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#taxationistheft This is the real reason why many of us can't afford a home to buy. Only a r*tarded buffoon would think you can tax your way to prosperity. #Trudope #libertarian

AlbertaKim 3 Mar 29

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Does this included the hidden HST you pay on a new Build? 300,000$ =39,000$ HST


In my opinion, Yes IDW went to far here. It was not a personal attack on any 'one' person, but a general observation.


I am in agreement with the majority of other posts. I came to IDW looking for an intelligent exchange of ideas, articulated well and presented in a reasoned manner. I realize that there are a lot of people who have excellent ideas that they may not be able to articulate as well as they would like. Maybe their regular day to day conversation incorporates a lot of profanity or non PC words. Personally I don't care because I try to get to the root of what they are saying, how they say it is not important. That being said, it is important to have some kind of restrictions on what is posted for none of us want IDW to turn into constant ad hominen attacks or hate filled diatribes. The problem is where to draw the line. In this case the problem seems to be use of the phrase "retarded buffoon". I looked at the totality of the post and felt that it fit in context so had no issue. I would suggest that free speech should be just that and as long as posters do not attack each other personally, almost anything should be accepted. I believe the market will police itself and those who post morally unacceptable ideas (ex: Best ways to murder people) will be criticized and called out by more reasoned posters and hopefully the peer response will at the very least lead to the person thinking twice before posting once.


I have no idea why this would be censored. I agree with Boohickert, if posts like these are considered inappropriate for the site, then there is no point to this site. I’m concerned that we are having this conversation.


The comment is true and the person took out time in their life to write it. I'd say overlook the name calling, since it was not directed at a specific person. Yes, someone who believes in that idea will feel the heat of the comment, but buckle up for a rough ride when your ideas are under scrutiny!


I believe that words used crossed no line save for "political correctness". I believe that in this forum, pulling a post or dropping a member should be reserved for for those posts or persons whom have directed offensive comments at clearly identifiable persons. "You are a retard" or "useridxxx is retarded" should run afoul of the standards set by the admins. "THAT situation is retarded"... not so much. In my internal monologue, I refer to myself as retarded or "fucking idiot" at least once a day so I may not be a good litmus test.


I actually prefer to make up my own mind about stuff other people say. It annoys me significantly to be treated as if I need to be protected or sheltered, which is one of the main things I don't like about sites like Facebook. I also am unhappy with Facebook's penchant for actively encouraging people to resort immediately to arbitration (appeal to authority), particularly anonymously, telling us that our safety is at stake but that they're going to save us so there's no need for us to handle things ourselves. This is HOW we become robbed of our own agency, which simultaneously robs us of our ability to have an IMPACT on how things go. For instance, I am perfectly capable, as is everyone else, of personally and directly addressing the author of this post for her use of terminology OR NOT. It's my choice. In the meantime, saying "retarded buffoon" can't do much besides sit there on the page, totally inert, unless one counts the obvious nuance that the author has strong feelings on the subject. I'd say reserve the right to boot folks as the Admin of this site, but don't make it easy for folks to waste your time with stuff they can handle on their own, including the simple expedient of ignoring it, which sends its OWN message, doesn't it. We're all grown ups in here.


If this is to be a true free speech site, then some offensive language will be necessary. We may not agree with what they say or the terms they use. But free speech is FREE SPEECH!! Like life, it will not always be good. If someone has written something you don't like, then don't read it.


I am not sure exactly what is wrong, I see the rtarded part but that is hardly offensive. The 42% Taxes! now that is offensive!


In this context the word is being used pretty much just like the word "redneck" is in a Jeff Foxworthy skit. ...Perhaps she should have rephrased it: "You might be a ____ if..." LMAO.

I think there is a fine line but this did not cross it.


Please note that this post was originally flagged for the term "r*tarded buffoon". We do have a fairly strict civility guideline for no name calling a particular person and as we're a new site, I wanted to be safe. I asked AlbertaKim to edit that term. I realize that, while not the nicest of terms, she is not singling out a person and using the term in a general, if not comedic, sense. Yes, this is a learning experience for me too. Thanks for understanding.

If the foul language was clearly not directed at another person, I find it disheartening that you decided to "be safe" and take action. That decision is dampening my initial enthusiasm for this platform. With all due respect.

@HereNow Yep, I totally hear you on this one. That's why I wanted to make this public and use it as a group discussion. I made some modifications to our flagging policy to address this.

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