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Global capitalism: the ideology

Profit by all means necessary. Not simply the right to own property and keep what you earn. But evil corporations making profit by all means necessary. The end justifies the means, just like with the communist agenda. Lying about stated goals is a means often used. The stated goal can be pure libertarianism, but absent is the Non Aggression Principle. The stated goal can be stopping colonialism, when actually they are part of the colonialism. They can be populist national leaders like Ruto, which campaign on promises such as Kenya First, and then they sell out their people to global capitalism, while other similar populists prove to be real.

Global capitalists invariably agree about climate change being a "real" threat, and they can be every bit as alarmist as AOC. And of course, trust the science. They are every bit as vigilant about antiracism as Patrisse Cullors and every bit as fake, too. Jo Jorgensen is as woke as they come and is a card carrying member of Burn Loot Murder. Their agenda is to rule the world, and their means is all sorts of divide and conquer. They can pretend to be anything: libertarian, conservative, social democratic, Lumumbist. Ideology does not matter. They infiltrate every ideology and socially engineer it. They are the Biblical wolves in sheep's clothing, and like the Bible says, you can only know them by their fruits. There is no economic solution to the problem. There is no magic ideology that stops global capitalism. It's not about ideology, it's about real vs fake. The fake ones think raping the Congo is cool. Capitalism and socialism today are nothing more than labels that function like Republican and Democrat. George Ayittey proved to be a fake, and Ghana's global capitalists are reverse racists. Fuck Ruto.

jasonc65 7 Sep 16

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Libertarianism = the Marxism of the right
Kwame Nkrumah = One Unified Socialist Africa
George Ayittey = One Balkanized Anarcho-Capitalist Africa
Ayitteyism = the Nkrumaism of the right
Busia's corruption = empty words of the right
Ayittey supported Obama
Any questions?

Plenty of questions. Marxism IS NOT of the Right.

ALL your African socialogical projections ,basically, entomolgigies are irrelevant.


Globalists have been murdering millions since 2020. So far, not one single F POS globalist has been taken out ! BEND OVER, for America F stupidity !!

And Libertarianism turns out to be just more globalism. I am now for people's capitalism and against global capitalism. Lumumba was for people's capitalism, and his grandson's support for entrepreneurship is proving it.

People's capitalism = profit takes second place to Non Aggression Principle
Global capitalism = profit by all means necessary and rape not forbidden.
Any questions?

Chase Oliver disgusts me. I cannot believe I am having this brawl with libertarians.

Christian Malanga is one of these POS globalists, and Tshisekedi sentenced his Maoist-Mobutuist goons to death.


Interesting discussion!
Communists don't use euphemisms. They twist the meaning of words without changing the word. Take "democracy" which they claim is in danger. What people in the West think democracy is, is a system of governance where every citizen of age has input into the way they are governed. Of course, communists understand democracy differently - like in The Democratic People's Republic of North Korea. Everyone gets to vote but it has to be the right way.
If you don't have really good grasp on words commies can trap you.
Libertarianism is, I think, and I was involved with it for a couple of years here in Canada, about anarchy. From right libertarianism anarcho-capitalism to left libertarianism which mostly is comprised of those with a single social issue they want addressed.
I just want a small federal government with few mandates. More or less a "minarchist".

We are seeing the libertarians degenerate into anarchists right here in my own interactions on this platform. Methinks the libertarians are card carrying members of Antifa. No wonder their allies are socialists (Stein and dem). Ararchism is what they have in common. That Massachusetts small town disaster was an anarchist hell hole.

@jasonc65 Why do anarchists ally with socialists? That occurred in Spain with Franco and the Spanish revolution. Communism, according to some theorists, is supposed to evolve into anarchy. Of course, I am of the opinion it never would. The Tytler cycle, that Weltansicht mentioned, seems quite realistic.

@FrankZeleniuk but Weltansicht fights me on Chase Oliver just like the anarchists. SpikeTalon is proving to be one of the anarchists. I am really surprised at him. In 2020, he was not like this. I think they are anarchists. They fight me. Rebel groups are militias without a government. Therefore, the CIA is an anarcho-capitalist organization. It follows rigorously. Anarcho-capitalism is stateless neoliberalism. The Congo crisis is literally an anarcho-capitalist holodomor that Lumumba tried to prevent. I point out these facts and that gets me called a communist. I give up. I call Weltansicht an anarchist, because he acts like one, end of story.

@FrankZeleniuk by the way, anarcho-socialists may hate government but they are still socialists. Common ownership of property is how they expect society to organize. Stateless society usually organizes along crony capitalist lines regardless of ideology.

@jasonc65 Well... there is no other way to fight big government. I know that left-libertarianism can harbour socialists. Many tie themselves to libertarianism thinking they can bring legislative attention to their cause. Like legalizing drugs. A libertarian up here who was quite vocal and in the media's eye voted for the socialist NDP party when they suggested legalizing marijuana in their campaign platform. I thought it was an asinine thing to do for a libertarian.
If libertarians, for that matter any free society, to remain free have to recognize that communists and socialists should not be harboured in their midst. Liberals and libertarians have to, in the name of freedom, embrace them. Communists sneak into freedom movements by shouting they are being excluded and that is not freedom. But they would be the first to violate the NAP. Conservatism would deny them so that's what I support but government has gotten too big because people vote for handouts and it moves towards socialism. The worst thing that socialism brought is public education. Of course, it is public indoctrination now. We haven't learn the lesson.

@jasonc65 To me anarcho-socialism is an oxymoron.

@FrankZeleniuk Tim Pool identifies as a left-libertarian and yet he is one of us. It's not about that at all. It's about anarchism.

Let's look at the political spectrum from the view of starting at anarchy on one end and moving to total government at the other. A true dichotomy. The current political spectrum is not a dichotomy at all but a confusing hodge-podge favouring the existence of big government. Anyway you move from the center governments get bigger.
My opinion is that Tim Pool is a liberal in the classical sense. He certainly wants more government than I do if he is a left-libertarian. Left-libertarianism is moving into socialism. He sounds like a classical liberal which, ok I could be considered that but in terms of government, I am a minarchist whereas Tim Pool is a liberal as far as governance is concerned. It is liberalism in government that grows it. Conservatism, starting from the creation of a nation, in government would 'conserve' the original constitution and outline the binding principles of the people.
Now, you could start with the creation of a communist nation and to be conservative there would mean you wish to 'conserve' communism.
So, as far as anarchy goes, I can support it if it moves todays governments towards being smaller to a point, then once government was stripped of a lot of its power I wouldn't support it. Government should exist but with a limited mandate which categorizes me as a minarchist.
Essentially, I would be a classical liberal socially and a conservative when it comes to governance.

@jasonc65 "I call Weltansicht an anarchist, because he acts like one, end of story."

"by the way, anarcho-socialists may hate government but they are still socialists. Common ownership of property is how they expect society to organize."

NOPE. That is PURE Marxist/Socialist projection. I am not for "common ownership" of property OR expect society to organize.

"Stateless society usually organizes along crony capitalist lines regardless of ideology" Can you name one?? Any country will do. I just want to research your baseless claims & ideological projections.

@Weltansicht you don't read me. I didn't say stateless society organizes itself that way. I said they expect it to. If you cannot pay attention to operative words when I use them, further discussion with you is useless. You are an anarchist ideologue whatever you call yourself. I cannot support anarchy whether it challenges big government or not. I prefer big government over anarchy. So screw that. My experience with anarchy has been nothing but bitter disappointment everytime. Anarchists with guns are a real gun violence threat. So I am for red flag laws now. I don't care. I am not offended at the NRA being moderate like you all are. It is the lather, rinse, repeat, Rittenhouse gaslighting leftist war on guns that I hate.


I am noticing such a strong trend of woke libertarianism that I am done with being libertarian. Jo Jorgensen is a communist, plain and simple.


I think you have the term capitalism mixed up with corporatism. Blackrock, Vanguard, Monsanto, the Gates Foundation, Etc., are way past capitalism and well into corporatism which is heavily mixed in with government and politics.

They come disguised as capitalists. Their stated goals are capitalism. They do evil in the name of capitalism. They are all things against all men, in an evil version of Apostle Paul. They go into shithole countries representing capitalism, democracy and the American way. They come home with the condescending lesson of social justice. What Africa calls the west is what we call the left. They misrepresent us worldwide. And they are in the LPUSA, calling Trump evil, while they themselves do OWS and a radical feminist is one of them. It matters not whether they are true capitalists. Representation is everything. For all practical intents and purposes, capitalism is just another label. It is no better than Republican. Capital alienates the proletariat by funding communism by the capitalist mode of production. There is a billionaire driven market demand for corruption, and politicians supply it, and that is pure capitalism. In practice.

@jasonc65 They come disguised as Democrats. Their stated goals are freedom and democracy. They do evil in the name of freedom and democracy. They are all things against all men, the Deplorables, in an evil version of Apostle Paul. Etc., etc.....

How do governments exist? Initially, through support of the people, eventually through taxation and force. How do corporations exist? Initially, through support of the people, eventually through the elimination of the competition and the sanctity of government. All in the pretext of what's best for the people.

@FrankZeleniuk Ruto came disguised as a capitalist. He promised to put Kenya first (in Swahili, Kenya Kwanza). He put foreign investors first. In the name of capitalism, he cut subsidies and privatized an airport. Ruto came disguised as a Republican and is destroying Kenya like a Democrat.

@FrankZeleniuk a Deplorable is not a Democrat. A Deplorable is what Hillary called us. You got that one wrong.

@jasonc65 you are wrong, and being duplicitous again. Subverting the dichotomy of Central Africa with the same playing field as American, even more so. We are in the Tytler Cycle here, with the communist/socialist/Marxists/Progressives DEMANDING obsequiousness. WE have the 9th Amendment Right to the Constitution of the USA to just say "NO"!!!

@Weltansicht what am I wrong about? Wrong about Ruto? Wrong about Deplorables? What do you mean by "the same playing field"? You assumed that I am African. I once knew nothing about Lumumba. I believed thet Americans are the world liberators and that anyone who hates us is a commie. But Lumumba and Sankara do not fit the history of the world according to American conservatives. I was missing something.

@jasonc65 "Ruto came disguised as a Republican and is destroying Kenya like a Democrat." THAT is an admonition/admittance that he was a RINO ~ (Republican In Name Only) ~ an acronym

@jasonc65 you said to @FrankZeleniuk ~ "you got that one wrong" ~ He said "Deplorables" in the same context as Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher mentions the Democrats surreptitiously

@Weltansicht sorry, I am not familiar with Schopenhauer's use of the word. Only Hillary's. The MAGAtards wesr it as a badge of honor. It's a great day to be a MAGAtard.

@jasonc65 we may have been ~"I believed thet Americans are the world liberators and that anyone who hates us is a commie"

YET....when the people of Hong Kong protested for freedom, THAT would be WHEN America usually WOULD have was on deaf to our government of Hussein Barack Obama....

THAT IS WHEN I KNEW THE TRUTH.....and that is coming from somebody whose father was in Ubon Royal Thai Air Base Thailand & Secretary of Defense testified that we had NO troops on SE ASIA at the time (1968) ~

and my childhood innocence was lost...and at home we dealt with the Domino Theory propaganda/indoctrination of communist takeover, ect

so be gone from me, OR I will inflict severe psychological damage to you ~ its not a threat ~ it's a promise

@Weltansicht that could very well be true, and yet other parts of the third world experienced our interference when it was not needed, or they wanted us to help them, and we helped the mercenaries. In fact, there are similarities between the assassination of the South Vietnamese leader and the Lumumba assassination. In his case, the CIA called him weak.


@jasonc65 Schopenhauer, I was figuratively speaking, as the Party of Death.

Of third world interference, I have no doubts there. the military coup of the Shah of Iran, or Noreiga, or Saddam Hussein ~ who we built up to become the 4th largest army in the world circa late 1980s ~ our ally against Iran & the human waves of death against the perimeter line....

Don't EVEN try to lecture me on ANYTHING....

state your opinion is cool BUT that is it!

Otherwise you have no idea what it is you are talking about

@Weltansicht don't call me duplicitous, or I will lecture the crap out of you. I did not come to your page. You came here with your personal attacks. Colonialism is real. The CIA is evil. Mossadegh is also similar to Lumumba. Same Dulles behind that. Fuck you.

@Weltansicht if Wikipedia is accurate, Schopenhauer was not even alive to see the Democrats mess up Germany in the person of Woodrow Wilson, so what would he possibly know of dem? You make no sense. In today's context, a Deplorable can only.mean a Trump supporter. You are the duplicitous one.

@jasonc65 well...with vociferous language like that, when I have been very polite, ONLY means I have struck a nerve at the central core....

if you were capable of lecturing me beyond your indoctrination protocols, you would have already done so. Irrelevant.

I did not come here with personal attacks, BUT I did analyze your statements presented.....

Sorry on the "Fuck you." I only mate with humans, and I am monogamous & married.

@jasonc65 "if Wikipedia is accurate, " welcome to the world of leftist communist socialism....

you should try reading George Orwell's 1984 ~ you might learn something


  1. Instead of telling me that Wikipedia is inaccurate and leaving it at that, tell me what Wikipedia leaves out. Wikipedia is accurate about a lot of things. It depends on who maintains the article. And you can't knock Wikipedia for being comprehensive and leaving nothing uncovered. No libertarian organization comes anywhere close.
  2. It turns out that "leftist communist socialism" and "rightist fascist neoliberalism" are the exact same thing. Both the far left and the far right hate the WEF.
  3. The world is divided and conquered. Misunderstandings are socially engineered so that countries will misunderstand each other. Thanks to the Lumumba assassination, we think the Congo is communist, and the Congo thinks we are fascist. And yet Lumumba is more similar to Adam Smith than he is to Karl Marx.
  4. Woke libertarianism is a real threat. I have seen plenty of evidence already. Chase Oliver is a mess. The social media is full of negative comments about him. I believe low level libertarians when they say they are no longer libertarian because of Chase and Jorgensen. You stick your head in the sand, while Jo Jorgensen hates you because you are German and white. It turns out that Tshisekedi envisions the Congo as the "Germany of Africa". The Congolese hateful left hates him like the western hateful left hates Trump.

Yee Gawds, folks, corporate greed merged with gov'mt control is the definition of fascism. Neither has anything to do with capitalism or communism.
Corps are legally obligated by their charters to pursue profit to shareholders -- if they issue stock. Not doing so is criminal. But, BUT, the rules are different if you are a monopoly. Or, if you break laws to increase profit.
Objecting to corps increasing profit by legal means is just childish.

@bobbo666 Fascism is simply a different form of socialism compared to Communism. Communism is revolutionary and socialism is evolutionary. Also communism is a globalist ideology whereas, fascism is nationalistic. In their ultimate form they have total control of the economy where they govern. Capitalism and corporatism are irrelevant and are economic systems, not governmental systems.

@FrankZeleniuk I agree. But, there are yahoos online who link any form of free market/capitalism automatically to fascism. To their little pea brains if you have one you are one step away from the other. That they are incapable of earning a a living in a free market society is proof to them that it is unfair.

@bobbo666 Yes, I agree. That's what makes politicians valuable - proof that a free market society is unfair. They will make it all fair by replacing the family and the community with "injustice for all".

@jasonc65 #3..."The world is divided and conquered." ~ Divided YES and conquered???? NO...that is flippant. OTHERWISE, there would not be resistance that we are talking about, NO?

Take a minute, and SEE....JUST WHAT BRAZIL is doing against this "being conquered"

@Weltansicht as long as the US thinks the Congo is Cuba, we are divided and conquered. The Congo was Haiti until Tshisekedi.

@Weltansicht regarding Orwell:

  1. Orwell is a socialist. Sure, the warning is conservative but the man is a socialist. By your logic, Orwell is irrelevant and you are a socialist influencer. You can't tell me that Congo is irrelevant and then bring up Orwell.

  2. Quoting Orwell is like quoting Sankara. He too had conservative thoughts, such as: he who feeds you controls you. But Sankara is remembered as a socialist. I could not find any scumbag marxist dirt on Sankara. Africans say he was practical. Burkina Faso today is fighting the same Macron that oppresses us. Traore agrees with Schopenhauer about the Deplorables and the Party of Death. They are in the Sahel supporting Bokkko Haram, and Traore is the new Gaddafi fighting it.

  3. Communists using euphemisms is precisely what Orwell exposes. Leopold also used Orwellian euphemisms. "Congo Free State" is one. Capitalism evolved into an Orwellian euphemism for rape of the Congo. Orwellian false reporting tactics were deployed against Lumumba by the CIA, the Jesuits, the missionaries, and the Belgian controlled media. Reporting stories that bear no resemblance to reality is precisely what Maurice Carney's front organizations use against Tshisekedi. Leopold did human zoos, which is Bill Gates eugenics. If capitalism means something that is essential for a functioning society (the free market, private property, the right to keep what you earn, the right to pursuit of profit, meritocracy, entrepreneurship, and the Non Aggression Principle), then capitalism in the perverted sense of raping the Congo for profit is an Orwellian euphemism. There, I said it. "Capitalism" as neoliberals and Chasetards use it is an Orwellian euphemism for corporatism and fascism. Neoliberalism is another form of totalitarianism, and its ideology is defined by the WEF. Private property for them and bug lunches for us. Milton Friedman and Charles Schwab are pals.

  4. Oceania = the west. Eurasia = Russia. Eastasia = China. That is exactly how "real world 1984" panned out. You read the Big Brother propaganda against Russia in fiction and don't buy it, but you hear propaganda about Russia in the real world and swallow it hook, line, and sinker. With 1984, like with fiction in general, you are the one who roots for the resistance when it is fiction and is with the establishment in reality.

  5. Of course, Orwell sympathizes with Lumumba. Anyone from that type of background would. The Congo shows up in 1984 as the Equatorial Zone. That is where the assassinations and the theft of natural resources happens. Lumumba is not a totalitarian. Mobutu is. Maoism-Mobutuism is the real Castro or Worse that Dulles supported. Supporting the Congo's sovereignty and prosperity under Tshisekedi is within America's national interests because it contributes to taking racism off of life support and colonialism with it. If you oppose this, you are duplicitous, and you are the one to whom we should apply antiracism vigilance. Blood battery electric cars is a horrific divide and conquer by the Woke-Tech Complex, and Paul Kagame is a Clinton puppet.


well...if they DID NOT attend the Forum of Young Global Leaders...then they might experience involuntary coitus probably anally, if not anally retentive.

You're being duplicitous again on the "global capitalists invariably agree about climate change" & "trust the science".

I believe you are advocating for Agenda 2030 and making precarious dichotomy promulgations.


Why do you make these statements about me? Global capitalists support the global warming hoax (I refuse to call it climate change), not me. Global capitalists are full of "market solutions" to "climate change", which is a disguised excuse for socialism. Big government turns out to be private companies doing all the government work. Like the fed. Global capitalists are duplicitous, not me. Explain Ruto. Here we have a capitalist raising taxes like a communist, and no libertarian ever talks about this. They leave Africa to bleed. Capitalists are supposed to cut taxes, not raise them.

And what the hell does "they might experience coitus involuntarily" mean?

@jasonc65 I make these statements BECAUSE I am not indoctrinated with communistic rhetoric.

YOU are the one that stated "Global capitalists support the global warming hoax" and ended with "F*** Ruto" ~ were you not? Once again, you are back INTO duplicitousness, near hypocrisy....and now I suspect (and can nearly prove) sciolism.....very very much so....if you are not a social media influencer attempting to manipulate attitude engineering, then you are a sciolist.

@jasonc65 "what the hell does "they might experience coitus involuntarily" mean?"

@Weltansicht the use of euphemisms is a sign of communism. Just call it rape. This isn't YouTube, where the use of the word "rape" will get you censored. And what does rape have to do with global capitalists like Ruto defending global warming hype? Are you defending Kenya's President Ruto?

@jasonc65 NOPE. That is just all your own physical projections to instill shock & demagoguery. YOU are attempting to rape everyone's minds & thoughts with your tergiversations.

The use of euphemisms is hardly communistic, as such usage existed LONG before communism existed, such as Shakespeare literature.

Your prevalence as such indicates that YOU are communistic & well indoctrinated by making/stating such a fallacy, that is easily provable. Tsk tsk tsk.

My guess is that your original birth certificate says you are a Rhodesian.

@Weltansicht Congogate will rape your mind if you suddenly encounter it after half a lifetime of blissful unawareness. It is time to deal with it. The sooner the better.

@jasonc65 Hardly, if you are prepared to resist it, and demonstrable castigate it. You are assuming docile receptance & acceptance; from sheepeople.....

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