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The Rise and Fall of Jury Nullification Review II
by Joe Kelley

The Rise and Fall of Jury Nullification
by James Ostrowski

“The United States Constitution guarantees the right to trial by jury in both civil and criminal cases.”

That opening statement was footnoted with the following reference:

“U.S. Constitution, art. 3, amend. 6, and amend. 7.”

As if building a house one might want to build a CASE for or against the method by which The People hold The Government Accountable, on a solid, rather than a shifting, foundation. Do you want to rest the defense of The People upon a shifty, shifting, dubious, false, fake, fraudulent, hidden, duplicitous, confusing, confounding, fluid, sinking, tilting, twisting, turning, spinning, spinning, spinning, foundation, and if YOU want that, then you will likely pay for that, and then you will likely get what you paid for when you pay for that shifty foundation of quicksand.

If you build your house or your cause full of holes, then the house falls through the holes, and the innocent fall through the holes into the laps of the guilty.

U.S. Constitution : Article III
“Section 2 - Judicial power; to what cases it extends. Original jurisdiction of Supreme Court Appellate. Trial by Jury, etc. Trial, where”

Appellate Jurisdiction is the same Legal Fiction Treasonous Fraud Confidence Scheme run by The British to turn the people of England into their Debt Slaves, to then link each Debt Slave to the Roman Civil Rulers of old, in the form of The Catholic Fundamentalist Religious ORDER, with The Pope, and the Jesuit enforcement arm, along with Corporate Entities that included The East India Trading Company. The connecting link is the evidence that proves their guilt of Treasonous Fraud, so follow the money to the source and there will be found the twisted rainbow and that pot of shit painted gold at that end orifice.

Appellate Jurisdiction is the means by which The People are bribed with an option to “get out of jail free,” also known as “plea bargaining.” The People account for criminals among the people, criminals rioting in the blood of the innocent, with Trial by Jury according to the common law, but then by shifty Appellate Jurisdiction there is another offer offered to the one found guilty by Law.

The People find you guilty, how about free stuff instead?

Criminals found guilty by a Jury in a county jurisdiction according to common law are offered their method of returning back under the sanctuary of common law by the jurors, the peers of the one found guilty, in the county where the victim was injured by the criminal found guilty by the jury. The peers finding their peer guilty, in the county jurisdiction according to common law, offer their peer a cost charged to the one they find guilty, a cost to be paid by the one found guilty, if the one found guilty decides to return under the common law safety net built with facts that matter in each case. What does the criminal do in that case?

"c. 1300, "an equal in rank, character, or status"

It cannot be made simpler. It must be made as simple as possible so as to bring everyone up to speed, to bring every individual into the common law county jurisdiction on the same peer, on the same solid foundation with an equal footing at law, affording everyone their equal footing at law on that same foundation made solid with the facts that matter in each case. As soon as the protective umbrella of the law is made too complicated for average Joe and Jane, or Jane and Joe, or Ms. Smith, or Gender Neutral Person X1, or Person 455666, as soon as intentional complexity raises The BAR of admission beyond the affordability of those supposedly protected by The Law Process, that is the moment one has found one Treasonous Fraud, a RAT racing to get free money, money for nothing, slaves bending to the will of their criminal master.

One individual found that Rat:

"The judiciary of the United States is so constructed and extended, as to absorb and destroy the judiciaries of the several states; thereby rendering laws as tedious, intricate, and expensive, and justice as unattainable by a great part of the community, as in England; and enabling the rich to oppress and ruin the poor."
George Mason, 1787

George Mason, against the Consolidating, Monopolizing, Constitution of 1787, as it was hatched in secret proceedings hidden from The People, complete with gag orders issued to those people invited to the secret proceedings, was a witness to those dirty dealings, which included the deals made to continue The African Slave Trade.

Who profits when people are kidnapped and forced into labor, often tortured, raped, and murdered to keep them working harder and harder until they die working for their criminal overlords?

The East India Trading Company Investors are on the list of those who profited in that historical case.

Keep that in mind, and take a good look at their Company Flag.

The people of England had as their umbrella against criminals rioting in the blood of the innocent people of England, their common law trial by jury, and they found King John to be moving too far into Totalitarian Dictatorship, which resulted in something known as Magna Carta.

See here:

"Farther, though it be said here, that the king hath given and granted these liberties, yet it must not be understood that they were meer emanations of Royal favour, or new bounties granted, which the people could not justly challenge, or had not a right unto before; for as lord Coke in divers places asserts, and as is well known to every gentleman professing the law, this charter is, for the most part, only declaratory of the principal grounds of the fundamental laws and liberties of England. Not any new freedom is hereby granted, but a restitution of such as the subject lawfully had before, and to free them from the usurpations and incroachments of every power whatever. It is worthy observation, that this charter often mentions sua jura, their rights, and libertates suas, their liberties, which shews they were before intitled to and possessed them, and that those rights and liberties were by this charter not granted as before unknown, but confirmed, and that in the stile of liberties and privileges long before well known.”
English Liberties, Or The Free-Born Subject’s Inheritance: Containing Magna Charta . . . The Habeas Corpus Act, And Several Other Statutes
Boston: Printed by J. Franklin, for N. Buttolph, B. Eliot, and D. Henchman, 1721

The People had working for them a set of rules that they voluntarily used to keep each other accounted for as to the facts that matter in any criminal case involving an accuser and an accused in need of a peaceful solution to their conflict before things went violently out of hand, going out from under the control of the justices of the peace. The people had, at their command, at the command of each one of The People who volunteered as an accuser, which is a prosecutor, and each one volunteering as an accused defendant, each one had at their command trial by jury to solve their conflicts and bring everyone to a full accounting of the facts that matter in a case that is prevented from going full retard. Peace instead of a Duel. Peace instead of a gunfight at the OK corral. Trial by Jury instead of Trial by Ordeal. And those proceedings then became Public Notice, notices to all the people, for their information as to those facts that matter in that case.

Stare decisis.

Human Law Library Data at your fingertips.

King John, and his fellow criminals, were very busy working Debt Collection Agency, to Fund their Criminal Wars of Aggression for their exclusive profit, and to then make The People pay for those adventures, doing so with bribery (plea bargaining), and National Tax, which is half of the Central Banking Money Laundering Scam. National Tax must be in place to then create the demand for the National Debt, and then Exchequer, Chancery, Equity, and Admiralty Kangaroo Courts are put in place to collect National Debt from the slaves that are enslaved by bribing them with Plea Deals, which are “get out of jail free” cards, after the fact that a criminal was found guilty through Trial by Jury, if those in their conflict had not already cut each other's throats.

Now, if you are smart enough to read the meaning intended with the words I just wrote, then you are smart enough to earn your place as a fellow volunteer in the army of justices of the peace in common law. If not, then you are either too stupid or too servile to earn that level of affordability into The Ancient Law, and you are probably drinking from the “plea bargaining” cool-aid bowl too LIBERALLY.

Stop drinking for a few days, get your head on straight, and read those words a second time, get this straight in your head.

Here is some help:

My old Client! a - good morning to you: whither so fast? you seem intent upon some important affair.

Worthy Sir! I am glad to see you thus opportunely, there being scace any person that I could at this time rather have wished to meet with.

I shall esteem myself happy, if in any thing I can serve you. - The business, I pray?

I am summoned to appear upon a Jury, and was just going to try if I could get off. Now I doubt not but you can put me into the best way to obtain that favour.

It is probable I could: but first let me know the reasons why you desire to decline that service.

You know, Sir, there is something of trouble and loss of time in it; and men's lives, liberties, and estates (which depend upon a jury's Guilty, or Not Guilty, for the plaintiff, or for the defendant) are weighty things. I would not wrong my conscience for a world, nor be accessary to any man's ruin. There are others better skilled in such matters. I have ever so loved peace, that I have forborne going to law, (as you well know many times) though it hath been much to my loss.

I commend your tenderness and modesty; yet must tell you, these are but general and weak excuses.

As for your time and trouble, it is not much; and however, can it be better spent than in doing justice, and serving your country? to withdraw yourself in such cases, is a kind of Sacrilege, a robbing of the public of those duties which you justly owe it; the more peaceable man you have been, the more fit you are. For the office of a Juryman is, conscientiously to judge his neighbour; and needs no more law than is easily learnt to direct him therein. I look upon you therefore as a man well qualified with estate, discretion, & integrity; and if all such as you should use private means to avoid it, how would the king and country be honestly served? At that rate we should have none but fools or knaves entrusted in this grand concern, on which (as you well observe) the lives, liberties, and estates of all England depend.
Your tenderness not to be accessary to any man's being wronged or ruined, is (as I said) much to be commended. But may you not incur it unawares, by seeking this to avoid it? Pilate was not innocent because he washed his hands, and said, He would have nothing to do with the blood of that just one. There are faults of omission as well as commission. When you are legally called to try such a cause, if you shall shuffle out yourself, and thereby persons perhaps less conscientious happen to be made use of, and so a villain escapes justice, or an innocent man is ruined, by a prepossessed or negligent verdict; can you think yourself in such a case wholly blameless? Qui non prohibet cum potest, jubet: That man abets an evil, who prevents it not, when it is in his power. Nec caret scrupulo sosietatis occultae qui evidenter facinori definit obviare: nor can he escape the suspicion of being a secret accomplice, who evidently declines the prevention of an atrocious crime.
Englishman’s Right
by John Hawles

Here is more help:

"For decades before and after the Revolution, the adjudication of criminals in America was governed primarily by the rule of private prosecution: (1) victims of serious crimes approached a community grand jury, (2) the grand jury investigated the matter and issued an indictment only if it concluded that a crime should be charged, and (3) the victim himself or his representative (generally an attorney but sometimes a state attorney general) prosecuted the defendant before a petit jury of twelve men. Criminal actions were only a step away from civil actions - the only material difference being that criminal claims ostensibly involved an interest of the public at large as well as the victim. Private prosecutors acted under authority of the people and in the name of the state - but for their own vindication. The very term "prosecutor" meant criminal plaintiff and implied a private person. A government prosecutor was referred to as an attorney general and was a rare phenomenon in criminal cases at the time of the nation's founding. When a private individual prosecuted an action in the name of the state, the attorney general was required to allow the prosecutor to use his name - even if the attorney general himself did not approve of the action.
Private prosecution meant that criminal cases were for the most part limited by the need of crime victims for vindication. Crime victims held the keys to a potential defendant's fate and often negotiated the settlement of criminal cases. After a case was initiated in the name of the people, however, private prosecutors were prohibited from withdrawing the action pursuant to private agreement with the defendant. Court intervention was occasionally required to compel injured crime victims to appear against offenders in court and "not to make bargains to allow [defendants] to escape conviction, if the injury."
"Law enforcement in the Founders' time was a duty of every citizen. Citizens were expected to be armed and equipped to chase suspects on foot, on horse, or with wagon whenever summoned. And when called upon to enforce the laws of the state, citizens were to respond "not faintly and with lagging steps, but honestly and bravely and with whatever implements and facilities [were] convenient and at hand. Any person could act in the capacity of a constable without being one, and when summoned by a law enforcement officer, a private person became a temporary member of the police department. The law also presumed that any person acting in his public capacity as an officer was rightfully appointed."
The Conviction Factory, The Collapse of America's Criminal Courts, by Roger Roots
Page 42
Law Enforcement as a Universal Duty
Private Prosecutors

Did that help any?

If a criminal is found guilty and the price offered for the criminal found guilty, by the trial jurors, is for that criminal to return under the sanctuary of The Law of The Land (the common law) is, the price of a criminal to return to peace and justice for all is, the price is determined by the peers who know what it is to be the one found guilty, but the guilty one rejects the offer, whatever that offer was, and instead the guilt one found guilty by those who know the guilty one, then that guilty one rejecting that offer to return to peace is deemed an outlaw by his own confession of that fact made factual by the guilty one rejecting the offer to return under the protection of The Law as determined by the guilty one's own peers.

Justice for all who know what justice is in fact.

Can you understand that in a reasonable, workable, logical place in your thinking processor? If not, then you can figure it out on your own, without my help, or you are too stupid and too servile to participate in due process of law, and you are going to take the deal offered to you, to get out of jail free, with free money, free services, free everything, have fun with it, for as long as it serves you.

Plea deals are deals made with Treasonous Frauds, most are unaware of their criminality, most have taken the deal themselves, which is free stuff, for those fooled into thinking that they are as free as a bird.

No responsibility.

No accountability.

Free stuff.

Come one, come all.

Free stuff.

Take the deal.

What could possibly go wrong?

“...if sinners entice you, Do not consent.
If they say, "Come with us, Let us lie in wait for blood, Let us ambush the innocent without cause;
Let us swallow them alive like Sheol, Even whole, as those who go down to the pit;
We will find all kinds of precious wealth, We will fill our houses with spoil;
Throw in your lot with us, We shall all have one purse,"
My son, do not walk in the way with them.
Keep your feet from their path,
For their feet run to evil And they hasten to shed blood.
Indeed, it is useless to spread the baited net In the sight of any bird;
But they lie in wait for their own blood;
They ambush their own lives.
So are the ways of everyone who gains by violence;
It takes away the life of its possessors."

Free stuff is offered by criminals, as a rule, a natural law that rules mankind, and as a rule, a cost of taking the deal is that it takes away the life of its possessors, it takes your power to know fact from fiction, it removes your internal bullshit detector, it takes your moral conscience and it turns that power against you like a virus in a computer.

Common-law with trial by jury is imperfect because people are imperfect and people need help separating fact from fiction, but the deal made to defeat The Law of The Land, the common law, is that appellate jurisdiction offer of free stuff for all, just don't read the fine print, it means nothing anyway.

Caveat Emptor.

Josf-Kelley 8 Mar 1
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If you want justice, you gotta do it yourself!

sqeptiq Level 10 Mar 1, 2022

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Posted by Josf-KelleyOrigins of Adaptive Creativity for Life to Prosper Eternally by Joe Kelley 12-13-2021 I profess to know that the following is true, to the best of my current knowledge.

Posted by Josf-KelleyKyle is not an aberration.

Posted by Josf-KelleyAlong with the Persecution of Defense is the Persecution of Deterrence.

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