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Eye Opener with Michael Lewis - Time to discuss the toxic policies RAVAGING San Fran & NYC; 53% ...
Mechanic comments on Dec 13, 2021:
On the contrary, their policies are working exactly as they were designed.
ToddStarnes: 15 Shot, 1 Killed in Baytown, Texas Shooting.
Mechanic comments on Dec 13, 2021:
I question if this is gang related, it would fill in some blank spots in the story.
Sounds ominous! Thoughts? []
Mechanic comments on Dec 13, 2021:
Not a big fan of his solution of voting from home and automatic voter registration.
The demented left. []
Mechanic comments on Dec 10, 2021:
Love the COTR
im sure this kid played a lot of call of duty too. and what happened to it’s just property?
Mechanic comments on Dec 10, 2021:
Just add it to the list of defensive gun uses.
PJMedia: Who'd A Thunk It?
Mechanic comments on Dec 9, 2021:
Who could have predicted that? Oh that’s right everyone.
Mechanic comments on Dec 9, 2021:
Not surprised
Fauci says families should 'ask,' 'maybe require' COVID vaccine for holiday guests before indoor ...
Mechanic comments on Dec 9, 2021:
Why should I require anyone to risk their life to get a jab that doesn’t stop anyone from getting or spreading this virus.
DailyWire: "Let's Go Brandon" is so popular (and so embarrassing to corporate management) that ...
Mechanic comments on Dec 9, 2021:
Everything woke turn to crap! I hope this costs them.
From agnostic, thought some of yall might take offense here?
Mechanic comments on Dec 8, 2021:
John 8:7 “So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” I think Jesus already answered their questions, if they actually wanted the answer.
NEWS // ‘Unbiased’ news source?
Mechanic comments on Dec 8, 2021:
Certainly a conflict of interests.
"A National Education Association (@ NEAToday) Board of Directors member & teacher at a Pennsylvania...
Mechanic comments on Dec 8, 2021:
I question their prescribed method of death, but to some extent I can agree. Romans 6:23 does say that the wages of sin is death. So we do deserve to die, fortunately I have a savior who died in my place for my sins and offers forgiveness to anyone who believes in Him. That being said, so much for these people calling parents domestic terrorists, have they looked in the mirror.
well can you release some of them?
Mechanic comments on Dec 8, 2021:
The problem is which photos they release, and which ones that they intentionally withhold will be politically motivated.
[] CNN’s Don Lemon under fire for role in Jussie Smollett scandal
Mechanic comments on Dec 7, 2021:
I would have thought the taint juice incident would have gotten lemon in trouble.
"Gabbard will never again win a Democrat primary.
Mechanic comments on Dec 7, 2021:
Had they run her against trump she probably would have one. No one would have doubted the results.
Biden Begging Media to Change Coverage Due to Collapsing Poll Numbers | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report ...
Mechanic comments on Dec 7, 2021:
Just think, the media has covered home vary favorably, imagine what his ratings would be if he had trump like coverage.
What's stealth camping?
Mechanic comments on Dec 7, 2021:
Normally it is camping(living) in a van in parking lots. Generally it violates vagrancy laws.
I just wanted you fellas to see the kind of hate these communists have for you as an example
Mechanic comments on Dec 7, 2021:
I’m well aware that death is inevitable, but death is only temporary for me. But in this life I realize that there is more to living than just not dying.
Shouldn't you be excused from paying taxes if you don't get to use government services due to being ...
Mechanic comments on Dec 6, 2021:
Seems reasonable to me.
Major study shows ZERO deaths from COVID among healthy kids []
Mechanic comments on Dec 6, 2021:
The “cure” is worse than the disease at least for many age groups.
Stress is causing the rise in heart problems..... 🥴
Mechanic comments on Dec 5, 2021:
Stress could contribute to the problem, but the Jabs seem to be the primary factor.
Italian Man Wears Fake Arm In Attempt To Avoid Coof Jab []
Mechanic comments on Dec 4, 2021:
The thought had crossed my mind as well.
Derek Prince With Subtitles: Democracy Isn't God's Form Of Government | Derek Prince
Mechanic comments on Dec 4, 2021:
Well said.
Detoxing from COVID vaccine. []
Mechanic comments on Dec 3, 2021:
If there is no way to detox from the vaccine, it seems like all the more reason to avoid it completely.
Is armed self-defense a basic human right?
Mechanic comments on Dec 3, 2021:
Find me any creature in the wild that isn’t allowed to use every resource at its disposal to protect its life from outside threats. Wether it’s camouflage, speed, horns, antlers, teeth, or claws every created being has the right to use it’s resources for the protection of itself or their herd.
Freedom of speech violates the genocide policy.
Mechanic comments on Dec 3, 2021:
Makes them FEEL unsafe! but if what he is saying is true, then by censoring the information they are actively leading people their death.
NEWS, not so new, Biden thinks he needs 87,000 new IRS agents, but no new border patrol or police ...
Mechanic comments on Dec 2, 2021:
Clearly former Vice President Biden views you and I as the real threat to his corrupt agenda.
Do You Tell Your Kids Santa Is Real? | Ep. 79https://[]
Mechanic comments on Dec 2, 2021:
Hell no, a fat man in a suit already gets to much credit at my job. I refuse to lie to my children.
Have the lefties thought of this?
Mechanic comments on Dec 2, 2021:
It’s not a bug, it’s a feature. What better way to reduce the unwanted carbon … you.
I've grown to really hate the term PRIVILEGE.
Mechanic comments on Dec 1, 2021:
I agree. That being said I had the privilege of being born in the United States. My pet peeve term is “entitled”, every Medicare add on TV drives me crazy with it.
2. 11. "First dose finally for my Toto!!!" 1. 12. "Rest in peace, son, my love."
Mechanic comments on Dec 1, 2021:
It’s heart breaking, I don’t know how parents could look at the actual risks and make that decision.
Should Christians Be Preppers?
Mechanic comments on Dec 1, 2021:
Joseph was certainly a prepper.
NRO: Fauci: I represent science. []
Mechanic comments on Nov 30, 2021:
That’s a funny way to spell “fraud”
"When you see evil and it stares back at you, running is no longer an option"
Mechanic comments on Nov 28, 2021:
Evil indeed.
Biden using veteran suicides as sick pretext to target gun dealers- []
Mechanic comments on Nov 27, 2021:
If they cared about preventing suicides among military members they would not be forcing them to take a shot against their will or face a less than honorable discharge.
Why is the world so resistant to change []
Mechanic comments on Nov 26, 2021:
Some people are resistant to change because the elites passing the changes keep lying to us.
USNews: Marines Face Defining Moment Ahead of Vaccine Mandate Deadline.
Mechanic comments on Nov 25, 2021:
Also US news, the space force and air force are both younger than the marine corps. Maybe they are referring to the service members in the branch on average, but if so it’s worded poorly.
USNews: Marines Face Defining Moment Ahead of Vaccine Mandate Deadline.
Mechanic comments on Nov 25, 2021:
“If Marines now are choosing to disobey a lawful order over the vaccine, what might be the next thing in the future where we see this type of disobedience?” Or perhaps they will obey their oath to support and defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. The current tyrant and chief has repeatedly shown disdain for the constitution and the American citizens.
Why won't give me my 100 usd?
Mechanic comments on Nov 25, 2021:
Perhaps Slug just doesn’t have any money. @admin why have $100 cards as an option if they won’t be sent out?
Anything Goes: Washington Post Says Christmas Parade Attack Was "Caused by SUV".
Mechanic comments on Nov 25, 2021:
If the SUV is at fault it removes the blame from the individual who made the choices behind the wheel. The media loves to blame inanimate objects anytime they want to protect an individual or group. They simultaneously blame entire demographics for the action of one individual when they desire to demonize that group for unrelated reasons.
Animals getting shot at Calgary Zoo. []
Mechanic comments on Nov 25, 2021:
Maybe when the livestock have infertility issues and cardiac issues there will be enough pushback to accomplish something.
19FortyFive: The US Navy Is Rusting Away. []
Mechanic comments on Nov 24, 2021:
At least we have a male admiral that wears skirts?
Saw this while getting gas yesterday...
Mechanic comments on Nov 24, 2021:
I’ve seen those a few times now. FJB
If the DNC had nominated Tulsi instead of Sleepy Joe/Kamala would we be in a better place?
Mechanic comments on Nov 24, 2021:
I don’t know if things would be better, but I would not questioned the election results.
Monday it is.
Mechanic comments on Nov 23, 2021:
Tuesday sounds reasonable.
The difference between Rittenhouse and the Vaxxx is that Kyle’s shots were effective..
Mechanic comments on Nov 21, 2021:
Fauci isn’t 1/100th of the man Kyle is.
Don’t ever trust fact checkers.
Mechanic comments on Nov 21, 2021:
If I see fact checkers say something is false, it automatically boosts its credibility.
The ADL hate you. They truly are vile.
Mechanic comments on Nov 20, 2021:
Well when the government prosecutes innocent people it makes it impossible for me to support them. So fuck yes I will celebrate this victory.
That's one screwy power supply.
Mechanic comments on Nov 20, 2021:
Why do you have a picture of @A1fredo power supply
Black Rifle Coffee Puts on Cross Dressing Fashion Show Rather Than Apologize to Rittenhouse
Mechanic comments on Nov 20, 2021:
Shame on BRCC they owe Kyle an apology.
Biden calls for calm but says Rittenhouse 'not guilty' verdict leaves him 'angry and concerned' | ...
Mechanic comments on Nov 19, 2021:
I’ve never been this presidential before. Every time I eat ice cream… presidential. Every time I fail to form a coherent sentence… presidential. Every time I fart loudly … presidential. Forget someone’s name… presidential.
I learned.
Mechanic comments on Nov 19, 2021:
Commenting to come back later and watch this.
It Begins: FBI SWATS Mom Who Protested Colorado School Board, Terrorizes Family Historically ...
Mechanic comments on Nov 19, 2021:
Defund the FBI and fire 100% of them. The county sheriff can handle law enforcement.
Federalist: In South Texas, The Border Crisis Threatens To Become A Constitutional Crisis.
Mechanic comments on Nov 19, 2021:
It is a constitutional issue already, it maybe should be a Declaration of Independence issue again.
We all saw evidence after evidence,,Kyle wanted to avoid trouble.
Mechanic comments on Nov 18, 2021:
Kyle is a hero! Make the name Kyle great again.
Friendly ! Friendly ! Friendly !
Mechanic comments on Nov 18, 2021:
Ok, I won’t fire at you as long as you don’t suddenly change your behavior and start acting like a threat.
Biden economy.
Mechanic comments on Nov 18, 2021:
At now, tomorrow the sale ends and it will be $9.35
Look what I laid.
Mechanic comments on Nov 18, 2021:
They would do that.
Critics push to defund PBS over 'woke' politics push PBS is run by people who are hard at work ...
Mechanic comments on Nov 18, 2021:
PBS and NPR should be defunded. There is no reason for races to pay for that propaganda.
A heart-warming song to warm yor hearts so yo help me warm Slug.
Mechanic comments on Nov 18, 2021:
@admin will you please send A1fredo the $100!
US worried about China's nuclear arsenal, 'We have to act now,' says General Milley Vid 3:10 ...
Mechanic comments on Nov 17, 2021:
Perhaps Milley should call up Winnie the Pooh and warn him.
Alarm grows as mortuaries fill with thousands of extra non-Covid deaths [yahoo.
Mechanic comments on Nov 17, 2021:
We shouldn’t rush to conclusions in blaming the jabs, there is a real possibility that fauci’s next custom virus has been released and is killing people to sell the next vaccine.
Jen Psaki Asked About “Let’s Go Brandon!” Phenomenon 😆 []
Mechanic comments on Nov 17, 2021:
Let me be clear then. Former Vice President Biden you can go fornicate yourself!
Pentagon FURIOUS over Oklahoma National Guard defying vaccine mandate [youtu.
Mechanic comments on Nov 17, 2021:
Texas NG and Florida NG waiting on your commanders to show similar leadership.
Mechanic comments on Nov 17, 2021:
I’m more concerned about the fortunes that politicians “earn” in their official capacity AKA bribes and corruption.
NEW FRONTIERS IN CUCKING! 'He Left A Trail of Bodies On The Ground': David French Bashes Kyle ...
Mechanic comments on Nov 17, 2021:
Allow permit less concealed carry every single place in this country and you won’t likely see me open carry.
Food for thought: If Kyle Rittenhouse had been allowed to conceal carry & done so would have have ...
Mechanic comments on Nov 17, 2021:
It’s a good question, I don’t think we will ever know. I think more people should carry concealed, but I’m not against open carry either.
I don’t understand the new math…
Mechanic comments on Nov 17, 2021:
I’m left handed so therefore I am oppressed and you must pay me reparations for the pencil lead smears on my hand.
It’s everywhere
Mechanic comments on Nov 17, 2021:
“We need to more than raise prices higher, we have to raise prices … higher “
Death threats have already begun rolling in for the Judge of the Rittenhouse Trial, including to his...
Mechanic comments on Nov 17, 2021:
I’m sure that the FBI is actively ignoring the threats in the order that they are reported.
It’s amazing how all of these things suddenly caused more heart problems, but yet there’s one ...
Mechanic comments on Nov 17, 2021:
Ignorant at best, possibly disingenuous, likely willful malice.
Our prosecutors will issue warrants as soon as he's done with his ba-ba and nappy.
Mechanic comments on Nov 16, 2021:
It would be fantastic to see charges brought against him.
Mechanic comments on Nov 16, 2021:
Would that also include decisions about funding gain of function research and creating deadly viruses in laboratories in countries that are not friendly with most of the world?
Confidence in the CINC
Mechanic comments on Nov 15, 2021:
I have a hard time believing those numbers.
Vaccines - Pentagon Responds to Oklahoma National Guard’s Rejections of Vaccine Mandate Jack ...
Mechanic comments on Nov 14, 2021:
Good job Oklahoma, any other states willing to follow their lead?
Man Shot to Death Counted as COVID-19 Fatality - YouTube
Mechanic comments on Nov 14, 2021:
Sounds about right in this era.
THE CAN OPENER BRIDGE - Bridgehttps://[]
Mechanic comments on Nov 14, 2021:
The good old 11’8” bridge.
Huge Increase In Teens Having Heart Attacks Is Blamed On ...
Mechanic comments on Nov 13, 2021:
I could be wrong but I think young people have been using weed for multiple years.
Florida’s Republican Governor Ron DeSantis has a plan to bypass President Joe Biden’s unlawful ...
Mechanic comments on Nov 13, 2021:
Long live DeSantis.
In all seriousness, I’ve heard that Chicago and Milwaukee police are prepping for riots.
Mechanic comments on Nov 13, 2021:
Rittenhouse might be a bad actor, but he seems to be a good man.
A Moment Of Silence…
Mechanic comments on Nov 12, 2021:
Hip, hip hurray!
Number of container ships stuck off LA ports hits new record Vid 8:42 mins. []
Mechanic comments on Nov 12, 2021:
That must be a mistake, former Vice President Biden has been working to solve problems with the ports.
FBI admits it is often wrong on gun related background check denials- []
Mechanic comments on Nov 12, 2021:
To be fair the FBI has been wrong about a bunch of major issues.
I believe Kyle should be exonerated, given a medal for ridding the world of vermin, and given a ...
Mechanic comments on Nov 11, 2021:
The world needs more men like Kyle, and less that behave like Rosenbum.
RT News: Nancy Hollander on CIA leaflets in Afghanistan [youtu.
Mechanic comments on Nov 10, 2021:
Coming soon to the US, turn in your unvaccinated neighbor and get $5,000.
I hope the extra hour of Daylight Saving gives you enough time to figure out why the hell we still ...
Mechanic comments on Nov 9, 2021:
There’s not enough hours in the year to figure that out.
Infrastructure Bill to Require ‘Breathalyzer’-Style Systems in All Cars by 2026 ...
Mechanic comments on Nov 9, 2021:
I don’t think people should drive while drunk, but this is fucking ridiculous. It puts a huge cost burden on way to many people.
“IT’S OKAY TO BE WHITE” is a Hate Crime []
Mechanic comments on Nov 8, 2021:
Be white, be black, be brown, be yellow, be red, be whichever color you were born, just don’t be an asshole.
Obama tells young people at climate change summit: 'Vote like your life depends on it, because it ...
Mechanic comments on Nov 8, 2021:
Barry is correct, your life does depend upon how the vote goes. If you vote Democrat or for half of republicans you are likely to end up in slavery.
Poland wanting to double their Army to 300,000.
Mechanic comments on Nov 7, 2021:
If they don’t require wuhan flu vaccines they could possibly recruit a decent number from the US military.
Vaccines are a gateway drug. To concerts and air travel.
Mechanic comments on Nov 7, 2021:
And likely life long tyranny.
How do yall get to level 8 and 9 so fast?
Mechanic comments on Nov 7, 2021:
Please hold, I will have to get back to you in a few months.
I'm watching the news as I write!!! The are showing current footage of the mob coming north through ...
Mechanic comments on Nov 6, 2021:
Power and future votes
I'm sure you can tell me the difference: Man goes to hospital with persistent cough, they find ...
Mechanic comments on Nov 6, 2021:
I hate to punch down. (and no, I don't know her)
Mechanic comments on Nov 6, 2021:
I’m at a loss for words.
Would you vote for this person if they were running for congress in 2022?
Mechanic comments on Nov 5, 2021:
My vote would depend on how she compares on stances in comparison to other candidates, but I would not kick her out of bed.
Stuck offshore.
Mechanic comments on Nov 5, 2021:
Imagine if they used a port in Florida, or spent our tax dollars to fly them into Richmond.
Ain’t that the troof…
Mechanic comments on Nov 5, 2021:
“We got to do more than build back better, we have to build back, better.” Former Vice President Biden
Don't ya love when a man says that a black woman is a shell, a dummy, lacking in self agency?
Mechanic comments on Nov 5, 2021:
I can’t believe the mental pretzels they are twisting themselves into.
Branco Does It Again…
Mechanic comments on Nov 5, 2021:
Is that a dog faced pony soldier?
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