Controversial Charts

This auto-join group is to discuss charts that could be considered controversial, hard to find or give unique insights. Feel free to upload relevant charts, include links to the source data, and consider including a poll. We will then review the chart, change the author to .. Read more

This auto-join group is to discuss charts that could be considered controversial, hard to find or give unique insights. Feel free to upload relevant charts, include links to the source data, and consider including a poll. We will then review the chart, change the author to .. Read more

RecentPosts By Charter (18) Posts by members only

Controversial Charts
Jun 16, 2023Jun 2023

Posted by lawrenceblair
Liber Vitae Christus Chapters 51 -58
Controversial Charts
Dec 10, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by WayneHawthorne
This year is expected to have the first population reduction since the Black Death. Improvement number one?
Controversial Charts
Aug 6, 2021Aug 2021

Posted by TheHerrDark
Statistics are great if done and used correctly, but if someone does not understand or have the necessary background in the subject matter, statistics become useless. Another that screws up statistics is inaccurate data collecting or using out of ...
Controversial Charts

Posted by Charter
POLL Does a country's wealth come from its energy use? Plotting countries by their wealth and energy use shows a clear correlation. Is energy use the cause of wealth or does wealth simply creates the ability to consume energy? Clearly,...

Can countries stay wealthy while using considerably, say 50%, less energy?

  • 24 votes
  • 231 votes
  • 6 votes
Controversial Charts

Posted by Charter
POLL On a percentage basis, it is much more likely to be killed by a Muslim "terrorist" in the US than a Right-Wing "extremist". Does it feel that way? Related Links: ...

Who are you afraid of?

  • 3 votes
  • 132 votes
  • 24 votes
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  • 36 votes
Controversial Charts

Posted by Charter
POLL Why do children raised in same-sex households appear to have worse life outcomes? There are several ways to interpret this data. The first is that adoption in same-sex households may result in worse outcomes than for opposite-sex ...

Should same-sex couples be discouraged to adopt?

  • 153 votes
  • 34 votes
  • 14 votes
Controversial Charts

Posted by Charter
POLL Why does the worldwide IQ distribution appear to match racial IQ differences seen in multi-racial countries? Since the majority of the countries of the world have majority of one racial / ancestral group, racism seems unlikely a ...

IQ differences between countries is due to...

  • 17 votes
  • 3 votes
  • 121 votes
  • 99 votes
  • 25 votes
Controversial Charts

Posted by Charter
POLL Is it fair that actresses are younger and have shorter careers than actors? It's long been the case that leading men are paired up with younger women. This chart shows the age distributions of both sexes in recent years. Is this ...

Is this due to...

  • 6 votes
  • 151 votes
  • 31 votes
Controversial Charts

Posted by Charter
POLL Why are asylum seekers in EU overwhelmingly (military-aged) men? If asylum seekers were fleeing for persecution reasons, does it make sense that most are young men? Source:

The disproportionate amount of young men who are asylum seekers implies...

  • 3 votes
  • 150 votes
  • 16 votes
Controversial Charts

Posted by Charter
POLL Why do young women consider unwanted comments about their appearance as sexual harassment compared to older women?

This is due to...

  • 5 votes
  • 34 votes
  • 67 votes
Controversial Charts

Posted by Charter
POLL Are women aware of the risks of postponing having children? As college educated women postpone marriage and children longer than before, there are increasingly at risk of not having children... even with advancements in IVF and ...

Is it better to wait until one is older to have kids?

  • 16 votes
  • 87 votes
  • 10 votes
Controversial Charts

Posted by Charter
POLL Is this proof that income inequality doesn't appear to be cause of white-black SAT/IQ gap? This chart shows that while SAT scores, which are correlated with IQ, rise with parental income, the score gap is constant. This suggests ...

What factors do you think cause the SAT score gap between different groups?

  • 6 votes
  • 1 vote
  • 34 votes
  • 71 votes
  • 46 votes
  • 7 votes
Controversial Charts

Posted by Charter
POLL Is a multi-cultural society a good thing? At one point, it was expected that immigrants to the US would eventually intermarry and share a unified culture. With changes in immigration policy in the 1960s, immigration demographics ...

Do you anticipate the US to adopt a unifying culture by 2040?

  • 4 votes
  • 109 votes
  • 3 votes
Controversial Charts

Posted by Charter
POLL Why hasn't anti-Muslim sentiment gone down after the spike due to 9/11? Source: FBI Crime Statistics

Over the next decade, do you expect anti-Muslim sentiment in the US to...

  • 79 votes
  • 6 votes
  • 14 votes
Controversial Charts

Posted by Charter
POLL Why does the average IQ of a country appears to decrease as religiosity increases? Since IQ doesn't shoot up if someone loses their religious faith, it is unlikely that religion itself isn't the cause of a country having a lower ...

Is religion good for a country?

  • 83 votes
  • 24 votes
  • 22 votes
Controversial Charts

Posted by Charter
POLL Northern states tend to have more "social capital". How's yours? "Social Capital" is basically the power of friends and family - people one can rely on in times of trouble. While this chart is from 2000, it does show that it is ...

Compared to 10 years ago, do you have more or less "social capital"?

  • 18 votes
  • 40 votes
  • 3 votes
Controversial Charts

Posted by Charter
POLL Most federal revenue comes from income and payroll tax. Is that optimal? Soure:

If you were to increase the % of taxes from one source, which would you choose?

  • 4 votes
  • 2 votes
  • 14 votes
  • 10 votes
  • 2 votes
  • 34 votes
Controversial Charts

Posted by Charter
POLL Why do Blacks have a much higher risk of being murdered by other Blacks than they do from Whites? Post suggested by @AdrianRainbow

Why do you think the media highlights white-on-black killing?

  • 7 votes
  • 1 vote
  • 56 votes
  • 1 vote
  • 39 votes
Controversial Charts

Posted by Charter
POLL What can be implied from the fact that African-American homicide rate mirrors African nations while European-American homicide rate is comparable to European nations? Post suggested by @ZuzecaSape

Is this because of...

  • 1 vote
  • 33 votes
Controversial Charts

Posted by Charter
POLL Did Obama use federal tax money to fund woke army? Will Biden continue? This chart shows that shortly after the start of the Obama administration, the student loans given by the government start to rise considerably. It is ...

The government should offer loans and grants to:

  • 42 votes
  • 2 votes
  • 17 votes
Controversial Charts

Posted by Charter
POLL Foreign-Born Americans vote overwhelmingly Democrat - so what? Note: as there is no source listed for this chart, please consider it accordingly.

Over the next few election cycles, will this gap...

  • 37 votes
  • 3 votes
  • 8 votes
  • 7 votes

Photos 19 More

Posted by Charter Does a country's wealth come from its energy use?

Posted by Charter Why does the worldwide IQ distribution appear to match racial IQ differences seen in multi-racial countries?

Posted by Charter Why do children raised in same-sex households appear to have worse life outcomes?

Posted by Charter Is it fair that actresses are younger and have shorter careers than actors?

Posted by Charter Why are asylum seekers in EU overwhelmingly (military-aged) men? If asylum seekers were fleeing for persecution reasons, does it make sense that most are young men? Source: []

Posted by Charter Why do young women consider unwanted comments about their appearance as sexual harassment compared to older women?

Posted by Charter Are women aware of the risks of postponing having children?

Posted by Charter Is this proof that income inequality doesn't appear to be cause of white-black SAT/IQ gap?

Posted by Charter Is a multi-cultural society a good thing?

Posted by Charter Why hasn't anti-Muslim sentiment gone down after the spike due to 9/11? Source: FBI Crime Statistics []

Posted by Charter Why does the average IQ of a country appears to decrease as religiosity increases?

Posted by Charter Northern states tend to have more "social capital". How's yours?

Posted by Charter Most federal revenue comes from income and payroll tax. Is that optimal? Soure: []

Posted by Charter On a percentage basis, it is much more likely to be killed by a Muslim "terrorist" in the US than a Right-Wing "extremist". Does it feel that way?

Posted by Charter Why do Blacks have a much higher risk of being murdered by other Blacks than they do from Whites? Post suggested by @AdrianRainbow

Posted by Charter What can be implied from the fact that African-American homicide rate mirrors African nations while European-American homicide rate is comparable to European nations? Post suggested by @ZuzecaSape

  • Top tags#video #children #USA #population #vote #world #desperate #culture #immigrants #muslims #god #ElonMusk #youtube #death #wealth #racism #Canada #gender #Harassment #TheTruth #truth #marriage #college #inequality #Asian #IncomeInequality #policy #immigration #crimes #crime #philosophy #religiosity #intelligence #bowling #Mexico #Socialcapital #taxes #government #mother #faith #friends #RightWing #Christian #wife #terrorists #justice #kids #whites #fear #JordanPeterson ...

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