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Unpacking The Golden Rule V
by Joe Kelley

The best investment against crime is the best investment to prevent it, to block the path one would have taken had one been lured onto that path by a false sense of accomplishment. 

God’s Law, Natural Law, The Law of the Land, The Ancient Law, reason, logic, common sense, and the common law are all scientifically in agreement with the discovered, validated, and prosecuted false sense of accomplishment one might be lured into dreaming on a criminal path. 

One then does to one’s future self the favor of saving themselves from a false sense of accomplishment in the nightmare that would have been the result of that false dream of profits, dividends, and false accomplishments on that confused, misdirected, criminal path, with or without any help whatsoever. 

All the gear required for anyone to deter all future crimes is self-evidently self-contained in oneself. 

Can one get some help for someone who is in need of help even if help is not appreciated by the one being helped, one's present self asks one's future self once one has discovered, acknowledged, and prosecuted one's past self having lived a false dream that turned into a nightmare? Do unto future self that which you do not want past self to damage? 

What if the future self declines the offer? Free stuff, after all, is very attractive. 

Do to one’s own future self that which one’s own present self would prefer not to suffer were one to be misdirected with false dreams of a false paradise on earth. Free stuff, like cheese in a mousetrap, is a mirage, do not enter the path of crime. 

Ok, but what about all that free stuff? 

What is true, one asks oneself, and if the truth is discovered will it help free my future self, as my present self can see the net with my birds-eye view?

Why didn't someone tell me about the net that looked exactly like free stuff from my position of ignorance on the ground looking at the mirage put in place for some undiscovered unreason? 

Dude, hey, ah, are you unaware of that net, see it, right there in front of you, it is real, it is an ambuscade. 

ambuscade (n.)
“1580s, "act of lying concealed for the purpose of attacking by surprise," essentially a variant form of ambush (q.v.), "now more formal as a military term" [OED]. It is a reborrowing of that French word after it had been Italianized: Ambuscade is from French embuscade (16c.), Gallicized from Italian imboscata, literally "a hiding in the bush," compounded from the same elements as Old French embuscher.
Sometimes in early use ambuscado, with a faux Spanish ending of the sort popular in 17c. As a verb, "attack from a concealed position," 1590s.”

"A number of characters, of the greatest eminence in this country, object to this government for its consolidating tendency. This is not imaginary. It is a formidable reality. If consolidation proves to be as mischievous to this country as it has been to other countries, what will the poor inhabitants of this country do? This government will operate like an ambuscade. It will destroy the state governments, and swallow the liberties of the people, without giving previous notice. If gentlemen are willing to run the hazard, let them run it; but I shall exculpate myself by my opposition and monitory warnings within these walls. But then comes paper money. We are at peace on this subject. Though this is a thing which that mighty federal Convention had no business with, yet I acknowledge that paper money would be the bane of this country. I detest it. Nothing can justify a people in resorting to it but extreme necessity. It is at rest, however, in this commonwealth. It is no longer solicited or advocated."
Patrick Henry, Monday, June 9, 1788

Hey Pat, you missed that net right there, there, Pat, look man, the net is right there, what a fucking moron, Pat, Pat, are you dreaming, hey, dude, look man, the net, the net, see the net, you cannot wish it away Pat, and it ain't free stuff. 

One purse is the common denominator binding Treasonous Frauds onto their version of paradise on Earth as documented forensically on their National Debt Clock Real-Time. 

No one managed to set Treasonous Frauds free from their choice to take the Treasonous Fraud path. Pat missed it too, and he was more vigilant than the majority that ruled.  Those that did and those that do choose the Treasonous Fraud path take their own life, not before consuming victims, not before taking that free stuff, but if one were to compare one's life at the time the individual chose the criminal path, and compare that life to the life one would live on the criminal path, forensically documenting the true cost of that criminal path, counting each tortured soul along the way, one might appraise the free stuff with more accurate accounting. Was that on my account? It was not free stuff, but hell, I want more? Kill that accurate accounting stuff! It costs too much, so kill it where it stands, it has no standing in Treasonous Fraud Courts.  

Mathew 7:12, the Golden Rule, is in my opinion an attempt at helping morally sound individuals. The message is intended to help naturally whole people born innocent and born with a working moral conscience, to help free them from the injuries done to them by criminals, helping the innocent choose the light of truth, from a birds-eye view, to set them free from a misdirected criminal path that leads not to any benefits, profits, or dividends, rather the criminal path once chosen leads one more step, one more victim added to the list, eventually adding the criminal as a victim too, since the victim kills off the self-defending, self-realizing, self-protecting mechanism that discovers the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so as to then avoid further injury to oneself. 

Others have tried in vain to help deter crime, to keep people from taking the bait if they would only have known the truth about that trap. 

Others have attempted to bait people onto a path not chosen by the individual being lured with the bait, to then lure the individual onto the path chosen by those setting those lures onto the path of the individual being lured, and if the lure does not work then others beat into the individual a path chosen by the others who do the beatings, and if the lures don't work and if the beatings don't work, then others torture individuals to accept the path chosen by those who do the torturing, and if the tortures do not work to keep individuals on the baited path, the beaten path, and the tortured path, then the individual is killed to keep the individual off the path chosen by the killers who failed at bribing, and failed at beating, and failed at torturing the individual onto the bribing, beating, torturing, and murdering path. 

Self-evident, self-confessing, something worth something to some people, others not so much. 

The following is my version of a message that someone helped me to discover, validate, and I now use it to prosecute the Treasonous Fraud Case in America:

If criminals entice you, Do not consent, 
If they say, "Come with us, let us lie in wait for blood, let us ambush the innocent without cause; 
Let us swallow them alive like cannibals, even whole, as those who go down to their chosen hell on Earth;
We will find all kinds of precious wealth, free stuff, we will fill our houses with National Debt;
Throw in your lot with us, We shall all have one purse, one National currency, there will be no competition allowed."
Do not walk in the way with them. Keep your feet from their path,
For their feet run to evil, they hasten to shed blood. 
Indeed, it is useless to spread the baited net in the sight of any bird;
But they lie in wait for their own blood; 
They ambush their own lives.
So are the ways of everyone who gains by Treasonous Fraud and violence; 
It takes away the life of its possessors.

Above is my altered version of a message passed to me at my request, someone helping me as I asked for help, and this generous individual helped me by pointing me to Proverbs. I took the liberty to liberally add my own version of that message to suit this occasion, so be warned that the message is not copied and pasted as I found it verbatim, it is an adjusted version of the message as I alone see it, this version is my own, accountable to me, I am responsible for having altered the words from the form I found, read, saved, and now pass on, rewritten, with the help of a generous individual. Please forgive me if the adjustments I made are offensive to you, my intention is to preserve the moral character of the message, not to cause offense, not to mislead, or misdirect anyone, not to send anyone down a criminal path without their prior notice.  

Consent is not true if the targets never see the net. To suggest that “Spreading Democracy” by Treasonous Fraud is a "Majority Rule" decision, blaming a nebulous majority, with no single individual held to account for “Collateral Damage,” and no one ever accountable for “Enhanced Interrogation Techniques,” no one on trial for attempted omnicide, to parrot those false claims is to spread the lie oneself as one joins the Treasonous Fraud path oneself factually documented forensically as the lie is followed back to the individual responsible for and accountable for spreading that net that may not be seen by any future innocent victims. 

Invest heavily into Treasonous Fraud and arrive as you wish at your paradise called omnicide. Free stuff after all. 

But mom, but dad, why do you fail to see the lie you were spreading to me while you aided and abetted the Treasonous Frauds as they marched you to their self-made hell on earth? 

Son, we are spreading democracy, without enough questioning. 

“A jury of twelve local farmers, all men and all white according to Levinson, rule in favor of Freeman in 1781, giving her freedom and awarding her 30 shillings in damages.”

"There is no question of the general doctrine that fraud vitiates the most solemn contracts, documents, and even judgments" United States v. Throckmorton, 98 US 61., 1878. 
No dad, no mom, that is not "Spreading Democracy" it is called Treasonous Fraud. You did not let them get me. I do not blame you. Your help, your questions set me free, eventually, your parents did not let them get you either, at least you protected your power to question their authority, if not enough to help them see a better path.  

Some know the truth, and they continue on down the criminal path, reaching deeper into the Deep Infantile State, looking for that elusive free stuff. 

Others do not. 

How about an experiment?

The idea with the common laws of free people is Public Notices passed onto future generations of past and present efforts made by the moral people working to warn people about the true costs of crime, so as to prevent crime before it ever manages to defeat one more individual. No more bribing. No more beating. No more torturing one more innocent victim onto the criminal path. Each case is defended before it even happens, as each case is discovered, validated, and prosecuted before the next victim falls into the net. Every individual at the point in time and place where that individual might have chosen the bait finds an empty net instead. No free stuff, Moury Povich says, "that is a lie."

Before the next victim falls, those who can help them see the net, see the truth, do so, and they are effective, efficient, and expedient, their version of voluntary mutual defense association, the law, the common law, works as intended, and fewer victims fall, then fewer victims fall, and before long the net is seen by all, it is obvious to all, because the people make the net obvious to all, because they can, because the truth of the net exists in fact, it is in fact forensically documented beyond reasonable doubt. 

The net of Treasonous Fraud is Nationalism or any other word that hides the whole truth on purpose, as those who do not see Nationalism as the net may be inspired to “Spread Democracy” and ignore all the “Enhanced Interrogation Techniques,” the “Human Trafficking,” the “Too Big To Fail” criminal cartels, “Mutually Assured Destruction,” “Deep Underground Military Bases,” and the mountains of “Collateral Damage” filling mass graves. 

They are almost all innocent of the guilt of setting the net. Some are guilty of mind in fact.  

So the experiment is to look for, then find, the goal is to discover and then after discovery, the next thing is to validate the discovery as to fact and law, and then prosecute the case once the discovery of the case is found. 

That is the experiment, and it is not a medical experiment forced upon children despite the objections of their parents. No purposeful breaking children's arms repeatedly, sold as free stuff for the greater good.  

Find, if you can, a precedent in common law trial by jury that proceeds according to the unwritten common law principles, where the case had published the truth about a crime of treasonous fraud that charges the original criminal with all the consequences that follow the original fraud. This is not uncommon, drivers of the getaway cars are blamed for murders that happen during a bank robbery, for example, in cases not proceeding according to the common law. That which is initiated by the guilty-minded criminal compounds into greater injuries beyond the originally contemplated injuries, however, the original Treasonous Fraud is responsible and accountable for all those waves going outward in concentric circles from the pebble thrown deliberately into the pond.    

If the law was in place in America, which it is demonstrably not in place, all the people would have at their fingertips a user-friendly easy-to-access, affordable means to discover vital precedence. 

Fraud vitiates, for one example. 

What is morally, rightfully, lawfully, and legally charged as a crime, charged to the original fraud as more and more people are led onto the criminal path by that false promise of free stuff? 

Just kidding is not a valid defense if that is the apology from the accused. 

Do you need a law degree? Do you need to borrow your way through decades of law school at exorbitant interest rates with the threat of a 10-year stint in the American Gulag for failure to pay the National Debt and the Student Loan if you do not obey the order to pay without question? 

XIV - Citizen rights not to be abridged
Passed by Congress June 13, 1866. Ratified July 9, 1868
“The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned.”

Treasonous Frauds are known as Treasonous Frauds by their work. Their work connects them as individuals to their victims. Each victim presumed to have consented to abandon their duty to question unlawful orders proves the guilt of the Treasonous Fraud factually, forensically, as the inculpatory evidence is traced back to the original author of the documented fraud. 

Why, sir, did you abandon your duty to question criminal orders? 

"The judiciary of the United States is so constructed and extended, as to absorb and destroy the judiciaries of the several states; thereby rendering laws as tedious, intricate, and expensive, and justice as unattainable by a great part of the community, as in England; and enabling the rich to oppress and ruin the poor."
George Mason, 1787

All consequences that follow the original fraud are accountable to the original fraud, however, each victim lured onto the same criminal path is either guilty of mind or guilty in fact as is the message contained in the terms mens rea and actus reus. 

If someone does not know that they are on a criminal path then someone might want to clue them in so that they do know, as the net is then discovered by that individual, that individual can then validate the facts of the case, and then that individual can prosecute the case, the least of which would be a decision to no longer follow criminal orders without question. 

Actus reus, guilty acts that are driven by falsehood or ignorance. 

If someone had already discovered the net and was then inspired to use the net to get “free stuff,” then that individual operates with a guilty mind, that individual may yet be shown the true costs, the piles of “Collateral Damage” caused by “Spreading Democracy,” and then that individual may then validate that true cost, no longer claiming fraudulently that they "believe" the stuff was free, and that individual may then start prosecuting their guilty in that case, that individual may then, even after using the net for personal gain, that individual may then question those orders claimed falsely as orders that must be obeyed without question. 

Mens rea, guilty minds driving guilty acts on purpose. 

Criminals, meaning guilty-minded criminals, are ruled and they follow criminals' rules without question, they will injure innocent people on purpose, until they stop by some force preventing them from continuing from each victim to each next victim in time and place. 

Misdirected people causing injury to innocent people because they are misdirected are causing innocent people injury non-the-less, even if they are fooled into a false belief that they are helping people while facing repeated evidence of poor or opposite results that are forensically discovered as piles of dead people instead of people being helped with all that free stuff given to them. 

Caveat Emptor 

Josf-Kelley 8 Mar 19
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Posted by Josf-KelleyOrigins of Adaptive Creativity for Life to Prosper Eternally by Joe Kelley 12-13-2021 I profess to know that the following is true, to the best of my current knowledge.

Posted by Josf-KelleyKyle is not an aberration.

Posted by Josf-KelleyAlong with the Persecution of Defense is the Persecution of Deterrence.

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