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‘Time Bomb Is Ticking’ on Global Warming: CNN Pushes For More Government Control []bomb-is-ticking-on-global-warming-cnn-pushes-for-more-government-control/

JohnBurke 9 Mar 25

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According to the fear-mongering Globalists and climate worshipers ... we should already be dead.


cnn needs to be bombed out of existence.


I wonder what kind of mentality leads so many people to believe is such absolute BS.

The soros disease.


The only reasonable response to such a stupid and false assertion is mocking laughter


First: Global Warming Hoax

Secondly: NASA Admits That Climate Change Occurs Because of Changes in Earth’s Solar Orbit, and NOT Because of SUVs and Fossil Fuels

David August 31, 2019

After many years of ignoring the left’s false claims on global warming, NASA has come out and said that changes in the weather are due to our solar orbit and not because of the use of fossil fuels. Under Barack Obama, NASA actually used their money to perpetuate the myth of global warming, even though there has been no warming since 2005.

The plain truth is that our orbit around the sun is inconsistent at best, sometimes placing us nearer to the sun than at other times. That is why planets like Mars shows the effects of global warming despite no burning of fossil fuels whatsoever.

From Natural News

“Even the maximum eccentricity of the Earth’s orbit – 0.07 – it would be impossible to show at the resolution of a web page,” notes the Hal Turner Radio Show. “Even so, at the current eccentricity of .017, the Earth is 5 million kilometers closer to Sun at perihelion than at aphelion.”

For more related news about climate change and global warming from an independent, non-establishment perspective, be sure to check out

The biggest factor affecting earth’s climate is the SUN

As for earth’s obliquity, or its change in axial tilt, the below two images (Robert Simmon, NASA GSFC) show the degree to which the earth can shift on both its axis and its rotational orientation. At the higher tilts, earth’s seasons become much more extreme, while at lower tilts they become much more mild. A similar situation exists for earth’s rotational axis, which depending on which hemisphere is pointed at the sun during perihelion, can greatly impact the seasonal extremes between the two hemispheres.

Based on these different variables, Milankovitch was able to come up with a comprehensive mathematical model that is able to compute surface temperatures on earth going way back in time, and the conclusion is simple: Earth’s climate has alwaysbeen changing, and is in a constant state of flux due to no fault of our own as human beings.

When Milankovitch first put forward his model, it went ignored for nearly half a century. Then, in 1976, a study published in the journal Science confirmed that Milankovitch’s theory is, in fact, accurate, and that it does correspond to various periods of climate change that have occurred throughout history.

Third: tps://

Fourth: The Earth is dangerously close to the minimum atmospheric CO2 required to support plant life. Myopic climate alarmists will probably soon flip toward this as the new scare, when political opportunists realize that the public no longer believes the climate scare.

I am not worried for three reasons. 1. Politically correct belief systems always morph into something else in relatively short times. 2. There is still enough CO2 in the geology and oceans of the Earth to buffer the atmosphere for longer than the latest political opportunity. 3. Thank goodness for human boosting of CO2 levels to around 400 PPM recently.

Atmospheric CO2 levels were slowly declining to about 300 PPM for the last 2 million years on Earth. 146 million years ago they were around 3000 PPM; about 10 times recent levels, the Earth was populated by dinosaurs, and was not on fire. 570 million years ago they were around 6000 PPM. One of the warmest periods on Earth was the Eocene, when the average temperature rose to about 75F, and CO2 was far less than the maximums above. The current average temperature on Earth is about 57F. Climate alarmists won't tell you the complete story. Those driving the narrative are lying. The rest are too lazy to look up the facts as I have done. It wasn't difficult.

Finally: It is objective fact that atmospheric methane and water vapor combined are greenhouse gasses between ten to a hundred times more effective at magnifying the sun's energy that CO2.

It is also an objective fact that atmospheric methane and water vapor are 100 to 1000 times more plentiful than CO2.

It is a reasonable conclusion that if CO2 were as dangerous a greenhouse gas as Climate alarmists claim, methane and water vapor are 1000 to 100,000 times more effective at converting the sun's energy and would have reduced the Earth to a smoking ruin long ago.


Queen Greta demands action!!!

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