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Anti-Trump Voters

Hard to Believe

At times, we hear about people who have beliefs too far fetched to comprehend. The news media tells us about democratic voters who only want to get the White House back.

To my surprise, I found that these democratic voters do exist, for I experienced some of these anti-Trumpers first-hand. While I was sitting at lunch, enjoying a bologna sandwich, and a drink.

Led by Hate

I sat quietly and ate my lunch while listening to the two ladies talking; the first was a robust, brash woman who spoke in excess. The second, tamer than her coworker, was soft-spoken and mousy.

The two women bantered back and forth, discussing their dislike of President Trump and how his comments offended their sensibilities. The conversation shifted from President Trump's lack of a filter to President Trump's behaviors.

The mousy one noted that he acts in ways that conscientious parents try to teach their children not to behave. You know, like being "mean" and "picking on people," etc. For a brief moment, I thought I was back in my second-grade classroom with my crayons and Mrs. Maravich.

Then the robust lady made the tell-tale comment, "I just hope we have a candidate that can beat Trump." The mousy one nodded in agreement.

Electability is All That Matters

The claims that trump haters are just interested in electability are valid! I had just sat and watched two educated adults led by there dislike; they had little concern about the platform their candidates were running on.

Have we reached a point where, as Simon Harding writes in his e-book "Deconstruction of meaning" that politics has lost "Its meaning, votes can only be gained by appealing to emotional response."

Their only concern seemed to be can one of the Democratic candidates beat President Trump, are they electable. As if ignoring the vast ideological differences between a moderate Democrat, like Joe Biden, and a self-proclaimed Democratic Socialist, like Bernie Sanders, is logical and justified.

Contrary to what their feelings may dictate, It is not entirely rational to allow yourself to be led by dislike and fear. Ignoring the differences of the entire field of Democratic candidates and treating them as interchangeable parts in the political machine is not wise. Another four years of Trump would NOT be disastrous nor destroy America.

Take a Look

If never Trump democrats would only take an unbiased look at President Trump's accomplishments, they may find he is not as bad as they believe.

Anti Trumpers should heed John Stuart Mill's words, "He who knows only his own side of the case knows little of that. His reasons may be good, and no one may have been able to refute them. But if he is equally unable to refute the reasons on the opposite side, if he does not so much as know what they are, he has no ground for preferring either opinion..."

It is almost as if those who dislike President Trump believe the only person worthy of being president is the one who espouses the ideologies of President Obama.

Have we reached a point of consensus politics of sorts in America where both parties want a person with the same ideology as ex-President Obama?

Do both sides wish for a democracy described by Gore Videl as "a place where numerous elections are held at great cost without issues and with interchangeable candidates."

If that happens, we may end up with A political system that only pursues undermining the American spirit with socialism. John Stossel has a great video explaining why socialism does not work. Finally, for the Democratic platform, American sovereignty holds little value, and they generally pursue globalism.

"Damn the United States!"

Democrat candidates gain favor by pandering to their base, promising entitlements like candy to children on Halloween. The list of free handouts includes Socialized medicine, student loan forgiveness, free college, free daycare, and fifteen dollar minimum wage.

The current platform of the Democratic Party will leave even the most liberal person disappointed. It will be the United States in name only. Anti-Trump voters are acting impulsively. Like Edward Hale's character, Phillip Nolan, in his short story A Man Without a Country, they seem to be yelling:

"Damn the United States! I wish I may never hear of the United States again!" Just get Trump out of office!

One Sided

In discussing and sharing this story, it has been suggested that it is one-sided. It is just one side of the same coin, as explained in the video by Jonathan Haidt. There is a particular segment of society that believes in moving towards socialism, globalism, open borders, and one big happy world. And some have a belief in national borders, the American family, and the local community.

After President Trump was elected, I was reading an article, well, the comments about the article, and they were very revealing. One individual, who we will call Fred, wrote this response:

Plenty of educated people voted for Trump, because

  1. I believe in the Constitutional Republic.
  2. I believe in our Constitutional rights and limited
  3. I was taught values, the Constitution, and individual liberty.
  4. I am against Communism and the New World Order.
  5. Hillary is a puppet for the Council of Foreign Relations,
    who wants a One World Government.
  6. Hillary wanted to continue Obama's policies and then
  7. Obama represented the UN more than he served the
    people of the United States.
  8. I wanted to keep the Supreme Court out of far left hands,
  9. I want to protect our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights.
  10. I want to repeal Obamacare, hopefully.
  11. Want to undo the burdensome regulations that Obama
    imposed via executive order without legislative approval.
  12. Hillary, in the least, has incredibly bad luck or maybe poor
    judgment, but more likely she is inept and anti-American
  13. Trump is a pompous, arrogant ass, but he is not inept or

My co-workers are just one side of the coin, and Fred's comment gives you an idea of what the other side thinks. Hopefully, you now have some insight to help you articulate your beliefs just a little better.

Edwin68 3 Mar 8

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I have found most anti-Trumpers of the Democrat persuasion are woefully ignorant and, in some cases, willfully ignorant. Provable facts can't seem to penetrate the 'know-nothing' membrane their brains are wrapped in!


They've learned a lot from the Palestinians. Always but always play the victim if you want the publics sympathy.


There is none so scorned as a leftists by someone with a differing view!

this would explain a lot the up hill battle trump has been fighting

I have repeatedly noted that people who “hate” Trump are mostly people who were taught that, above all, being “polite” is the most important thing.
They love “Winners” as long as they don’t have to see how the winning happens.

Like people who will talk about how horribly animals are treated and the miserable lives they live and how there really should be something done about it ...
While an hour later they are consuming a well cooked steak but mentally think of it as something they buy wrapped in paper or plastic from the store rather than as the “poor” beast they were talking about before.

I won’t go into their hypocrisy when it comes to “deer” & “hunting” vs. venison ... though its funny sometimes to see their reaction when they realize they’ve been really enjoying “venison” ...
I’m not out to trick them its just I use a lot of venison in stews, sauces and meatloaf ...


Excellent post and I agree with you. That type of misguided prejudice (as I refer to it anyway) is present in both major political parties, and is so bad that people often will let their emotions cloud their judgment to a point where they would vote against their own better interests, and be willing to accept any other candidate beside the one they despise for personal reasons.

I tried posting this on HubPages about twelve different times after making tweaks,and they kept telling me it was to "Spammy." they use totally subjective criteria to rate articles criteria that excludes conservatives. If I could find a pro bono lawyer, I would like to at least talk to them about suing. I don't know?

@Edwin68 I've been censored on other platforms for my conservative/libertarian views as well, and the best thing to do in such a case is experiment with other sites until you find a decent one, like IDW is. The ones who are censor happy aren't worth the time arguing over. In time, I think platforms like Facebook and Twitter will bite the dust when more realize they have far too many rules.

@Edwin68 have you tried removing the subtitles by incorporating them into their respective paragraphs? Might help.

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