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In 1990, a Myanmar election was disregarded, and Aung San Suu Kyi was sentenced to house arrest by the acting parliamentary government.
In 2003, Vladimir Putin had political activist Mikhail Khodorkovsky arrested. He’s now living in exile.
In 2005, Egyptian leader Mubarek had his political opposition jailed under accusation of forging petition signatures.
In 2006, Putin had his political adversary Alexander Litvinenko poisoned to death.
In 2008, President of Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe had his political opponent thrown in jail before the election results could come in.
In 2011, Putin had political activist Sergei Udaltsov arrested. He’s now serving jail time.
In 2011, the Ayatollah Khamenei directed the detention of his political opposition.
In 2012, Putin had his political adversary Gary Kasparov arrested. He’s now living in exile.
In 2014, Ukranian Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych had former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko thrown in jail.
In 2014, Venezuelan political opponent Leopoldo Lopez was thrown in jail for charges of violence when he called for calm demonstrations.
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has executed high-ranking officials like Jang Song-thaek and his own uncle for accusations of plotting to overthrowing the government.
In 2016, Ugandan political opponent Kizza Besigye found himself under house arrest preventing him from running against President Yoweri Museveni.
In 2017, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen ordered the arrest of Cambodia National Rescue party leader Kem Sokha under charges having to do with an alleged mistress.
In 2024, U.S. President Joe Biden had his political opposition candidate Donald Trump prosecuted for falsifying business documents despite a lack of evidence that Trump sought to defraud anyone with a bookkeeping entry.

WhoIsJayLamm 6 June 2

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Before we go all anti-Putin here, let's review some of the facts

Mikhail Khodorkovsky - Secretly and ILLEGALLY shipped billions in Russian Rubles out of Russia, into illegal bank accounts in Tel Aviv, Paris and London and into off-shore accounts to avoid taxes. Funded the overthrow of the St Petersburg & Moscow/Putin political alliance...pissed off hundreds of influential Russians

Alexander Litvinenko - likely killed himself

Sergei Udaltsov - Leader of the Vanguard of Red Youth (AKM), calling for the violent overthrow of the Russian government. Mayor of Moscow demanded his arrest for inciting hatred and acts of violence

"Gary Kasparov" - real name Garik Kimovich Weinstein - Broke Russia's "foreign agent" laws in spying for Israel. Was warned and warned and warned and f%cking warned again!!! Thumbed his nose up. "Gary Kasparov" was smarter than the Russian government so he didn't have to follow serious Russian laws. Now he knows better...he is smarter today because he knows not to f'around with the Russian people!

Yulia Tymoshenko - Another Ukrainian ACTRESS/ACTOR who was PM of Ukraine, caught in a corruption probe, saying she was only doing what everyone else in Ukraine was doing, convicted in court!

Bernie Sanders - Had nomination stolen by DNC

Justin Trudeau - invoked the War Measures Act and brutally suppressed peaceful protesters, who were against vaccine mandates and had their bank accounts frozen...all done to stay in POWER!!!

Except Bernie Sanders never wanted the nomination. He knew running for the Presidency was a way to make millions.
Justin Trudeau is an idiot.

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