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So you are frustrated by YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc., undermining the freedom of speech by introducing more restrictions, you're worried about the New World Order and the Great Reset, you are concerned about big tech companies controlling the global market, you are afraid that Jews and Muslims are taking over the world, oh, and the Covid vaccine scare, etc., etc. This site is filled with fear, doubt and anxiety. Do you come here to just express your concerns and vent your frustration or do you have any suggestions as to what we can do about those things that are happening all over the world? As usual, I'm just wondering...

Naomi 8 Dec 11

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"Jews and Muslims" -- Not so much. Chinese Communists -- Yup.


Self Determination and Sovereignty for Our People.


And your suggestions to the above are??

Live my life well.


I come here to view news that are being blocked and censored by other social media sites and ignored or made fun of (by calling them 'conspiracy theories' rather than actually discrediting through analysis and evidence) by MSM.
Why do you come here for?
I don't have solutions, because I'm not in any position of power. I can only learn, and try and prepare for what's coming.
What are your solution's? Do you have any suggestions other than - Accept and Obey?

Hello. I share the sentiment with ScottforKing. I come here to look for well-formed views by well-informed people. I also come here to share laughters. I'm attracted to views that are different from mine. I don't need an echo chamber to feel comfortable. I don't come here to vent my frustration. I may do that with my family and friends in the real world but not in the virtual world. I also like constructive views rather than negative ones; complaining and criticizing is the easiest thing anyone can do. I don't have solutions because I'm not in any position of power, either.

Why are you (from England) asking us what are our solutions if we also do not have any official power. Art of War: Never reveal to your enemy what you are about to do.

@warminster100 I said "suggestions", Grandpa. I didn't say "solutions", Tom81 did. Why should it matter if I am in England or not? You're in Canada, no? This site provides an international community. No matter where from, everyone should be included. Is your mind affected by the "them and us" mentality? I thought your God was inclusive.


I think there is an element of 'spreading the word' about issues - although I would suggest that many here are pretty well informed.

Second, many of the larger issues (most of them) require significant response for it to be meaningful and ALL social media platforms are very diverse geographically making real world responses diluted. (only two 'friends' on facebook are within 50 miles of me). Although places like twitter have been used to create large gatherings - it takes awareness of issues and a desire to make a presence felt - which doesn't actually provide a solution to those issues, again, just spreading awareness of people being aware and wanting to address those issues.

Most of the big issues need complex solutions and if more people are aware the possibility of formulating such solutions grows. But even working out a complex solution usually fails without 'a patron' in the right place to promote it. (My effort to provide a balanced federal budget was detailed, comprehensive and landed with a dull thud despite being made directly to Congress and the media).

Sometimes venting is needed JUST to address the frustration we all feel about an issue. Being just one person of millions feeling the same thing seems....small...unless we can see others agree with us.


The planned narrative is so advanced in planning, while we suffer from reaction to events, those in charge of the agenda has already calculated the public response, developed an action plan to counter any opposition of the narrative by logical use of deductions. Ex 9/11 vs Truthers


My frustration is with people who are vocal on issues, trying to win arguments that their opinion on an issue is more valid that others. However, issues are a result of ignoring or denying problems that has lead to the issues, in other words most people have no purpose, no point other than to win the argument. We in the West have been doing this so long that the political class no longer has any long term goal, where they see leading us all to in the next thirty to one hundred years because they are only focused on the next three years, only implementing policy change that will show that they have done something that increases employment and growth in the economy instead of long term stability in society, jobs and growth without having to put us all into greater debt. Gangs killing each other with guns and knives is a social problem, banning guns will not change the murder rate.
Social problems such as law and order and health care and many others, can not be deal with in three years, they need at least thirty years and greater citizen responsibility, greater participation. So the political class and the talking heads in MSM discuss issues or try to resolve issues and do nothing to discuss problems except when they need more money for their policies.
I am looking for ways to deal with the social problems that are plaguing us today but that requires long term thinking, so far I have seen little evidence of that here or on other platforms. I keep thinking of something and hope that I meet others who at least understand that we need time and a different goal that what is so far being unspoken.


It would help if the media, big tech, and the government would stop lying by omission, the Hunter Biden story being the current example. The Russia hoax didn't help but how many "intelligent" people were fully on board with it to point of self deception. Then there is climate change and the obvious distortions of the data. It creates an environment in which people ask what else are they are lying about and promotes conspiracy theories.

The people that claim to be well informed are largely misinformed. Take the Covington kids story for example. Without social media the mainstream media would have got away with an obvious lie.

The saying it's a small club and you ain't in it" comes to mind. Otherwise intelligent people detect what makes them think will get them into the "smart" people club and are intelligent enough to confirm whatever bias is necessary. When they find a lot of "dumb" people don't agree it just confirms their bias even more. The question we need to ask is if the people that are actually in the club are "smart". The answer comes in a question, were Marie Antoinette, and King Louis XVI "smart"? The rich and powerful club is a "mean girls club" the internet pulled the curtain back on their nakedness and they are desperately trying to close it again.

One look at the dystopia California has turned into should convince any honest person that the "smart" people don't have a clue what they are doing. The average person looks at the mess and concludes that there must be an ulterior motive for the fuckups. Some sort of conspiracy but it is mostly incompetence. Does anyone actually believe that Jack Dorsey, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg are the smart people or were they just in the right place at the right time?

Yes! The damned lies are terribly tiresome.

@govols And groundless speculations and rumours.


Well rumors are part and parcel of a mean girls club. Who started what is the question?

@wolfhnd How about conspiracy theories? Social media are full of them. Do you have Conspiracy Theory Syndrome?


Who cares about conspiracy theories when all of human group interaction involves conspiracies? It's not like the people that have the "facts" are making great decisions anyway.


I've been avoiding posting because I have very little good to say. I'm trying to figure out what little ol' me and people like me might do about the negative slope I believe we're on, but I'm drawing nothing but blanks. But, I do try to avoid being debbie downer so I'm quiet. I'm beginning to think that's going to be my strategy on politics. I'm about to withdraw consent by walking away from a crap collection of institutions. Why participate in systems under the control of people who don't give a shit about my interests and concerns? The US, at least, is spiraling down. The quality of candidates has been in decline my entire adult life. The Parties just keep nominating toward their fringes with the exception of the shocking Trump supporter rebellion against the GOP establishment that tried so hard to give conservatives first JEB!, then Rubio, and finally begged their former base to accept Cruz in place of the horrible Orange meanie. Screw 'em. The GOPe is dead to me again.

On the other hand I'm about ready to rejoin the conversation at least over in philosophy and religion....


May I ask what sort of reply you're hoping to get from this post? You end it with an honest question, yes, but you start it with the word version of eye rolling and finger pointing. Not a good way to get that discourse I think you're kind of aiming for. It doesn't feel like an open discussion starter but instead doing what you say others are annoyingly doing here. Please let me know if I'm just misreading! After all, I'm married to a man who regularly attempts to sound kind online and comes off as a troll or a bot lol so I'm honestly never sure.

Eye-rolling and finger pointing??? And are you suggesting that I am a troll? Even if I am, why should that bother you? Lol

I just made an observation. This site is filled with negativity right now.

It's probably the case that you and I need to get to know each other first so that we don't misread each other's post/comment.

@Naomi yo dude, chill. I literally just said that's how it comes across from my perspective and you jumped down my throat for it lol. The best way to dispel negativity is not to add more to the cacophony.

And I agree with you. People need to know each other to understand one another more, but it's hard to get to know anyone when their responses are so quickly written with claws out. I know my words can be read as harsher than intended because I pick my words a bit TOO carefully and it feels laser pointed... but for reals. We all need to chillax.


I try to share answers for those that don't know.
I spend hours a day hunting those pesky wabbits...
I just joined here. Yours is the first post I read.
Sadly every conversation I've tried to have with dems result in personal attacks... insults.... yelling... calls for back up to attack in mass...
I just want to be able to have conversations, or debates without censorship. Big tech have shown themselves to be traitors...


I'm frustrated - promote bitchute. or rumble. and of course I'm promoting slug.!

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