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I have been researching the human trafficking industry for just over a year, and i will be very honest about what i know and do not. I reseach like it's my full time job, the down side is i'm unable to afford a computer so my reseach is phone ready only. This is very infuriating to me, but i'm steadfast and confident in my proof of my information. To do this you must be able do learn how to detach emotion's from reality. ( this is not easy to do! But a must do!) i was alway's i crime scene investigate type so that helped me along the way. As you go though the information presented here you will go though emotional ups and downs if you don't detach yourself. At first for me it was anger that was it. I learned detachment easily. My husband, i can not discuss this with him at all. He get's emotionally and physicality ill. (we all react differently) even just the "art" is disturbing. I will start the page with a old police statments on the subject of satan worshipping and sacurfice because this is very relivent to the truth of what we with be discussing in this group. The people who purchase these people see them as profit, remember that every penney to be gain from their purchase, has to be to meet and surpass the over head to gain profit. This is not a men only organization women are involved in many way's, from grooming, hidding, housing, caring for, taking photo, as well as molesting, and running victims ect. With my last on this post " this is speculation only on my part but i will continue to look into it. I believe whole heartily that picture day at school is a way to track children for kidnapping. Why? Parent's are allowed to purchase one package of pictures only. Why? If a child does not show is it recorded? If a child does not buy is it recorded? Who hold all the other pictures of the children with the information of them? As well as the majority of children that go missing are from low/ poor income home's. 1 or 2 children homes. And more commonly minority then not. ( but what children do you see most on the news? Found children) now i was going to put this in the back of my mind. Till a article about rachael chandler (friend's star) came across to me and how she was doing photo shoots of common teen's ( ????) so being me i dig into her background and her studio is funded by other's in corporate and she has tie's to many fishy people. So this is a matter i will pursue more.

Gerri4321 7 Apr 4
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Posted by potatSome info on sex trafficking

Posted by KristinaDavisHence the m o n e y t r a n c f e r s y s t e m?

Posted by Gerri4321Explortation, sexual deviance etc. of our children is taught to be excepted at no choice by the parents, and many school employees abuse our children and schools are run by who? Facts not opinion.

Posted by Gerri4321As the ability for government to use their sources to traffic humans from the boarder is slowed down by the Trump Administration the human trafficking will increase in our communities.

Posted by Gerri4321Grooming our children to except sexual deviant oddence from us in public?

Posted by Gerri4321Grooming our children to except sexual deviant oddence from us in public?

Posted by Gerri4321Grooming our children to except sexual deviant oddence from us in public?

Posted by Gerri4321Grooming our children to except sexual deviant oddence from us in public?

Posted by Gerri4321Axu lix ing . org a boy for u a girl for me. Cult mentality.

Posted by Gerri4321Humm r e m o v e d? I s t h i s w h y b o y p e d o s y m b o l h e r e a m i n a p p r o ved group

Posted by Gerri432190% of hollywood per Mel Gibson feast off the blood of childern, yet they conitue to paint the President as inmoral.

Posted by Gerri4321Hollywood is Evil reaching the hearts, minds and souls of the young world wide, when are we going to stop paying them to giving them the chance to spread Evil influence on our children?

Posted by Gerri4321Hollywood is Evil reaching the hearts, minds and souls of the young world wide, when are we going to stop paying them to giving them the chance to spread Evil influence on our children?

Posted by Gerri4321Hollywood is Evil reaching the hearts, minds and souls of the young world wide, when are we going to stop paying them to giving them the chance to spread Evil influence on our children?

Posted by Gerri4321Just a note

Posted by Gerri4321Trust no one! You can't!

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