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"It’s widely assumed that interracial marriage will solve all racial problems. Yet, children of mixed marriages seem to largely be at the forefront of the current hatefest." - @Steve_Sailer


VDARE 8 June 18
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I knew this mulatto guy and he had a lot of family problems. His black side didn't like whites and would give him a hard time for not dating blacks. He was raised by white people and went to a majority white school. He said he related better with us I could tell the problems with his black family bothered him.


Sounds disturbingly familiar! Kalerghi plan anyone'!?


My grandfather had to deal with this also, his mom was half Native American he was raised on the Yakamia Indian reservation because the native culture is far more tolerant than evolution indoctrinated americans that had been taught to see Indigenous people as lower forms of life. There was very little racial problems before the origin of the species and the eugenics movement that grow from it. If you want to stop racism you will first need to eliminate the root the teaching of evolution.

KeVince Level 8 June 18, 2020

Complete nonsense

@Stellers-Jay I agree all this nonsense about race is a fraud based on a lie.


I believe it is very naΓ―ve to think that an institution as flimsy and unstable as marriage will save any damn thing. If marriage was an airplane you would never get aboard because it would have a 50% chance of crashing !

Luek Level 3 June 18, 2020

Who assumes this?

Don't confuse the Enemy favoring genocide for the Enemy believing that mixed race marriages will do anything other than genocide.


Most marriages have difficulties, and need every advantage they can manage to create for themselves. Adding social stigma - no matter how socially acceptable it is supposed to be, is a stressor almost no marriage can tolerate. In some communities, interracial marriages are among those stressors. That's just reality. Especially in "politically correct" communities, in which being honest about ones feelings is banned. The unspoken undercurrent will damage everyone.


Kapernick is mixed and was raised by a white family. But he wasn't aware of his oppression until he got involved with a muslim chick who happens to be friends with Linda Sarsour.

FEWI Level 8 June 18, 2020

Enough said!


That article led nowhere.

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