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These are the fastest growing groups this week!

Eric Weinstein

For those who want to meet other fans of Eric Weinstein and keep up with his ideas!
Topics: Debate / Argument, Education, Fan Groups, History, Military
3,048 members, 57 posts, Last Activity: Sep 26, 2024

Arielle Scarcella FanSpace!

The fan space for youtuber Arielle Scarcella
Topics: Relationships / Dating, Happiness / Self Improvement, Sexuality / Gender, Society / Culture
2,807 members, 544 posts, Last Activity: Sep 26, 2024

Ayaan Hirsi Ali

For those who want to meet other fans of Ayaan Hirsi Ali and keep up with her podcasts and live events!
Topics: Activism, Books / Writing / Poetry, Fan Groups, Religion / Spiritualism
4,519 members, 108 posts, Last Activity: Sep 22, 2024

Classical Liberalism

A political philosophy in which primary emphasis is placed on securing the freedom of the individual by limiting the power of the government. We advocate civil liberties with a ...
Topics: Activism, Atheism / Agnosticism / Nonbelief, Books / Writing / Poetry, Debate / Argument, Economics / Social Sciences
4,844 members, 703 posts, Last Activity: Sep 26, 2024

Tucker Carlson Fans

Tucker Carlson fans unite!
Topics: Activism, Philosophy, Politics / Political Ideology, Relationships / Dating
13,551 members, 4,457 posts, Last Activity: Sep 22, 2024

Dinesh D'Souza Fans

For those who want to meet other fans of Dinesh D'Souza and keep up with his movies, books, interviews D'Souza is the author of several New York Times best-selling books, ...
Topics: Debate / Argument, Fan Groups, History, Politics / Political Ideology, Society / Culture
10,234 members, 1,908 posts, Last Activity: Sep 22, 2024

Jordan Peterson

For those who want to meet other fans of Jordan Peterson and keep up with his videos, podcasts and live events! If you're a member, please feel free to post his latest / relevant ...
Topics: Activism, Books / Writing / Poetry, Fan Groups, Philosophy, Politics / Political Ideology
25,438 members, 1,668 posts, Last Activity: Sep 26, 2024

Joe Rogan

For those who want to meet other fans of Joe Rogan and keep up with his videos, podcasts and live events! If you're a member, please feel free to post his latest / relevant ...
Topics: Activism, Books / Writing / Poetry, Debate / Argument, Fan Groups, Humor
16,348 members, 542 posts, Last Activity: Sep 26, 2024

Ben Shapiro in 22 hours, 28 mins

For those who want to meet other fans of Ben Shapiro and keep up with his videos, podcasts and live events! If you're a member, please feel free to post his latest/relevant ...
Topics: Activism, Books / Writing / Poetry, Fan Groups, Philosophy, Politics / Political Ideology
22,990 members, 3,924 posts, Last Activity: Sep 22, 2024

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