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This is my first post on the IDW. Does anyone talk anymore or is it all about posting videos?

Junior1962 4 May 12
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I very seldom ever post videos, usually just links to articles, which in turn usually get convos going.


Thanks for all the comments. I thought the IDW was created to allow real freedom of speech. Seems silly if 'speech' isn't the order of the day.
It's bad enough that people keep sending videos to messenger. I'm old fashioned. I prefer to READ.


Depends on what you’re looking for. Sometimes a picture says a thousand words...

2peros Level 8 May 12, 2020

I am thinking of one,

It would be the connection between Karens and SJWs. Karens, the anti vaxer soccer mom, tries to make an environment for her kid that has zero risk. SJW's want to make the possibility of Global Warming to have zero risk of occurring. The moral aversion to risk, it’s that aversion to risk can turn a virtue into a vice. And this bring us to the current problem of COVID-19
The medical profession cannot eliminate risk, but doing no harm makes it a moral imperative. Other systems operate not on a zero-risk principle but on the principle of calculated risk. Defining this principle is difficult because it is both constantly shifting and different from structure to structure. In finance, calculated risk is the moral norm, although error can have devastating effects on people.



I only talk because I don’t know how to post videos. ☹️


Especially idiotic are the ones with just a link with absolutely no information at all. Nothing. I guess the low IQ group has found this site.

NC654 Level 6 May 12, 2020

Even here you won't avoid trolls; those who feel it is brilliant to throw rocks at everything. But I encourage you to speak. There are some very bright people who will engage you in intelligent discussion, at least until the trolls chime in.


I am getting bored with all the videos too. I like old school debate


I never saw the “Post-A-Comment” social sites as worthy “Engage-In-Conversation” sites.


I actually prefer talking and discussion but when 90% of people just talk without saying anything and take offense from alternative views and criticism. Much easier just to popup a video by someone else than to take a responsibility for an opinion or a position. Besides reading is hard for people trained to regurgitate rather than think.



'nuff said.


There is one person in particular who doesn't post vids very often if ever but for some reason he feels the need to write a thousand word dissertation. I usually skip over his posts because It just is not worth the effort.
Who other than myself much prefers a dialog over a lecture?

iThink Level 9 May 12, 2020

couldn't agree more with your point Junior. While I do post videos I almost always make a comment and try to encourage others to comment pro or con.
I also will often let folks know the length of the vid so they can decide whether or not they want to invest the time it takes to view it.
I don't think I have ever posted a link to a video that takes you anywhere but you tube.
So many of the posted vid links take you to web sites that are phishy as hell and are all cluttered up with popups etc. Don't have that problem with you tube vids.

iThink Level 9 May 12, 2020

Junior 1962, I agree with The Q, seems most don't know how to say it so just vids with no statements added.


We try, But its a dying art - Overwhelmed by the video re-poster's.

But feel free to post, and some of us still read ... I look at posts, and if they are links or clickbait, I just move on, Probably miss some good stuff, but hey Cest la vie

The_Q Level 7 May 12, 2020

It's bad enough with people forever posting videos on messenger. I can scan read. I CBF sitting and watching videos all day long. Maybe I'm just getting old?

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