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An example of a forming Committee for Safety (common law, grass-roots, organic, bottom-up, fundamental principled forms) in the form of a Live Online Symposium run by Mike Lindell.

Subject Matter Evidence:
“The Destruction of evidence. Destruction of election records, election-related data that’s required to be preserved under federal and state law.”

Doug Gould (quotes below are not verbatim) offers a statement:
‘...we have surpassed probable cause by a wide margin and all we hear are crickets, it sucks.’

Pete (controlled opposition?) Santilli spews forth Fraud, Error, Falsehood in any case:
‘A citizen cannot bring a criminal suit…’

Colonel (Ret.) Shawn Smith answers, in part, the error and omission false statement by Santilli:
‘...quo warranto...’

The significance of the danger currently extorted with treasonous fraud, in a form known as National Treasonous Election Fraud, includes the forensic evidence discovered and published, on the public record, by Doug Gould, who then exposes the deepest level of the ongoing Treasonous Fraud, which is a Treasonous Fraud that traces back to 1789, the crime scene in Philadelphia, the Con Con Con Job that was used to replace the existing Federation of Independent States under the common law, independent grand juries, and independent trial juries, over-ruling Roman Civil Rules.

Revolutionary, common law, forces, grass-roots, organic, spontaneous, adaptive, defensive, moral, just, lawful, legal, expedient, effective, high quality, and minimum cost forces, overpowered, and over-rules, Tyrannical, Treasonous, Despotic, Totalitarian, Empire Building, Criminal, Fraudulent, Extortive, British forces, with boots on the ground in America. The people won an equal footing at law, but then gave it back to Empire Builders, as the Con Con Con Job of 1789 documented the Consolidation of the Independent People, in the Independent States, in the Independent Counties, in the Independent Cities, in the Independent Towns, in the Independent Churches, in the Independent Families, in the Independent Minds, and in the Independent Souls, and with that Treasonous Fraud, those Treasonous Criminals Over-Ruled the common law with Roman Civil Rules, on the official record, complete with confessions, as if self-evident facts that matter in the case were not good enough to prove the guilt of the culprits sufficient to establish probable cause to bring those culprits before a trial jury in a common law criminal case.

The Cons running the Con Job confessed as to their malevolent intent to consolidate the independent people into subsidized slavery under their Summary Justice Roman Civil Rules Kangaroo Court System of Treasonous Fraud and Extortion; replacing the federation with a Legal Fiction Nation-State Treasonous Fraud ongoing crime, involving the creation of a Roman Civil Rules Summary Justice Court System of Subsidized Slavery of all, done so with obvious, self-evident, fraud, a fraud documented, in part, with the Judiciary Act of 1789, which is a documented act claiming to over-rule the common law with “appellate jurisdiction,” which is arbitrary government in fact: absolute despotic power to move profits to elite members of the gang, as the criminals fraudulently, and treasonously assert authority over their captured slaves.

“A jury of twelve local farmers, all men and all white according to Levinson, rule in favor of Freeman in 1781, giving her freedom and awarding her 30 shillings in damages.”

No, Pete Santilli, your power to enforce by Treasonous Fraud, central power into the hands of a nebulous “elite” group of Treasonous Frauds, is false on its face.

Not only must individuals defend themselves by peaceful means, which is due process of law, there is no other entity in physical reality that can do so, other than an individual human being asserting their natural rights as a human being, and if 12 other representatives of the whole people agree, then the law is preserved thereby, factually, in time and in place. Out goes the slave masters imposing Treasonous Fraud, and the truth sets the individual soul free in fact.

If the Infantile Masses, comprised of individual infants, abdicates lawful authority, as individuals and as a sum total of collectivized, consolidated, infantile, individuals, virtually giving lawful authority to nebulous legal fictions, that confesses a slave mind, someone suffering from a form of Stockholm Syndrome, an Infantile State of Mind, and an opportunity to force an individual compromised with an Infantile Mind, into forced labor for the benefit of the criminals who make people work and then charge their kidnap victims for the cost of extorting them into laboring for the benefit of their tormentors.

What about quo warranto?

The Statute of Quo Warranto,
made Anno 18 Edw. I Stat. 2 and Anno Dom. 1290.

“How they shall hold their Liberties which claim them by Prescription or Grant. A Quo Warranto shall be pleaded and determined before Justices in the Eyre.”


“Once established as a tool that could be used by a monarch, it also establishes it as a tool for use by the people when they become the sovereign, as happened upon adoption of the U.S. Declaration of Independence.”


“It should also be noted that the original common law writs of quo warranto were demands on the party claiming authority, the respondent, who had the burden of proof, not petitions for relief from the court, other than declaratory., with the burden of proof on the petitioner.”

The people are on an equal footing at law independent of any so-called “elite” powers extorting obedience by fraud or other criminal malevolence.


If you demand that the question is negative, and you demand that “elite” powers proceed according to their elusive prerogative as elite authorities at law, when they deceive and enforce subsidized slavery upon their tortured, terrified, horrified, and murdered victims, then you confess which side you are on, in fact.

The law is for all, or it is not the law.

Josf-Kelley 8 Nov 27
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Posted by Josf-KelleyOrigins of Adaptive Creativity for Life to Prosper Eternally by Joe Kelley 12-13-2021 I profess to know that the following is true, to the best of my current knowledge.

Posted by Josf-KelleyKyle is not an aberration.

Posted by Josf-KelleyAlong with the Persecution of Defense is the Persecution of Deterrence.

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