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San Francisco DA ousted over soft-on-crime policies, dealing blow to liberal justice agenda

Chesa Boudin was toppled by a campaign fueled by crime fatigue, funded by business groups and supported by ex- prosecutors.

His recall was supported by about 61% of voters versus 38% but voted to keep him in office.

San Francisco’s mayor will now select Boudin‘s replacement. (Guess we’ll see if she’s aligned with Soros with her pick)


Garsco 8 June 8

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Yet another progressive failure.


I wouldn't overreact to this. Actually, petty crime is on the rise all over the country, but liberal prosecutors are not facing the same backlash as Boudin. In fact, the rise in petty crime in SF is low compared to other cities. So, there is something else going on here. Most likely it is the rise in homelessness. SF has one of the worst homeless problems in the Nation, largely because it has the highest rents in the Nation. The voters and businesses want the DA to do something about it because it is having a major economic impact. I'm afraid voters will be sadly disappointed. Homelessness is not a crime problem. It is a social and economic problem. Homelessness is becoming even worse because living costs within the Nation are on the rise.


I hope that the defeat will be more than a glancing blow.


Boudin blamed the loss on money from right-wing billionaires.

Boudin benefits from money from left-wing billionaires.

We would love to see an oligarch war.

Different oligarchs could fund their own militias. Elon Musk's and Ken Langone's would be great!


Our elections have become rigged

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