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Im so glad im not fucking married

FocusOn1 7 Nov 19
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LMAO...context, please?

You got 2 find the right person, someone that inspires you. Lots of people marry people they don't even like. It's bad enough when you aren't married, imagine getting married to someone you don't even like. I talk to married women and they are willing to cheat, for sure, but these aren't marriage material. Dudes, I don't know what they thinking, why get married if you gonna cheat, makes no sense.

Even Dave Ramsey is a big hypocrite. He said he had to go to marriage counseling. He pretends to be Christian, but he's super judgemental, which is opposite of what Jesus taught. He knows he fucked up, how you doing, "better than I deserve". Me and my wife almost killed each other, his words. I guess he believes in counseling that's why he got that other dude on there.

@FocusOn1 So are you saying that in order to even 'like' someone they must inspire you? So what happens if you stumble on someone who's a self-starter and doesn't wait for somebody else to inspire them. Then again has it occurred that maybe someone might not be inspired by you. So maybe you really don't need to be married. I have found the secret to making marriage really work is the diminishing of 'I, me and mine', and the ascendancy of 'we, us and ours'. If you're not ready and willing to make the marriage the most important thing in your life then you really probably have no business being married because it is very difficult to do without sacrifice. I know that is a very unpopular word.

@Geofrank sacrifice is unnecessary. Cherokees used to sacrifice people to God's and cut out their hearts. You don't have to sacrifice. I guess what I'm saying is: if I'm dating someone who doesn't like me, but they like what benefits they receive, for example, status, or, money, or, whatever, that's called being a "user". So a woman will say: you don't take me out to eat? I'm not going to be affectionate if you can't take me out to eat. That means she doesn't like you, she likes to eat. You don't have to sacrifice your money to a user. Now imagine getting married to her. Hahaha, you're fucked.

@Geofrank if your primary objective is marriage, then that's something I've never even considered as a primary objective. When 2 people work together to achieve a common goal, it creates a master mind. If the goal is to have children, for example. However, if you marry the wrong person, they don't work together to achieve a common objective. If one says I want children, the other says, not with you, fuck you. People who inspire you don't do that. They will work with you to achieve the goal.

@Geofrank but a "user", may decide to have children with you, like Robert DeNiro paying 30,000 a month

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