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War Preparations Build After 9 Killed, 2700+ Wounded In Israel's Pager Attack On Hezbollah


1patriot 9 Sep 19

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If Massad sold stock I would buy just to show support.

The triggering message on the pagers was a "pls call" # from Hezzie leadership, followed by a few seconds delay to give the turds the time to bring the pagers up to their faces. Glorious.
Mind, this was after Massad was "found out" (WUT, they didn't know??) a while back by Hezzie leadership to have been using their smart phones to track the murderers. So, Hezzie leadership did a backtrack on tech -- to pagers.

Carrier pigeons next.

I use to work for The Ministry of Foreign Affairs....SO.....very funny to me @ carrier pigeons

On serious one was allowed over 50 rounds of ammo IF they gave you a permit to have a HANDGUN.....

@Weltansicht Where are you getting a permit?

@bobbo666 well...I was referring to the Israeli laws of gun possession....OF WHICH I got REALLY pounced upon by certain members of certain organizations & concerning aliyah (the right of return) ~ Meyer Lansky is the only Jew (that I know of) that WAS denied the right of return.....

I had members of certain military organizations & government offices NEEDING fresh bodies....AND THEY were mocking me last year UNTIL the attacks happened and everyone was screwed


Amazing how the jews are getting away with bringing the entire planet to the brink. Zelensky is a Zio-jew along with the oligarchs that support him. This entire globalist war is done by the jews!!! Israel has joined in to start a world war. These rotten subhumans believe it is their right to rule over and enslave the goyim. People need to rise up and fight these demons!

black rock owned by who!

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