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"If MLK were alive today, he would be following Communist Party orders, as he always did, which means that he would be supporting the riots and not taking the side of the professional conservatives who worship him."


VDARE 8 June 12
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MLK was just another piece of shit that gets hailed as a hero. This is the best they can come up with.


If one bothers to read Martin Luther King, there is no way an intelligent person can come to the conclusion that King would have supported the riots.


MLK was a tool according to FBI files! He had a lil hat handler who wrote his speeches and fed him a never ending supply of cocaine and white hookers. During the O.J. Simpson trial the family of MLK sued the US Government for the murder of MLK and won. The handlers of the USA (Lil hats) simply used the man until they didn’t need him anymore. My personal opinion is the most important Martin Luther to ever live was in1545 his teachings on Christianity got him murdered and his followers crucified and burnt alive. Bible says that’s the mark of truth when your treated like Jesus was!


I agree that modern GOP types have an idealized view of MLK. I have no doubt that he would now support special privileges to blacks. He lived during a time in which the ideal of the Left was 'equality.' Now they are supporting blatent anti-White hatred.

This dude: []


Ummm ... having grown up in the era of MLK and actually watched and read a ... reasonable ... amount of his output (I was pretty young to be fully engaged but I was interested) ...

This clip from Talk Radio referencing “Matthews” is pretty much crap. I’d say I was surprised that “VDARE” put it forward but ... I don’t really know “VDARE” so it might be that they engage in this horsecrap normally.

As far as I know, MLK was no more interested in a “Communist” thought process than he was in any other failed Political thought process.


OK Klansman.

The clan was a militia organization forned against the mass of looters and militarist factions of forner slaves who had no skills and whose former owners couldnt afford to enploy so... huh I guess I am

@Slugo You wouldn't know reason if it hit you in the hood.

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