughts:

  1. There are some Millennials with different perspectives. They are mostly too busy living their own lives to spend effort virtue signaling and advertising themselves, so you won't see them unless you are looking, and they decide to reveal themselves.
    Source: I am.

  2. Interesting question.
    "Why can't Millennials see the undeniable truth that they have been brainwashed beyond help?"
    "What happens when an unstoppable force hits an unmovable object?"

  3. Paragraphs make for easier reading.


Yes, Universities banning people like Jordan Peterson Ben Shapiro and other conservitives, imo is a hopeful sign, as strange as that may sound. To me, it means that they fear a counter movement, of young people waking up and standing up to the brainwashed, passive aggressive, politically correct sub-culture, that would take away their youthful and healthy, determination to be different than the 'adults'.

Good arguement

Interesting point.
Related to this, they are actually making traditional conservatives seem like counter-culture, rebel outlaws.
Traditionally the 'establishment' was conservative and younger people kicked against it. Similarly, I do wonder if young people will eventually see the modern liberal establishment as something to rebel against. Perhaps we are starting to see signs of this already.


You wouldn't be the only one...

thank god

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