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This group is for website announcements and a few "Topic-of-the-day" type posts. Please note that "Topic-of-the-day" posts may contain some positional bias in hope to foster discussion. The bias may not reflect my personal views or this website's.

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RecentPosts By Admin (137) Posts by originator only

Jun 15, 2021Jun 2021

Posted by Admin
POLLSome recent videos on Critical Race Theory and what to do about it... This one is intentionally politically neutral and a good candidate to share with friends who may be liberal or moderate.

The parental backlash of teaching CRT to school kids will...

  • 51 votes
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  • 9 votes
Feb 17, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by Admin
POLL Does teaching "white guilt" also cultivate a "white pride" backlash? Glenn Loury, a black author and professor of Economics at Brown University, recently wrote an article entitled "[Unspeakable Truths about Racial Inequality in ...

White people having/expressing pride in the accomplishments of their ancestors...

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Feb 9, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by Admin
POLL What do Liberal activists believe Conservatives believe? In this video, the JP Sears satires that Conservatives believe: - violence is something fun - dangerous people should get guns - all news is corrupt - everything is a ...

Do you think Liberals understand how Conservatives think?

  • 4 votes
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  • 6 votes
Feb 7, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by Admin
POLL Is it time to take a knee on the Superbowl? The Superbowl, being held again today, was once an event to unite people of all backgrounds and levels of interest in sports. People looked forward to get together with friends to watch ...

I will (or did depending on when you vote)...

  • 5 votes
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  • 70 votes
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Feb 2, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by Admin
POLL Why not equality right now? With the start of Black History month, famous antiracism author Ibram Kendi thinks big, saying, “Why can’t we be calling for immediate equality? Why can’t we be thinking that big?”. Well, why ...

Income equality right now...

  • 2 votes
  • 89 votes
Jan 27, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by Admin
How's Biden doing? A week into his new administration, Biden has enacted a flurry of executive orders and begun to set the tone for the next four years. What actions are you most concerned about? See anything positive?
Jan 14, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by Admin
POLL How many good friends do you have from other political tribes? Remember back when sites like Facebook started and everyone was excited to reunite with friends and acquaintances from our past? Then, during and after the 2016 ...

How many good friends do you have from the "other political tribe"?

  • 12 votes
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Jan 13, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by Admin
POLL What did Trump do, if anything, to incite violence? This question is sincere as I'm trying to find out myself. I'm a fairly active reader of news but have only seen outrage in mainstream news outlets about the DC protests and not ...

Did Trump incite violence?

  • 10 votes
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Jan 10, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by Admin
POLL Is free speech dead? After being dropped from their app stores by Google and Apple without notice just days after the Capital protests, hosting provider Amazon announced yesterday that they will be removing free-speech site Parler ...

Do Trump supporters and those who value the 1st Amendment have viable alternatives to Big Tech?

  • 99 votes
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  • 11 votes
Jan 8, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by Admin
Under what time and circumstance is the use of violence warranted? The last few days have seen protests at a level of emotion not seen since the BLM protests last summer. In both circumstances, the participants felt they were ...
Jan 6, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by Admin
Now what? Hours after the Democrats appear to win control of the House of Representatives, pro-Trump protesters reach the house floor - now what? Please feel free to comment as this action continues.
Jan 4, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by Admin
What do you expect to be achieved by this week's pro-Trump DC rally? Scheduled on January 6th to protest alleged fraud in the 2020 election, the "Stop the Steal" rally is anticipated to draw thousands of the most avid Trump ...
Dec 29, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by Admin
POLL What did you learn in 2020? It's an understatement to say that 2020 was an eventual year. Starting with an impeachment trial, 2020 continued with a pandemic, BLM protests, crazy wildfires, close and heated election, and the final ...

How do you feel about 2021?

  • 15 votes
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Dec 25, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by Admin
POLL Should big tech firms hire more Blacks and Hispanics? Every year, big tech firms voluntarily announce the results of their efforts to "increase racial diversity" among their employees. But while "tech companies say they value ...

Should big tech firms hire more Blacks and Hispanics?

  • 1 vote
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  • 65 votes
  • 17 votes
Dec 23, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by Admin
POLL Should pedophiles be allowed to have "child" sex robots? What about access "virtual/computer-generated child pornography" or text stories containing pedophilia? It's natural to assume that this could put more kids at risk if the ...

Allowing (potential) pedophiles access to virtual forms of pedophilia is likely to...

  • 80 votes
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  • 14 votes
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Dec 18, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by Admin
POLL Should some research topics be banned or results censored? With recent advancement of science and technology, especially related to full genome sequencing and detailed brain imagery, academic researchers are now exploring what makes...

Research that may result in controversial findings...

  • 5 votes
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  • 85 votes
  • 8 votes
Dec 15, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by Admin
Do you have a "line in the sand" regarding political or social change? It is often better to define ones limits before they are tested. Doing so while calm and clear-headed enables logic and reason to be used instead of heated ...
Dec 13, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by Admin
POLL Is it time to put Trump out to pasture? Especially in a close election, the apparent losing side has every right to make their best case that they in fact won. Now five weeks post election, Trump's team seem towards the end of ...

Is it time for Trump to concede?

  • 21 votes
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  • 7 votes
Dec 11, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by Admin
POLL Do you consider this website to be "far right"? As many here may know, was originally and started out as a fan site for members of the "Intellectual Dark Web". A recent academic paper ( now ...

Do you consider this website to be "far right"?

  • 10 votes
  • 123 votes
  • 12 votes
Dec 3, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by Admin
POLL Are Twitter and Facebook's new censorship rules racist? In an amazing timing coincidence, Twitter and Facebook both announced new censorship rules on what they define as "hate speech". ...

These new censorship rules will lead to...

  • 1 vote
  • 63 votes
  • 5 votes
Nov 30, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by Admin
Do you watch old TV shows and movies to "go back in time"? With Covid lockdowns limiting the production of new TV shows and movies, many have used this as an opportunity to explore how people viewed life in the past. Personally, I've revisited ...
Nov 20, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by Admin
Would moving state borders reduce the chance of civil war? As you know, the US is more politically polarized than ever both as shown by the US map image below. The red/blue shows the net change in voters by county... basically ...
Nov 19, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by Admin
POLL What are black people superior at? No, no... that's not the "question of the day"... instead, what are your thoughts on this recent video entitled "So what exactly are white people superior at?". Do you think the statements made ...

Do you think a substantial percent of Blacks harbor contempt towards Whites?

  • 43 votes
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  • 5 votes
Nov 18, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by Admin
POLL What is the "Great Reset"? Whenever leaders start talking about plans using vague language, it's likely that they either don't know what they're talking about or they're hiding something dangerous. The World Economic Forum's ...

The "Great Reset" is a plan to...

  • 44 votes
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Nov 16, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by Admin
POLL Is it possible to talk about Jewish political influence without being called anti-Semitic? According to a 2016 Jerusalem Post ( article, "US Jews contribute half of all donations to the Democratic Party (and about 25% of...

Jewish political influence is...

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Posted by Admin Does teaching "white guilt" also cultivate a "white pride" backlash?

Posted by Admin Is it time to take a knee on the Superbowl?

Posted by Admin Why not equality right now?

Posted by Admin How's Biden doing?

Posted by Admin How many good friends do you have from other political tribes?

Posted by Admin What did Trump do, if anything, to incite violence?

Posted by Admin Is free speech dead?

Posted by Admin Is free speech dead?

Posted by Admin Is free speech dead?

Posted by Admin Under what time and circumstance is the use of violence warranted?

Posted by Admin Now what?

Posted by Admin What do you expect to be achieved by this week's pro-Trump DC rally?

Posted by Admin What did you learn in 2020?

Posted by Admin Should pedophiles be allowed to have "child" sex robots?

Posted by Admin Do you have a "line in the sand" regarding political or social change?

Posted by Admin Should big tech firms hire more Blacks and Hispanics?

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