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The Financial Incentive to Murder and Poison American Children (4.47 mins)

Description: In this gripping exposé, we delve into the unsettling realities behind the financial motivations that drive harmful practices endangering American children. From questionable pharmaceutical practices to toxic food additives, we uncover the disturbing truth about how profit margins are prioritized over the health and safety of the youngest and most vulnerable members of society.

Our investigation spans various industries, shedding light on the dark side of corporate greed and its devastating impact on children’s well-being. We examine cases where the rush for profits has led to the approval and distribution of dangerous medications, the inclusion of harmful chemicals in everyday products, and the marketing of unhealthy foods directly to kids.

Through in-depth analysis, expert interviews, and real-life stories, this video aims to raise awareness about the often-overlooked consequences of putting profit over people. We highlight the regulatory failures and the lack of accountability that allow these practices to continue, and discuss what can be done to protect our children from these insidious threats.

Join us as we explore the complex web of financial incentives that perpetuate these harmful practices and uncover what steps can be taken to advocate for stronger protections and more ethical business practices. This is a call to action for parents, policymakers, and concerned citizens to come together and demand change, ensuring a safer, healthier future for all children.

Don’t miss this eye-opening investigation into the financial incentive to murder and poison American children—an urgent issue that calls for immediate attention and action.

1patriot 9 May 26

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Kids need to watch out for "father of his country" Joe Biden! 👀

and responsible parents too!

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