This auto-join group is to discuss charts that could be considered controversial, hard to find or give unique insights. Feel free to upload relevant charts, include links to the source data, and consider including a poll. We will then review the chart, change the author to .. Read more
This auto-join group is to discuss charts that could be considered controversial, hard to find or give unique insights. Feel free to upload relevant charts, include links to the source data, and consider including a poll. We will then review the chart, change the author to .. Read more
Posted by Charter Does a country's wealth come from its energy use?
Posted by Charter Why does the worldwide IQ distribution appear to match racial IQ differences seen in multi-racial countries?
Posted by Charter Why do children raised in same-sex households appear to have worse life outcomes?
Posted by Charter Is it fair that actresses are younger and have shorter careers than actors?
Posted by Charter Why are asylum seekers in EU overwhelmingly (military-aged) men? If asylum seekers were fleeing for persecution reasons, does it make sense that most are young men? Source: []
Posted by Charter Why do young women consider unwanted comments about their appearance as sexual harassment compared to older women?
Posted by Charter Are women aware of the risks of postponing having children?
Posted by Charter Is this proof that income inequality doesn't appear to be cause of white-black SAT/IQ gap?
Posted by Charter Is a multi-cultural society a good thing?
Posted by Charter Why hasn't anti-Muslim sentiment gone down after the spike due to 9/11? Source: FBI Crime Statistics []
Posted by Charter Why does the average IQ of a country appears to decrease as religiosity increases?
Posted by Charter Northern states tend to have more "social capital". How's yours?
Posted by Charter Most federal revenue comes from income and payroll tax. Is that optimal? Soure: []
Posted by Charter On a percentage basis, it is much more likely to be killed by a Muslim "terrorist" in the US than a Right-Wing "extremist". Does it feel that way?
Posted by Charter Why do Blacks have a much higher risk of being murdered by other Blacks than they do from Whites? Post suggested by @AdrianRainbow
Posted by Charter What can be implied from the fact that African-American homicide rate mirrors African nations while European-American homicide rate is comparable to European nations? Post suggested by @ZuzecaSape