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Lynching the Deplorables

The criminal investigation undertaken by the federal government against hundreds of participants in the Jan. 6 storming of the U.S. Capitol is polarizing the country and shredding civil liberties.

The cheerleading, or at best indifference, by Democratic Party supporters and much of the left to these show trials will come back to haunt them. We are exacerbating the growing tribalism and political antagonisms that will increasingly express themselves through violence. We are complicit, once again, of using the courts to carry out vendettas. We are corroding democratic institutions. We are hardening the ideology and rage of the far-right. We are turning those being hounded to prison into political prisoners and martyrs. We are moving ever closer towards tyranny.


Garsco 8 Mar 5

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Mission accomplished! Uhh, what is your problem with that?

There was never any evidence of an insurrection and I've seen street parties more riotous -- except for the murder of the one unarmed woman by DC coppers (for which the murderer got a commendation, BTWay).


What goes around come around. The left has gone from being a balance of force for the right to the extreme lunacy it is now. The swing back will go too far as it has done in the past. Those with any brains on both sides would do well to join and present a combined face and bring about a balance. It has'nt happened so far and humans now have the power for self destruction so maybe now might be a good time?

There has yet to be offered an ideal that most voters can agree on. The nation was built to be the greatest ever by seeking a nation that allowed the greatest amount of freedom and liberty ever. Why not return to that goal and build a great nation up again?

@ScottforKing Our ability to destroy ourselves and humans being what we are if there is not a meeting of both sides then someone somewhere in charge of our doomsday weaponry will push the proverbial button. Then peace will be achieved as there will be no humans left to disagree.

@Arty You might be right, but you're not right now.


The issues are Kabuki theater. The issue is the great reset. Where's Durham? Why aren't James Comey, Hillary Clinton and a few others in jail. Why isn't Nancy Pelosi in jail for treason? Why is the whole Obama administration back in the White house? What happened to those illegal FISA approvals to spy on Americans? Why is the national debt at 31 trillion dollars. All is forgotten to move onto the next crisis and cover up. What a colossal waste of time, taxpayer money, and energy! The whole of western civilization is under attack.

We have the same issue in Canada. Our PM is a deceitful curmudgeon, sliding from one criminal and unethical issue to another.


To put it into the vernacular, it's nothing but a shit show.


Jan 6 is a shameless intentional theatre created to impugn president Trump in the court, and at the very least in public opinion.

The legacy media, the DOJ and the FBI are in collusion with the Democrat leadership - particularly Nancy Pelosi, to create this fabrication with enough official authority to become credible, in spite of the public being aware of the embedding of so-called "law enforcement" out of uniform, creating mayhem, intentionally breaking protocol and procedure, opening doors to breach security, assaulting uninvolved individuals, and the murder of Ashli Babbitt by a uniformed policeman without identifying himself, warning her, or evidence of her being armed.

This is all known because of the existence of a massive number of private videos.

Time for We, the People to make ourselves heard about this.


January 6, was/is a scam THEY are using!!!! I watch it happen on Jan. 6, that was NOT a riot!!!!!
I have worked riots (Anti War riots in the early 1970"s in Seattle, look it up) I was one of the guys in uniform on the front line!!!!!
Yes, there were a few in the crowd there to create destruction and cause fights, there always are and some are paid to cause problems!!!

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