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Facebook bans our entire ad account!

After spending about $200k in ads to promote this site, Facebook abruptly terminated our entire ad account without recourse. While we could try to setup a new account, it is likely that they will ban it again.

We're thinking to change our promotion strategy and give money directly to people who are getting demonetized on any social network platform. As you know, mainstream (social) media is fighting a war against anyone who says true yet controversial things - such as the social justice movement has gone too far.

Our plan is to simply pay them for advertising this site (or our new skin at ... live but still in development).

The challenge for us is how to get in contact with mission-aligned people who are still on these platforms but are routinely getting their posts and videos demonetized.


Admin 8 Jan 29

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35 comments (26 - 35)

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The Tech Giants have correctly divined that the rise of the IDW is the biggest political shift since the rise of populism. They don't like the fact that many moderates, centrists and conservatives are no longer listening to the manufactured consent of legacy media. A recent YouTube interview from the UK makes they point that whilst many are open to Left-of-Centre economic ideas, the same cannot be said of Cultural Leftism, of the more extreme sort:


I just shared this on Facebook. I'll advertise you.


I’d be happy to receive your contributions, but my blog isn’t monetized yet. I’m waiting for my Followers to get a little higher than 19. LOL
Jim Kirk-Wiggins (


Quit FB nov 1st to start anew. This is much better but seems like mostly right leaning people here (I am too) seems like the left likes the control and censorship. That's what they want and like and they can have it. They run the media and what's being taught in schools so let's just enjoy it while it's still just for the elite


All I can say is, "THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE FOR US"!!!!!!!
I never tried getting on FB, my bride gets kick off on a regular bases, and she is mellow compared to me!!!!


There are many things you can do.

One would have a meme making group that has a frank available to put on the meme once its cleared(if necessary),

Given its importance, it needs to be pinned to the top of the groups to stop it lurking out of sight with 3 members,(This is another small glitch in your system). If you can sort this out or even pay to make memes then I can possibly help.

I make memes and know others who may come if there is a financial incentive. Message me if you want more details and to discuss this to set up a meme factory and frank etc.

If you're interested, I could supply you with some images of a good candidate for a meme, a feminist looney toon who believes in the right to abortions but not Second Amendment rights.

This would need to be ru past admin and franked, the problem is a personalised meme on heresay would make the site legally liable for defamation etc.

@CookieMonster Fair enough, I'll take it to a site where they wouldn't care about such. It would be uploaded to the net first, then shared.

We don't need more memes here. That ruined some other sites as those who can't think or talk tend to do memes....


I am on fb. i have been banned twice. i have advertised IDW on my site. i am sure it went throught because some people have mentioned it to me.



wow can't believe CENSORIOUS facebook MISSED this!

Facebook censored a post from my blog on Biden’s fetish’s of handling women, kissing women and children on the mouth and really creepy, smelling their hair. I responded by up loading many pictures of Biden’s nefarious freakishly behavior. Then I deleted many of my personal pictures. Result; Biden’s molestations are the primary pictures on my personal page under popular photos. LOL. That was over a week ago, they will likely react after this post. Also I requested a review of my dozen or so censored or blocked post but no response. Facebook now supposedly has an independent Supreme Court you can appeal to, but you have to wait first for an answer from their Lower court censors. I hope IDW don’t censor me for this but ‘Mark Zuckerberg needs to get laid, or whatever preference he uses for sexual release, but he maybe androgynous.’
Jim Kirk-Wiggins

@TheMule LOL epic trolling!


I think Mr. McCarthy has framed the question succinctly below. Some proposals:

  1. Partnerships with other entities are the most obvious way. Mutual promotions with publishers, 501☕(3)s, think tanks. Reason Foundation, Cato spring to mind.
  2. PragerU might have some intel on how to reach the demonetized. Lawsuits tend to yield discovery.
  3. Are there symposiums or other events you could co-sponsor with that $200K?

I have no idea where that coffee cup came from. Should be a “c.”


That can not be a surprise.

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