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If your worried that a large number of people are supporting a Socialist for President. You need to focus your concerns on the cause, not the product of the problem.

The cause, is the Democrat Party. Wholly and fully responsible for our trek toward ultimate stupidity. In 1979, Jimmy Carter imposed the indoctrination plan on us, known as the US Department of Education. In years since, history has shifted to false political narrative rather than the story of what happened. The lessons of world wars, have been reduced to footnotes and short paragraphs.

The common reaction, is to be angry with the young people at the core of this insanity. But here's the thing. There is no way to know, what you don't know. These kids are products of the Democrat march to stupidity, so they can kill capitalism and impose total control of your lives.

Follow any news outlet, and you'll see a recurring theme of academia saying and doing , completely asinine things, that are influencing kids to join the idiot brigade. Next follow the time line back to where many of these teachers were in school, and whether or not it was before or after 1979. Yes there were radicals in academia before, but an extremely small fraction to what we see today.

College has transitioned from higher learning, to strategic retardation for far too many students. These kids don't know the dangers they embrace, because they are not taught the history behind it, while being told it's a great idea. Laziness further feeds this frenzy, as they are told, they can be equal to others without the effort. Kids are taught to memorize, instead of how to think. Further, those who demonstrate the ability to think, are then told, what, to think.

The end result is a large population of mindless sheeple, blindly following what an idiot tells them to do on their daily news program. People actually argue that advertising, is so mind controlling, that people have no choice nor responsibility, in purchasing the advertised product or service. To their mind the individual bears no responsibility for his or her actions for anything, because all are perpetual victims of the outside forces telling them what to do.

The good news is this can be reversed. People will learn when the lies they buy, show the truth in the end. First vote out all Democrats and RINOs and only install people who are geared for individual freedoms, and responsibility that comes with it. Second,start getting rid of the programs designed to save us from ourselves. These programs only serve as crutches for government dependency. Third this concept needs applied at all levels of government. No company is too big to fail, and all people and businesses should reap the profits of sound decisions as well as suffer the consequences of poor decisions. Fourth, educate all people in the history of such decisions, so they are less likely to repeat the mistakes of the past.

All people have the ability to succeed, but it has to come from themselves, not simply handed to them by the government. Ben Franklin has been proven correct, time and again, that the more we do for people, the less they will do for themselves.

Just a common man's view

Jbisnoop 5 Feb 24

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