Arielle Scarcella FanSpace!

The fan space for youtuber Arielle Scarcella

The fan space for youtuber Arielle Scarcella

RecentPosts By ariellescarcella (61) Posts by members only

Arielle Scarcella FanSpace!
Dec 6, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by ariellescarcellaSticky
Hypocritical Social Justice : 2020 Year In Review
Arielle Scarcella FanSpace!
May 31, 2023May 2023

Posted by cindyg64776
The globalists in the new world order are putting the MRNA vax in your food you need to start doing this visit....
1 comment
Politics, Law & Policy
Mar 25, 2023Mar 2023

Posted by goodintentions
POLLI’ve always considered myself to be a liberal (and still do, based on what liberal actually means) but over the last year or so I’ve become increasingly skeptical of far left rhetoric and ideologies (I guess that’s obvious because I’m here!)....

Are you a liberal who’s fed up with the far left?

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Arielle Scarcella FanSpace!
Feb 23, 2023Feb 2023

Posted by Foxiepaws
YouTube just stopped me commenting for a day due to me saying things about the trans rights activists etc., You're right, you cannot state facts anymore without falling foul of the algorithm. I am pretty much fed up with the attacks on truth and the...
1 comment
Arielle Scarcella FanSpace!
Jan 24, 2023Jan 2023

Posted by fthemedia
I bet in Liberal countries now a days. If the Justice system knew about "transage" and some pedophile claimed to be transage and asked to be put in a juvenile detention centre instead of mens prison. He would be put in such. We live in a world past ...
1 comment
Arielle Scarcella FanSpace!
Jan 24, 2023Jan 2023

Posted by fthemedia
People like this need to be executed or sent to men's prison. Anyone can say they are transgender to avoid men's prison and gain access to female victims. What smart criminal who is aware of the loopholes in the far left system woulden't? What ...
1 comment
Arielle Scarcella FanSpace!
Jan 12, 2023Jan 2023

Posted by fthemedia
Correction: Autogyneophiliac pedophile testifies at human rights tribunal after being refused a Brazilian Wax.
1 comment
Jan 12, 2023Jan 2023

Posted by fthemedia
One time when I was a teen, I had a friend say to me "I wish I was non binary because androgyny is cool". Later she grew out of it. This is the sad reality we live in
Jan 12, 2023Jan 2023

Posted by fthemedia
I was thinking how both sides of the political extremes have a lot in common. 1. They both yell over you to "win" and argument and immaturely call you stupid or other names to "win" a point and make themselves feel smarter. Yet it's a poor ...
1 comment
Jan 11, 2023Jan 2023

Posted by fthemedia
I noticed with people who want to be the opposite sex as a trend or way of escape are mostly young girls aged 13-16, gay women with internalized homophobia, gay men with internalized homophobia, people assigned female trying to escape repressive ...
Jan 11, 2023Jan 2023

Posted by fthemedia
Is is horrible and sad that we live in a day and age where mental disorders are trendy and being a majority is demonized by the far left. Along with an increased amount of homophobia and young gay kids or confused kids and people in general in fact ...
1 comment
Jan 11, 2023Jan 2023

Posted by fthemedia
I did as well. I am glad I saw the light.
Jan 5, 2023Jan 2023

Posted by fthemedia
This will trigger a lot of anti-gun SJWs lmao
Dec 30, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by fthemedia
This is just sick putting fake penises in the diapers of little girls because the woke parents want a transkid
1 comment
Dec 30, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by fthemedia
The truth about the trans community. Because the far left the term transgender seems no more meant to define individuals with the mental disorder GID; but a conversion cult created by the far left that anyone can join. I am technically "transgender" ...
1 comment
Dec 30, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by fthemedia
This 100% many don't and just want to share there story
1 comment
Dec 30, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by fthemedia
This is how transgender medical care should be based off what GID really is a mental disorder, not a trend and should be treated as what it is a mental disorder that needs to be fixed like any disorder. Kids should know what they are getting ...
Dec 30, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by fthemedia
Radical trans activists are bad for everyone period
1 comment
Dec 30, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by fthemedia
This 100% its not about dressing up like women as a joke. It's the sexual adult humor kids cannot comprehend and it just seems creepy for any adult to take a kid to one of these shows its not just simple jokes or dress up
1 comment
Dec 30, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by fthemedia
Would you take your children to a strip club? You probably would say no. No matter what your politics are. But how is this any different? I am not against LGBT people at all but pushing your agenda on kids and making kids watch sexually provocative ...
1 comment
Dec 30, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by fthemedia
Hell I am lowkey scarred as an adult imagine a kid seeing this yikes
Arielle Scarcella FanSpace!
Dec 26, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by sqeptiq
LINKNetflix Customers Could Face Criminal Charges For Sharing Their Password
Dec 6, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by fthemedia
The right does not inheritally hate transgender people. This shows that being reasonable and civil achieves more than the extreme views the far left pushes. Hopefully we will all learn not to take them seriously and see them as the joke they are. ...
1 comment
Dec 6, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by fthemedia
This right here is 100% true. Some of the left should try being more civil asking questions to learn, explaining there points basically being civil and not jumping down peoples throats many have good intent but many who get violent do not and tend to...
Dec 5, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by fthemedia
Am I the only one? I miss Kalvin Garrahs old content making fun of SJWs and transtrenders. I am glad Arielle makes those kinds of videos. We need to spread awareness on those cringe people. They are doing harm to the lgbt+ community plus Kalvin had ...

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Posted by fthemediaI noticed with people who want to be the opposite sex as a trend or way of escape are mostly young girls aged 13-16, gay women with internalized homophobia, gay men with internalized homophobia, ...

Posted by fthemediaIs is horrible and sad that we live in a day and age where mental disorders are trendy and being a majority is demonized by the far left.

Posted by fthemediaThis 100% many don't and just want to share there story

Posted by fthemediaIt's like we are living in a irl cringe comp.

Posted by fthemediaWelcome to incel central. Free ignorance!

Posted by TheHerrDarkThat sounds about right

Posted by Caseyxsharp2I don't know what happened to the comments that I was making before on my other post.

Posted by Caseyxsharp2I don't know what happened to the comments that I was making before on my other post.

Posted by Caseyxsharp2I don't know what happened to the comments that I was making before on my other post.

Posted by NaomiShould there be legal restrictions on trans athletes competing in schools?

Posted by Naomi"Super Bi", “Super Gay”, “Super Lesbian”... So, is there anything wrong with "Super Straight"? Are you offended by the term?

Posted by ariellescarcellaHow do we feel about this? "Men and the rest" Why do men get the "safe space" toilet when they are not the ones who generally at risk?

Posted by AtitayaWoah. This is beyond madness. 😂😂 “There’s a lot to unpack here.”

Posted by TheHerrDarkSince you are an expert, Doesn't this ad look like a woman taking her top off? Did the Oculus design and marketing team really go there?

Posted by TheHerrDarkRemember when the leftist said Trump would shake Hitler's hand?

Posted by ariellescarcellaMen in dresses. Good, bad? Who cares?

  • Top tags#video #world #sex #reason #gender #community #lesbian #media #videos #hope #gay #society #youtube #friends #rights #kids #culture #Identity #LGBT #children #god #money #government #hell #conservative #truth #politics #Police #liberal #transgender #sexuality #Canada #biden #democrats #TheTruth #book #vote #progressive #Orientation #racist #Socialmedia #birth #created #feminism #fear #evil #mother #guns #lgbtq #death ...

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