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Mohsin Hamid! British Pakistani novelist, writer and brand consultant. His novels are Moth Smoke, The Reluctant Fundamentalist, How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia, Exit West, and The Last White Man.
one of the scum that thinks he own the earth!

1patriot 9 June 23

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"So, as a Paki Brit MH, how would you propose dealing with the Paki rape gangs in and around London? Is this a cultural phenom or has Brit just managed to import a lot of degenerates?"

i believe it's illegal to rape in Muslim countries, but only if it's a Muslim women, Christian and non believers are free game. rape is not legal in Britain but if the government allows it the cops will not prosecute.


Headshot !!


I thought it was Yuval Noah Harari in the photo.....😉

them sick prick are all related! and most likely all are pedophile too


That's a delusional statement.

No doubt they are teaming with khazarian mafia in that statement

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