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I return back to Fakebook after 30 days in their cyber jail for supporting the President of the United States! I joined Fakebook in 2009,in all that time I was never banned from posting ever, until Mr. Trump was elected President! Since his election they have banned me 21 times for 30 days each time! In that time what has changed in the U.S. to censor free speech!
1st.and foremost the Democratic Communists have openly ,deliberately and fanatically attacked not only the President daily. But the Constitution and the Bill of Rights openly, with a single mission, their complete destruction! What else has changed?,
1.Homosexuality and all the Gender declarations attached to it have been embraced openly, with ludicrous subjective sudo science of multi Genders and amalgams of gender fluidity ,while all Heterosexual existence has been attacked!
2.Islam welcomed and praised, even when obvious atrocities attributed to them, are denied and excuses made to lesson the severity and significance!
3'Christianity openly and deliberately mocked and chastised, and those who believe it persecuted world wide ,and attacked in every state in this republic!
4.White Americans attacked with Marxist propaganda and Saul Alinsky tactics of divide the exclusion of all other Americans, and their disinformation and seditious lies to smear and destroy this President and his agenda!
8.The biased and prejudice and politicalization by businesses, that support the left/Democrats and decree that patronage of people, other then Liberal are refused services and denounced openly in establishments, and asked to leave!! This is NOT America, or American and these ideas reek of sedition and treason ,and are intent on the destruction of this Republic!!We must not vacillate ,wavier or become complacent in the face of such danger, from within! 9.Why do we allow Anyone who advocates the destruction of this country and our form of Government ,any voice! They should NO longer be considered a Patriot or American citizen and seen legitimately as an enemy of the People….by the People, who will not let this country perish from the earth! So help us GOD!
10. Why do we allow liberal socialist Democrats who try to guilt shame White Americans who are not the sheep psychopahnt pawns of their malicious sedition and allow them to guilt shame, a whole ethnicity into submission and demand they relinquish their earned position in this Republic, without any rebuttal??
11.How can we sit idle with all the attacks on tradition!!And all symbolism and dogma attributed to this great nation and the belittling of all of it's many achievement's and triumphs as inconsequential!
12.The politicizing of, all forms of entertainment, from Hollywood, Broadway, the NFL,NBA and all of their prominent figures, who are employed, have become political pundits and activists attacking with impunity the President and the conservative or moderate Americans, with only one agenda! To advance the Democratic Communist agenda!
13.A re-writing of American/World history to embolden their poisonous Socialist dogma, and their subtle and blatant teaching of said rhetoric, in every strata of our education system!
14.The media or(5th Colum ) totally politized for the left and their Marxist agenda ??
This cannot and will not stand and must be addressed and stymied and or destroyed with extreme prejudice if the Republic is to survive!

arboristly560 6 Mar 27

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Welcome back to the biggest time suck ever. But hey, I’m still there

I'll talk to ya anytime.Have a great day!


There is a lot of Face Book dissatisfaction addressed in the comments. I have never used FB, so I have no personal knowledge. My bride does show me photos of my grand kids and their kids (this should give you an idea of my age) which I enjoy. I use to get these photos on Email. I don't need FB. You may need the same decision. If people stop using a produce, it will go away, or change. PS. my bride has been banned from FB, for liking our Pres.


One of my Facebook friends contacted me . She has a troll stalking her and wants to know how to stop it . I told her . Didn't work . She types the screen name in the block list , nothing with that profile picture comes up in search. Obviously, the nerds at 1 Hacker Way have stepped up their assault on Conservatives . Get out of Facebook and watch your back . Facebook is the Columbine of the Internet .


I refuse to use Facebook or Twitter. Why would I support the Saudi regime!!! Admittedly the Saudis have been buying a lot in Canada, that makes me worried especially with Treason Trudeau. I can't help but wonder if Trudeau has also sold his soul to the saudi devil. He is too stupid to be doing things on his own. Why else would he continue donating to biased Corp like CBC. With Vogue.....anything for a story. Will never purchase from them.

One of my friends from working in Talk radio was Alan Stang . His Independence Day speech in 2005 was one of the most important statements I have heard . It began , "If you do not know that there is a war , you will lose " . He went on to expound on the aspects of war what we don't know, can kill us .


My 72 year old mother was put in FB jail for posting too many positive things about our president. Her friend, the same age is currently in FB jail for 30 days for the same thing. It's utterly ridiculous, they fidnt threaten anyone. Just positive Trump posts. It's crazy how blatent the hate is.

I told my neighbor that this was being done . He says he's not worried about it . I told him , he should be .


Oddly enough, ive never once been banned on fb. And post spicy memes all the fucking time mocking indentitarians


Currently on my latest 30 day ban jajaj must be about my 8th now


Banned 21 times, so you were banned for almost 2 years out of 10, you have really kept them busy! Take a bow, thats some incredible public service, am impressed!


Facebook is what it is, but you agreed to the terms and conditions. It is their property, if you don't like it don't use it. We shouldn't make people do business with people they don't want to do business with, whether it's a Christian Baker or a fascist tech company

Facebook almost has a monopoly and inhibits free speech if Facebook will not allow Free Speech perhaps Facistbook should be disbanded instead

@fisherman0707 nobody has a right to be on Facebook and if you agree to their terms then you have to play by the rules the internet is wide open as we are sittin here talking about Facebook and open platform with nothing to do with Facebook

@fisherman0707 Facebook should become a ghost town .

@Georgesblogforum Facebook is like Bruce Willis in The sixth Sense, it don't even know that it's dead yet

@Rus-T-Balls In legal terms , corporations are dead things .


Facebook is obviously very good at compiling hit lists for Socialist purges .

"Real History" Group

Sulla would agree but it is long past time for a purge of corrupt lefties


Farcebook is a sad joke, you'll enjoy this site much more.

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