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BECOME AWARE – Eat the Hay & Spit Out the Sticks

SUMMARY: Here are a series of posts that might be challenging for the low attention span generation, NEVERTHELESS – If you place any value on Liberty, you might want some awareness of what potentially is coming down the pike.

o Greg Reese: Banking Insider Warns CBDCs Will Be Implanted Chips (7/19/23)

o Political Moonshine: DISMANTLED: Part I – ODNI Report on COVID-19 Wuhan Origins Is an Exit Strategy (7/19/23)

o Activist Post: The Military Dangers of AI Are Not Hallucinations (7/20/23)

o The Cradle: US military sought to experiment on Africans for big pharma: Kremlin (7/19/23)

DO NOT swallow any of these posts hook-line-and-sinker! Do some critical thinking and some double checking on your own... Be as smart as an old cow – eat the hay and spit out the sticks. …TAKE A LOOK: []
#GlobalistTyranny #MedicalTyranny #AmericanDystopia

JohnHouk 8 July 21
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Posted by JohnHoukDebate Removes Doubt Biden an Installed Puppet [tinyurl.

Posted by JohnHoukKNOW What YOU Are Resisting [tinyurl.

Posted by JohnHoukHappy Coffee – Happy Life [slantedright2.

Posted by JohnHoukDems Great Replacement Exposed & Great Reset Backfire [tinyurl.

Posted by JohnHoukResist the Fundamental Transformation of America [bit.

Posted by JohnHoukDem-Marxist Political Persecution Could be Knocking on YOUR Door [bit.

Posted by JohnHoukThe Trump Kangaroo-Conviction Should Inspire Acts of MAGA! [bit.

Posted by JohnHoukTrump Election Invincibility IF Changes mRNA Stand SUMMARY: JUST TO BE CLEAR! I AM VOTING FOR THE POLITICALLY PERSECUTED President Donald Trump on Election Day 2024.

Posted by JohnHoukDO NOT Allow Medical Tyranny to Continue – Refresher Videos Pt.

Posted by JohnHoukDO NOT Allow Medical Tyranny to Continue – Refresher Videos Pt.

Posted by JohnHoukPolitical Tyranny – Part Two Videos Showing the Political Tyranny of Factionalism & Globalist Entanglements SUMMARY: IN Part 1 I used President Washington’s 1796 Farewell Address as a ...

Posted by JohnHoukIntro to Maj.

Posted by JohnHoukReprising ShadowGate Documentaries: With Dr.

Posted by JohnHoukWhat Happens After Submitting Election Fraud Evidence?

Posted by JohnHoukMy Intro to Documentary, ‘Let My People Go’ SUMMARY: Dr.

Posted by JohnHoukVOTE TRUMP – Overcome Dem-Marxist/RINO Lies – Video Share SUMMARY: The first batch of shared videos reflects VOTE-FOR-TRUMP in the midst of Dem-Marxist/RINO government LIES.

  • Top tags#biden #video #media #world #government #democrats #USA #joebiden #Police #evidence #truth #liberty #vaccination #vote #military #corruption #federal #children #China #racist #god #money #society #corrupt #democrat #republicans #death #WhiteHouse #kids #Republican #GOP #conservative #rights #chinese #Congress #Constitution #videos #hope #youtube #communist #crime #democratic #hell #evil #TheTruth #voters #Socialmedia #propaganda #SupremeCourt #fox ...

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