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Who won the Trump vs Wallace debate?

ramzpaul 8 Sep 29
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I was disappointed the Hunter Biden issues were rebuffed by Wallace, allowing sleepy Joe to sweep them under the carpet.

Joe said in response at one point when Trump tried to go there: let's keep family out of it. Well Joe brought family into a long time ago bringing his failure of a son along with him, not just on diplomatic trips, but into his meetings with heads of states, as had been reported on at the times as odd.

It was only 10 days after one such meeting Hunter sat in on in China that he got the sweetheart 1.5 bil investment portfolio dropped into his lap by the CCP govt. Now what did Joe concede to wrangle that deal? Or his running blatant interference for his same failed kid in Ukraine when the heat was starting to get turned up there on another sweetheart deal he (Hunter) had no business partaking in.

Sleepy Joe, like all too many other politicians, is a self-serving SOBs who doesn't bat an eye, willing to sell out his country in order for personal gain. These issues most certainly need to be put on the table for debate.


Most would say it was a tie, but considering that Trump was up against two hostiles, I'd say he gets the nod.

Did anyone notice Biden's eyes? Solid black, nothing but pupils.


2 min is crap. No time to get into anything and no time to rebuttle. Wallace debating Trump was annoying. The back and forth that Wallace and Trump had should have been Biden. Biden having to get help from big bad orange man looked very weak.

Isn't one of the Proud Boys leaders black? Don't a lot of patriotic type groups have different races? Doesn't seem too "white supremacy" to me.🤔

The debate went pretty much how I thought it would. I was hoping to see a bit more fire in Biden. Sadly only got the same vague speaking points he's been repeating for the last few months.

Did get a few things cleared up:
Biden is against the green new deal plan. (Not according to his website though)
Biden is against defunding the police. (Although, his "reimagining" sounds a lot like defund to me)
Antifa is an idea and not an organization. (Because, of course it is.😅)
Biden can't name a single law enforcement agency that endorses him. (Maybe he's still reimagining those endorsements)
Wallace is a pretty good debater against Trump.🧐

Besides that, I didn't hear anything I haven't already heard before. Everytime they got close to actually digging into something, Wallace steered the dialogue away. It was pretty annoying.


I stopped believing the polls long ago.

If you listened to the exchange about unsolicited mail in ballots, you heard Biden and Wallace defending them. That's how the election will be stolen. Mail in ballots will continue floating in until Biden is declared the winner.

If that does indeed happen, the American government will lose what little credibility it has left with half the population of the country.

It will be interesting to see where that leads.

Triumph Level 6 Sep 30, 2020

Trump should stop interrupting. Let Biden talk because eventually he will hang himself.

@Tearaft agreed. Trump needed to be more patient, giving Biden enough time to string enough sentences to paint himself into his inevitable corner.


The debate was embarrassing, but Trump won hands down only because he makes a better two year old than Biden. And Wallace totality failed as the Adult in the room.

TyKC Level 7 Sep 30, 2020

Trump vs Wallace.... yes definitely.
Totally biased moderator.

If I had to pick a winner (trump vs biden)... Trump on points... no knockout


Disgusting. Trump shouldn’t agree to any more “debates” until they get a nonpartisan moderator.

Andyman Level 8 Sep 29, 2020

Maybe Trump should have followed the rules that he agreed to, and stop interrupting constantly.

@JacksonNought Yeah, think of all those amazing points Joe Biden could've made without the interruptions but fortunately Trump was just interrupting outright lies and nonsense anyway so I wasn't that upset about it.

When the so called “moderator” is as blatantly biased as Chris Wallace is there are no rules. Trump did nothing wrong.

Wallace works for Fox News, Trump's favorite network where he gets to rant non-stop on their morning program. Trump certainly did something wrong - he agreed beforehand do the rules of the debate, and then blatantly broke the rules by constantly interrupting and talking over his opponent. He could have easily won the debate if he didn't act like a child.


Wallace repeatedly shut Trump down when he was attempting to reply to a point Biden made.

There's no "winning" the debate when the moderator is hostile. Who will be the moderator for the next debate - Jerrold Nadler? - Adam Schiff? - Chuck Schumer?

@Triumph AOC

@Triumph no, Wallace repeatedly told Trump he would have an opportunity to answer in his alloted time, even telling Trump he could say whatever he wanted and not even answer the question if he so chose. Wallace only shut down Trump when he was trying to speak during Biden's time, constantly interrupting and talking over him, or when Trump specifically asked a question but refused to let Biden answer. On multiple occasions Wallace stopped the conversation and didn't let Trump or Biden respond, and moved on to the next topic.

The next debate, the moderators need to have the power to shut off their mics. Or stick shock collars on them or something. Anything to make the debates less chaotic.


It wasn't a debate. Debates don't exist in American Presidential campaigns. The media composes a list which they consider the issues and steers the questioning to get the results they want to the questions they choose to ask.

What passes for a debate in American Presidential election is a media driven circus which has been configured by the usual suspects.

@Triumph well of course the media drives it. That's why they won't give any third-party candidates the time of day in the debates, which is why we are essentially in a two-party system. But let's not forget the media is also to blame for Trump winning, as they gave him so much free press because he was good for ratings.


No, the media isn't responsible for Trump winning. They're definitely responsible for Biden getting the nomination, however. Biden was very low on the preferred candidate list during the Democratic primary. The Democratic leadership had to heavily stack the deck to eliminate both Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard.

As corrupt as the Democratic nomination process is, it's amazing that anybody on the left supports the candidates they choose.

@JacksonNought well you can only allow so many lies before you have to interject

@JacksonNought correct, Trump beat himself. But Wallace was less than stellar to put it mildly.

@Triumph I do agree that the media and the DNC are the reason Bernie was shut out. I would have preferred him to Biden. Let's not forget when in 2016 when the media decided to cut away from a Bernie rally so they could focus on an empty podium for 20 minutes because Trump said he was going to show up for an announcement. Trump was given free campaign time going on late night shows and hosting SNL. The media is definitely responsible for Trump winning his primary over the other Republicans.

@Lightman are you going to seriously ignore Trump's multiple lies?


So you're still a Democrat after the Democratic leadership has pushed aside a candidate who could have won in order to present the party with a pair of worn out, corrupt apparatchiks who have overseen the decline of America throughout most of a half century.

Old, totally spent Hillary and Senile Joe Biden are the face of the Democratic party.

@Triumph where are you getting this "you're still a Democrat" theory? I have never been a Democrat. Well, I guess technically on paper you are correct, as I registered as a Democrat for the first time ever this past January so I could vote for Bernie in the primary - I was always an independent before that.

I have no allegiance to either party. My vote is against Trump, and as we have a broken two party electoral college stranglehold system, the only true anti-Trump vote is for Biden.


Undoubtedly you voted for Hillary for the same reason and registered Democrat in order to vote for Bernie in the Primary.

@Triumph I did indeed vote for Hillary for the same reason in 2016. I didn't vote in that primary though, like I said, I only just changed my party to Democrat for the primary this year.


Like I said. And you registered Democrat in order to vote for Bernie in the primary.

The politics of a Satanist aren't difficult to take the measure of.

@Triumph yes, I wanted Bernie over Biden, which is why I registered for the primary. Where I live, they have closed primaries, so I had no choice. I was unaffiliated prior to this January. I would have voted for a decent Republican over Hillary in 2016, but we were stuck with Trump.

What is your point here? You accused me of sticking with the Democratic party after they "pushed aside a candidate who could have won..." and I am telling you I only just registered as Dem (which is on paper only) to vote for that candidate they pushed aside. Now you are deflecting and changing the subject.

What about you? Are you a Republican? Are you sticking with the Republican party after they threw out any shred of dignity to unabashedly back a mentally-unstable narcissistic white supremacist con-man? One of my best friends is a life-long Republican - worked for several local Rep campaigns and is a member of local Republican groups. He also switched his party to Dem this year to vote in the primary, as he is embarrassed by what Trump has turned the Republican party into.

Also, not sure what your religious bigotry against me has to do with anything? Care to elaborate?


I didn't change the subject. I simply called what you have verified concerning your voting habits over the past two Presidential elections.

Trump isn't perfect and I'm not a huge fan. But America's left has evil intent - as evidenced by its rioting, looting, murdering, and burning in so many cities. Not to mention the media propaganda machine which has been developed to support the lefts activities.

I'm not ready to accept a Bolshevik revolution in America. In fact, I'm waiting for the America Pinochet to step forward.

@Triumph if you think the "left" has evil intent, but the "right" is a pillar of virtue, then you might be beyond help. To just simply say Trump "isn't perfect" is a gross understatement. He is actively destroying this country. If we don't want a revolution in America, we need to hold evil self-serving politicians accountable - the American people can only take so much.

You still didn't address your religious bigotry.

@JacksonNought , I hear socialists like you call Trump a “white supremacist” constantly, can you give some examples please?


I don't think it's religious bigotry. I just think there's something wrong with a Satanists thought processes.

I can't wrap my mind around why someone would worship an entity that historically is the embodiment of evil. I can't imagine the mental gymnastics they must subject themselves to to accept such a quasi religious ideology.


I think it must have something to do with this:


@Andyman I am not a socialist, so there's your first error.

Well there was a case in 1973 where Trump and his father were sued by the Justice Department for discriminating against black people in renting apartments. There is the time he called Nazis marching in Charlottesville "very fine people" (yes he did, no amount of mental gymnastics can change that). There was the time when he was endorsed by David Duke, and rather than rejecting the endorsement and condemning Duke, Trump just ignored it and said he didn't know who Duke was - he verifiably did, having spoken about him at length before. There is his slam-dunk opportunity to denounce white supremacy on the global stage last night, and he avoided the question and then told a specific organization of Nazis to "stand by" before then telling his supporters to go to polls and watch people. There is his "Muslim ban", the need to cross out "COVID-19" on public speeches to write in "China virus", his constant racist dog-whistles, his attacks on black football players, telling a group of Jews they must love to haggle, his weird comments about "protecting white moms in suburbs", his need to "review the case" before speaking out on a white terrorist attack but no hesitation to go on a rant when a case comes out with a black or Muslim aggressor...

@Triumph "I just think there's something wrong with a Satanists thought processes." Sure sounds like religious bigotry. Would you be okay with someone saying "I just think there's something wrong with a Christians thought processes" as a point in debate?

Perhaps it is because you are going off of lies, what religious bigots tell you about Satanism and not what Satanists actually believe? Satanists do not "worship an entity that historically is the embodiment of evil". Satanism is non-theistic. There is no belief in gods or any supernaturalism. The use of Satan is merely symbolic, going back to the original Hebrew translation of "adversary" and embracing the Romantic interpretation of authors like Milton, characterizing Satan as the ultimate freedom fighter against arbitrary oppressive authority. No mental gymnastics required, Satanism is merely altruism and individual freedom.

I give no credence to crackpot theories of "the left" or Democrats embracing "evil spirits" or harvesting adrenochrome or engaging in Satanic Ritual Abuse in a pizza restaurant basement. Look up the Satanic Panic of the 80's ( or look at my Slug article on the matter [] ) and see how this is no different.


I've heard that explanation before. Yet Satanists choose Satan as the symbol of their "religion".

I also know that the Messiah referred to Satan as "The Father of Lies" in the 8th book of John.

So there's that.

@Triumph ok... so Christians just get to dictate what we believe? We need to change our religious views because some other religion is a bunch of pearl-clutching snowflakes? "Satan" existed long before Christianity, we don't model our religion based on Christianity.

But if we are going down that route... what about Christianity choosing Jesus as the symbol of their religion? Judaism says that Jesus was not the Messiah, he was a false prophet with no divinity. The very First Commandment is about "no other gods" and prohibits idolatry. By worshipping Jesus, Christians broke the very first Commandment. The Christians rejected the clear-as-day writing of the Old Testament about a vengeful and jealous God, and threw in nonsense about forgiveness from sin and "Jesus is Lord". So essentially, Christianity is nothing more than choosing a controversial figure of Judaism and using it as a symbol of religion. Why are Christians attacking Jews in this way? Why can't Christians choose a different name or a different symbol, one that isn't offensive to Jews? Hey, let's take it a step further - if Satan is the father of lies and tries to turn people away from God with the most devious tricks imaginable, what's to say that Jesus wasn't an agent of Satan used to try and turn people away from Judaism and commit the ultimate sin of idolatry? So why are Christians obeying Satan?

So there's that.

Or maybe you don't get to define how a different religion defines itself, and you can actually listen to the members of said religion for what they believe rather than forcing your views on them?


I couldn't care less what you believe or how you justify what you believe.

@Triumph good, we can finally agree on something.

@JacksonNought , you’re a supporter of Bernie Sanders, you are absolutely a socialist and don’t give me a bunch of crap about how “democratic socialism” is different. It isn’t.

I’m not aware of the 1973 case for which you refer so I would have to know the facts of the case. Just because there was a lawsuit doesn’t mean there was actual discrimination and it’s very possible it was politically motivated.

The only “mental gymnastics” regarding Charlottesville was the way a corrupt and partisan media took Trumps words out of context, the same way they did with the “grabs women by the pussy” fiasco.

Trump can’t help who endorses him and he bears no responsibility to jump through the democrat party media’s hoops. Hilary Clinton was endorsed by the Muslim Brotherhood, a notorious terrorist group. Did the media ask her to denounce them? It was never even brought up. Joe Biden is endorsed by the domestic terrorist groups ANTIFA and BLM. When is the media going to demand he denounce them?

Radical muslim terrorists are a serious threat to the nation and it was one of his platforms that helped him get elected. I’m certainly glad he at least followed up on that.

Spoiled brat celebrity football players shitting on the country that has enabled them deserve to be denounced. They’re disgusting people.

The virus was created by Chinese scientists in the city of Wuhan, it is the corrupt corporations who fund the corrupt politicians who have everyone calling it “Covid”.

Your attempt to smear Trump as anti jew is laughable in the face of him moving the embassy to Jerusalem. They love him.

You seem to see “white supremacists” and the “kkk” behind every corner but I suspect you’re like every other leftist and it’s nothing but Saul Alinsky 101 of accusing the other side of what you are in fact actually doing. It is leftist terrorist groups like ANTIFA and BLM who are destroying our cities.

@Andyman "you’re a supporter of Bernie Sanders, you are absolutely a socialist"

You're a supporter of Donald Trump, you are absolutely a racist pedophile con-artist. Is that the logic we are using today?

@JacksonNought Bernie Sanders doesn’t deny he’s a socialist, he even went on his honeymoon to the USSR before it collapsed. You have given no proof whatsoever that Trump is any of the smears you accuse him of.


I already provided evidence of his white supremacy. Look at my evidence of his pedophilia here: []

I can support Bernie as the best candidate to beat Trump out of the unfortunate pool we were given, and I can support his vision while hoping Congress will help rein him in and reach more towards the center. It's better than supporting Trumps full on out-in-the-open push for authoritarian theocracy.

@JacksonNought authoritarian theocracy? Trump is the most “hands off” president we’ve had in perhaps the last century. Once again you’re projecting.

@Andyman uh huh... which is why he says he'll override governors, try to get a 3rd term, refuse to leave office, writes executive orders to ban trans people from the military and wants to strip away the right to assemble.


I haven't heard all of that. I guess I need to go to work campaigning for Trump door to door.

,...Best President since Andrew Jackson!

@JacksonNought you’ve achieved new heights of absurdity with your last comment. Is it intentional or are you really that deluded?

@Andyman you are the deluded one. You seem beyond hope. A true sycophant.

@Triumph Biden said it best last night, worst president in the history of the USA.

@JacksonNought No but you apparently seriously ignore Biden's lies and idiotic policies.

@Lightman right back at you with Trump

@JacksonNought oh dear.... I just replied to your Biden bias no need to repeat it.

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