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As you’ve always been told: If it looks to good to be true it probably is(n’t true).

When this female professor says that you’re holding back from college because everything out there looks a little too risky, but with all these females in college to choose from you shouldn’t be having trouble finding you an acceptable partner – she’s exposing her socialism, her real socialism, for all to see, including you?

I’ve been listening to a lot of these people be they socialist-fiminsts or even men’s right advocates just wanting sexual relations to just go back to what they were before feminism tore up the un-written part of the universal agreement between men and women. And I realize that they’re saying pretty much the same things.

It is a super rare woman, unicorn even, that’s not attending college as a margarita career shopper. Men never have the option of marital career shopping – never.

Sex is for a very long time now been the bait on the female hook – don’t bite, nibble only if you must. [Let me listen to this female BS hunting call again]

Unless you’re desire education is in one of the STEM fields there’s nothing left for a man in college --- and don’t look for even that to last for much longer.

Historically speaking, has any man seeking to advance himself in a chosen field ever matriculated at an historical girl’s school? Why then is it your desire to do so today as they’re all girl’s schools now. Another thing, today’s colleges are not a rape culture – unless you’re the one to get raped then charged for sexual misconduct – is that what you want?

The Christian Bible covers a lengthy span of thousands of years, and yet there’s on one rape or rather two rapes detailed in the whole library of Holy Scriptures – both of which was a man being raped by women – yes women. Perhaps someone can recall a different incident(s), but I just can’t? Women have sex for a calculated reason – they don’t do it just because your some kind of modern day Adonis they just couldn’t resist. Don’t find yourself the fish on her hook, consider MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) – you can attend to those extraneous desires after you’re working in that STEM field of your choice.

Please do correct for me any errors that you discern – thanks in advance?


Posted by: Manosphere Highlights Daily
“Female Professor Explains Why Men Are Opting Out The Dating Game | Men Are Going Their 0wn Way Early”

1914wizard 8 June 30
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makes me want to consider investing in the Japanese sex robots for men

also brings to mind The Stepford Wives and that irrefutable dark logic

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