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Property of The King
by Joe Kelley

Property of the King

He uses derogatory discrediting terms when speaking about windmills but not when speaking about petroleum or coal. He mentions spurious extra costs when speaking about nukes with waste products that cost a lot (not calculated as to true costs?) but not hidden costs when speaking about oil and coal.

What if mankind finally educated itself to throw out criminal governments and instead invest in accurate accounting of the facts that matter in any case of dispute as to which information is factual, which information is dubious, and which information is fraudulent?

Why would someone feel the need to discredit a competitive option subsidized or not, and at the same time someone credits a competitive option that has the full force of subsidized “credit” working to eliminate any competition? 

The Petrodollar is called the petro dollar because petroleum markets add actual power to the Treasonous Fraud Monopoly Central Bank Money Laundering Cartel. Scarcity of petroleum is a means by which prices are raised, and scarcity is controlled by removing competition, and a method of removing competition is by cartelizing the former competitors, OPEC for example, which then creates a higher return on investment for those in the Cartel, as they all agree to “artificially” control the price of petroleum by restricting the supply, and other methods, including passing on to the “consumers” (read: victims of Treasonous Fraud) the cost of cleaning up the messes made by those making a killing with their Petrodollar Cartel.

Is this guy also selling the “Fossil” fuels dog and pony show? I don't know, but I think the question is valid. 

Is a windmill truthfully calculated as a waste of time, in fact, as this guy claims, or is that just one more bit of falsehood used to kick the Petrodollar can down the road for one more century?

Is a bioweapon injection factually a method of human extermination on a mass murderous global scale euphemistically called eugenics, the science of exterminating the pests known as mankind, or is the current infection of mankind merely a naturally occurring microorganism threatening human survival on earth, and therefore a cause to act in defense of mankind as mankind competes to find the best treatment for the best diagnosis? 

One might want a tried and true method by which such questions are definitively answered for humanity by humanity, save for those choosing the other path, for their exclusive reasons that one cannot reasonably trust to be true reasons, if they are asked for their reasons for their choices as they take humanity down that self-destructive path, led by falsehood, misdirection, half-truths, confidence schemes, and Treasonous Fraud. 

As a rule Treasonous Frauds lie, it is the cost of membership into the cult. 

Is an investment in a defensive government, or a collective accumulation of public purchasing power for defense, actually proven factually collected for that specified purpose, proven beyond reasonable doubt, investments in defense that work as marketed, work according to the sales pitches by those selling their defensive products on the open market, or is it instead just another case of Treasonous Fraud where a few people enslave humanity, and make the slaves pay for the cost of enslaving them?

Civil Law that is truly the definition of barbarity, or common law afforded to all on an equal footing? 

Now, with that in mind, the last question appears to me (alone in my isolated state in exile) to be the either/or accurate move from a State where humans are killing off humanity, and everything else, to a State of Global Liberty, where the best are invested into being better, and the worst are encouraged to be better too, if only we had a process to weed out the false in favor of the true, so as then to have a better chance at selecting the truly good in favor of the truly evil.

If that is a Conspiracy Theory instead of what I claim it to be, the million dollar question needed for the billion dollar return on investment accurate answer, the best human bang for the best human buck, at this point in human history, if that is bullshit, then how would one know if no one asks the question, let alone look for one answer, let alone start a competition involving everyone on the planet, all looking for the best answer money can buy?

You were told not to ask questions, and you summarily obeyed without question? 

Then, in that video, this "expert" claims that "we fucked up" and "we let the communists in," and he does not give a date for that great American fuck up, but I have that date, and it was not Communism, per se, it was Nationalism, as confessed by those behind the curtain doing their Treasonous Fraud routine, with Nationalism, which was neither National Socialism nor National Communism, it was, it is, it will be the ROOT of it, not the branches of it, and it was not a fuck up in the malevolent minds of Treasonous Frauds, because they love it, and you had better too, or you will leave it, on your way to the torture chamber for false confession, or no confession, before eventual murder, as soon as all your value to humanity is extracted from your disobedient ass, and all the others similarly disobedient at varying rates. It, meaning Nationalism, eats the goose that lays the golden eggs, leaving no eggs for anyone, including the Nationalists, all on schedule, all according to plan, from the Great Planners, with National Debt, National Interests, hidden away in dungeons, secreted from Public Access, until it is your turn to confess by torture, or done away with more permanently, for the crime of knowing too much, if you discover their precious need-to-know secrets in their National-Interest Banks.

Therefore, if this guy is hearkening back to the days when Nationalism was shat out of the collective assholes of the original American Nationalists, then he is just another minion following orders, nothing personal, from the branches branching out of Nationalism, now Globalism, with the Great Reset to start the Build Back Better Nationalism, to then branch out to National Socialism, again, and branch out to National Communism, again, on the predictable course made predictable by Nationalist Treasonous Fraud Dogma with their ever-present Counterfeit Money and their National Debt Collection Agencies they call Courts.

In a word:


This guy says: "...hunted down and charged for their crimes..."

And...that is done according to which mousetrap?

A. National Debt Collection Agencies called Courts by Treasonous Frauds, where Central Command has the final word on what is is.

B. Basic natural law principles applied to common laws agreeable to moral people, such as private prosecutors, independent grand jurors, independent trial jurors, in Courts of Law, proceeding according to the Ancient Law, The Law of the Land, Legem Terrae, the common law, or a better mousetrap than that tried and true method of forensically establishing the factual demarcation line between good useful facts used for good and the opposite counterfeit "government" Treasonous Fraud by Legal Fiction, good for evil purposes accurately accounted for as innocent bodies routinely bulldozed into mass graves.

Then he says "our government."

The same government that he wants to collapse, apparently, is then replaced with another one of "our" governments built upon which foundation, the same foundation as the one in need of collapsing?

A. Nationalism ("our" current government to be collapsed)

B. Independent Individual Equal Footing at Law self-government based upon unanimous agreement of all the volunteers in open source, free market, creative, adaptive, productive, the best possible investment for all humans defending against the non-competitive counterfeit “government” listed above as A. Nationalism.

Is that not a valid question, if one was going to seek evidence of the remote possibility that one may have allowed bullshit into their own independent mind, which then compromises their internal Bullshit detector, and is then, so compromised, one is a slave to whichever power finds them in that Infantile State, and enslaves them with external controls undetected by the slave compromised in that obvious manner, but not obvious to the slave who was told not to question orders from central command?

Of course, it is not a valid question, who would ever read a Giant Wall of Text from a Conspiracy Theorist Domestic Terrorist?


For windmill, solar, lunar, geothermal, etc., or other "renewable" investments I find it useful to calculate the projected paid-for-date (independence day) with the total production projection, including negative maintenance costs subtracted from the total projected production amount, as the device deteriorates along a life expectancy time-line or "depreciation."

Windmills cost X units of accurately documented value to build.  

Standard measures such as BTUs, Kilowatt/hours, etc., can be converted to any monetary unit anytime anyone wishes to do so, so as to stabilize Purchasing Power Parity Globally, stabilized to one unchanging standard of measure of actual power. 

Windmills produce Z amount of total value over a life-time of use from the first day to the last day and then return on investment is Z minus X equal to Y, measured in Kilowatt/hours typically, and convertible to monetary units, adjusted for "inflation" of the counterfeit monetary units used, based upon the noted exchange rate on day one Price Per Kilowatt/hour when the first Kilowatt/hour was produced, and the Purchasing Power Parity rate at that time, compared to the Price per Kilowatt/hour for the last Kilowatt/hour produced according to projection. A counterfeit "money" unit on day one was greater than a counterfeit "money" unit is after "inflation" by Money Laundering, depending upon which words, Treasonous Fraud Dogma, or forensic accurate accounting terminology used during the accounting process of either falsifying the account fictionally and fraudulently or seeking the actual account as it exists in physical reality.  

X cost to build, Z total production, and Y return on investment either positive or negative.  

If positive, then Y (total kilowatt/hour production) becomes greater than X on the paid-for-date (independence day) and any remaining ROI is found by projecting "free energy" production for that independence day until the end of the useful life of the windmill, lunar tide float mill, solar panel, or other device employing natural forces in abundance as "fuel" for converting natural forces into useful electricity.

Plants can do what humans cannot? 

Storage, rather than use-it-or-lose-it, is another matter entirely, but water can be moved from lower altitudes (sea level for example) to higher altitudes as a very obvious source of power storage easily converted to Kilowatt/hours more or less with precise calculations and water turbines.

Clouds can do what humans cannot? 

That is why a Kilowatt/hour as a unit of money is nearly perfect, and when I suggested that I was exiled from the Mises Institute by the Gold Bugs infesting it; perhaps other reasons too, but that may have been the straw breaking that back.

Power produced into oversupply reduces the price of power while purchasing power increases because power reduces the cost of production.

Investing in the accurate identification of criminals hell-bent on destroying humanity is a powerful investment when each criminal is deterred from choosing a criminal path before they decide to go on that path because crime no longer pays any return on investment since people have built and they use the best product for that purpose at the lowest cost to anyone and everyone, resulting in the most benefit for all the people everywhere at the least cost to anyone given the natural limitations limiting human improvements made by humans over time in the place humans occupy the terrain.

And that is not news, by the way.

"It was a principle of the Common Law, as it is of the law of nature, and of common sense, that no man can be taxed without his personal consent. The Common Law knew nothing of that system, which now prevails in England, of assuming a man’s own consent to be taxed, because some pretended representative, whom he never authorized to act for him, has taken it upon himself to consent that he may be taxed. That is one of the many frauds on the Common Law, and the English constitution, which have been introduced since Magna Carta. Having finally established itself in England, it has been stupidly and servilely copied and submitted to in the United States.

"If the trial by jury were reëstablished, the Common Law principle of taxation would be reëstablished with it; for it is not to be supposed that juries would enforce a tax upon an individual which he had never agreed to pay. Taxation without consent is as plainly robbery, when enforced against one man, as when enforced against millions; and it is not to be imagined that juries could be blind to so self-evident a principle. Taking a man’s money without his consent, is also as much robbery, when it is done by millions of men, acting in concert, and calling themselves a government, as when it is done by a single individual, acting on his own responsibility, and calling himself a highwayman. Neither the numbers engaged in the act, nor the different characters they assume as a cover for the act, alter the nature of the act itself.

"If the government can take a man’s money without his consent, there is no limit to the additional tyranny it may practise upon him; for, with his money, it can hire soldiers to stand over him, keep him in subjection, plunder him at discretion, and kill him if he resists. And governments always will do this, as they everywhere and always have done it, except where the Common Law principle has been established. It is therefore a first principle, a very sine qua non of political freedom, that a man can be taxed only by his personal consent. And the establishment of this principle, with trial by jury, insures freedom of course; because:

"1. No man would pay his money unless he had first contracted for such a government as he was willing to support; and,

"2. Unless the government then kept itself within the terms of its contract, juries would not enforce the payment of the tax. Besides, the agreement to be taxed would probably be entered into but for a year at a time. If, in that year, the government proved itself either inefficient or tyrannical, to any serious degree, the contract would not be renewed.

"The dissatisfied parties, if sufficiently numerous for a new organization, would form themselves into a separate association for mutual protection. If not sufficiently numerous for that purpose, those who were conscientious would forego all governmental protection, rather than contribute to the support of a government which they deemed unjust.

"All legitimate government is a mutual insurance company, voluntarily agreed upon by the parties to it, for the protection of their rights against wrong-doers. In its voluntary character it is precisely similar to an association for mutual protection against fire or shipwreck. Before a man will join an association for these latter purposes, and pay the premium for being insured, he will, if he be a man of sense, look at the articles of the association; see what the company promises to do; what it is likely to do; and what are the rates of insurance. If he be satisfied on all these points, he will become a member, pay his premium for a year, and then hold the company to its contract. If the conduct of the company prove unsatisfactory, he will let his policy expire at the end of the year for which he has paid; will decline to pay any further premiums, and either seek insurance elsewhere, or take his own risk without any insurance. And as men act in the insurance of their ships and dwellings, they would act in the insurance of their properties, liberties and lives, in the political association, or government.

"The political insurance company, or government, have no more right, in nature or reason, to assume a man’s consent to be protected by them, and to be taxed for that protection, when he has given no actual consent, than a fire or marine insurance company have to assume a man’s consent to be protected by them, and to pay the premium, when his actual consent has never been given. To take a man’s property without his consent is robbery; and to assume his consent, where no actual consent is given, makes the taking none the less robbery. If it did, the highwayman has the same right to assume a man’s consent to part with his purse, that any other man, or body of men, can have. And his assumption would afford as much moral justification for his robbery as does a like assumption, on the part of the government, for taking a man’s property without his consent. The government’s pretence of protecting him, as an equivalent for the taxation, affords no justification. It is for himself to decide whether he desires such protection as the government offers him. If he do not desire it, or do not bargain for it, the government has no more right than any other insurance company to impose it upon him, or make him pay for it.

"Trial by the country, and no taxation without consent, were the two pillars of English liberty, (when England had any liberty,) and the first principles of the Common Law. They mutually sustain each other; and neither can stand without the other. Without both, no people have any guaranty for their freedom; with both, no people can be otherwise than free."
Lysander Spooner, Essay on The Trial by Jury

Caveat Emptor

Josf-Kelley 8 Jan 30
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Sloppy Joe Biden is making it his mission to sink the petrodollar.

sqeptiq Level 10 Jan 30, 2022

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Posted by Josf-KelleyOrigins of Adaptive Creativity for Life to Prosper Eternally by Joe Kelley 12-13-2021 I profess to know that the following is true, to the best of my current knowledge.

Posted by Josf-KelleyKyle is not an aberration.

Posted by Josf-KelleyAlong with the Persecution of Defense is the Persecution of Deterrence.

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