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The SUV killed people, and therefore all people need to turn in their killer SUVs.

People who did not watch the Kyle Persecution, in a Kangaroo Court, which bypassed an independent grand jury, probably didn’t here Binger Finger claim that the gun killed 2 people, a show trial, along with the photo opportunity to show the Binger Finger.

Lest we (cognizant free-minded people) forget:

To the citizens of the United States by Thomas Paine
November 15, 1802
"But a faction, acting in disguise, was rising in America; they had lost sight of first principles. They were beginning to contemplate government as a profitable monopoly, and the people as hereditary property.”

Essay on The Trial by Jury, Lysander Spooner, 1852
"It was a principle of the Common Law, as it is of the law of nature, and of common sense, that no man can be taxed without his personal consent. The Common Law knew nothing of that system, which now prevails in England, of assuming a man’s own consent to be taxed, because some pretended representative, whom he never authorized to act for him, has taken it upon himself to consent that he may be taxed. That is one of the many frauds on the Common Law, and the English constitution, which have been introduced since Magna Carta. Having finally established itself in England, it has been stupidly and servilely copied and submitted to in the United States.”

George Mason, 1787
"The judiciary of the United States is so constructed and extended, as to absorb and destroy the judiciaries of the several states; thereby rendering laws as tedious, intricate, and expensive, and justice as unattainable by a great part of the community, as in England; and enabling the rich to oppress and ruin the poor."

Due process of Law:

  1. Look for clear and present dangers to life, liberty, property, the pursuit of happiness, and the means to defend all, or at least recognize the facts that matter in any case where treasonous criminals are rioting in the blood of the innocent on your watch.

  2. Ensure that your testimony as to evidence passing your judgment of probable cause to act in defense is passed to an independent grand jury in your republican county of, by, and for the people, under common laws of free people in liberty, defended with due process of law.

  3. Don’t allow fellow criminals to impede your progress through due process of law, as they will attempt to confuse you with falsehood in forms that appear to be lawful, yet they are treasonous frauds.

  4. The independent grand jurors investigate the evidence in a criminal treason case on behalf of the people as a whole in a republic of by and for the people as a whole. They do so not to try the case, which would place the accused, presumed to be innocent, defendant, into double jeopardy, were the grand jurors to usurp the authority of the trial jurors in a criminal case proceeding according to very well established principles that constitute the foundation of due process of law. Double jeopardy is a known hazard, a threat, to the people as a whole, because treasonous frauds will attempt to persecute innocent people as many times as they need to get away with persecution. Institutionalized double jeopardy is an example of treasonous fraud.

  5. The accuser and the accused state their cases before an independent trial jury in a PUBLIC trial by jury proceeding that proceeds in a Court of Law, not a Court of Admiralty, Equity, Exchequer, Chancellery, Traffic, or Family Summary Justice Court involving a process known as arbitration, where both parties knowingly give arbitrary authority to the Judge or Judges who then assume arbitrary power to adjudicate the case instead of that power assumed by a common law criminal trial jury in a Court of Law.

  6. The jury verdict for that specific case in final. If someone suspects that a crime occurred during the trial and the verdict and the sentence by jury trial in a Court of Law, then speedily, effectively, efficiently, those accused of “jury tampering” or “contempt of court” would themselves face a trial, and an obvious stay of execution of sentence would be warranted by that clear and present danger to the public at large, as well as the presumed to be innocent accused, who was falsely convicted during the counterfeited jury trial that resulted in the false verdict.

One might want to know how due process of law works before making claims of authority at law.

Essay on The Trial by Jury, Lysander Spooner, 1852
“The fact that, in that dark age, so many of the principles of natural equity, as those then embraced in the Common Law, should have been so uniformly recognized and enforced by juries, as to have become established by general consent as “the law of the land;” and the further fact that this “law of the land” was held so sacred that even the king could not lawfully infringe or alter it, but was required to swear to maintain it, are beautiful and impressive illustrations of the truth that men’s minds, even in the comparative infancy of other knowledge, have clear and coincident ideas of the elementary principles, and the paramount obligation, of justice. The same facts also prove that the common mind, and the general, or, perhaps, rather, the universal conscience, as developed in the untrammelled judgments of juries, may be safely relied upon for the preservation of individual rights in civil society; and that there is no necessity or excuse for that deluge of arbitrary legislation, with which the present age is overwhelmed, under the pretext that unless laws be made,the law will not be known; a pretext, by the way, almost universally used for overturning, instead of establishing, the principles of justice.”

Josf-Kelley 8 Nov 22
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Posted by Josf-KelleyOrigins of Adaptive Creativity for Life to Prosper Eternally by Joe Kelley 12-13-2021 I profess to know that the following is true, to the best of my current knowledge.

Posted by Josf-KelleyKyle is not an aberration.

Posted by Josf-KelleyAlong with the Persecution of Defense is the Persecution of Deterrence.

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