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I have noticed that there are a lot of members in this group that are concerned loving parents, grandparents, and extended family members, I will try to do more at bringing awareness on how to be aware and watch for signs, signals, danger and how to teach yourself and your children and love ones be safer. The original reasoning behind the group was exposure of the problem in media, movies, politics, and the system, etc. World wide to bring awareness to how huge a problem it truely is. But balanced truth is good.

Gerri4321 7 Apr 25
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My children are older now, but my daughter is beautiful (tricked a hot chick into marrying me somehow. I said she was hot. I didn't say she has good taste in Men.). Anyway, I always think about it. How do you keep them safe without scaring the desire to live life right out of them? Funny thing is I have training in research and statistics, so I know the likelihood any one person will be abducted--extremely low. But, you can just throw out statistics when you love someone. And, those stats don't mean a whole lot when it's your kid that's abducted. The stats are just another slap in the face then. Terrifying. Thanks for the work you do.

chuckpo Level 8 Apr 25, 2019

It really is a twisted reality, when you think about it. Basics as you know self respect morals etc. Are main keys to a path to safety awareness then training the brain to be more aware is important, a fast reminder in trust your gut before hanging up the phone or walking out the door never hurt, notes left with love around the house with don't forget stay together leave together, wait in public, walk in groups, if you wonder ask I only bit sometimes etc. Work wonders. We are said to past at least 1 trafficked victim a month so really the chance is higher then we realize it can happen to us. 8000 children are kidnapped a year. It is with great pleasure and happiness I do this daily no thanks nessasary your welcome keep everyone safe.

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Posted by potatSome info on sex trafficking

Posted by KristinaDavisHence the m o n e y t r a n c f e r s y s t e m?

Posted by Gerri4321Explortation, sexual deviance etc. of our children is taught to be excepted at no choice by the parents, and many school employees abuse our children and schools are run by who? Facts not opinion.

Posted by Gerri4321As the ability for government to use their sources to traffic humans from the boarder is slowed down by the Trump Administration the human trafficking will increase in our communities.

Posted by Gerri4321Grooming our children to except sexual deviant oddence from us in public?

Posted by Gerri4321Grooming our children to except sexual deviant oddence from us in public?

Posted by Gerri4321Grooming our children to except sexual deviant oddence from us in public?

Posted by Gerri4321Grooming our children to except sexual deviant oddence from us in public?

Posted by Gerri4321Axu lix ing . org a boy for u a girl for me. Cult mentality.

Posted by Gerri4321Humm r e m o v e d? I s t h i s w h y b o y p e d o s y m b o l h e r e a m i n a p p r o ved group

Posted by Gerri432190% of hollywood per Mel Gibson feast off the blood of childern, yet they conitue to paint the President as inmoral.

Posted by Gerri4321Hollywood is Evil reaching the hearts, minds and souls of the young world wide, when are we going to stop paying them to giving them the chance to spread Evil influence on our children?

Posted by Gerri4321Hollywood is Evil reaching the hearts, minds and souls of the young world wide, when are we going to stop paying them to giving them the chance to spread Evil influence on our children?

Posted by Gerri4321Hollywood is Evil reaching the hearts, minds and souls of the young world wide, when are we going to stop paying them to giving them the chance to spread Evil influence on our children?

Posted by Gerri4321Just a note

Posted by Gerri4321Trust no one! You can't!

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