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Prosecute the Criminals or ARISE 1776-Style
If the Legal System Keeps Failing We-The-People, We Can Begin in Our Neighborhoods

SUMMARY: The corrupt tyranny that exists at this moment in time in the USA is so horrendous it is nearly beyond believable credulity.

Sharing TET Post: “Breakdown of $21 Million the Biden Family, Associates Received From Foreign Sources: GOP Reports”… Delineates the money trail of Biden Crime Family by House GOP investigating Committees.

Sharing AMG-News Post: “These 13 Families Rule The World: The Shadow Forces Behind The NOW”… About behind-the-political-scenes puppet strings being pulled by the few to control the many.
#NWOTyranny #1776ResistanceNeeded

JohnHouk 8 Aug 18
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Posted by JohnHoukLet’s Hold Installed Regime Accountable! [johnhouk.

Posted by JohnHoukVideo Theme: USA Republic vs USA Traitors [tinyurl.

Posted by JohnHoukMy Trump Assassination Attempt Suspicion INSIDE JOB [tinyurl.

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Posted by JohnHoukSCOTUS Presidential Immunity: Leftist Lies vs Actual Application [tinyurl.

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Posted by JohnHoukKNOW What YOU Are Resisting [tinyurl.

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Posted by JohnHoukDems Great Replacement Exposed & Great Reset Backfire [tinyurl.

Posted by JohnHoukResist the Fundamental Transformation of America [bit.

Posted by JohnHoukDem-Marxist Political Persecution Could be Knocking on YOUR Door [bit.

Posted by JohnHoukThe Trump Kangaroo-Conviction Should Inspire Acts of MAGA! [bit.

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Posted by JohnHoukDO NOT Allow Medical Tyranny to Continue – Refresher Videos Pt.

Posted by JohnHoukDO NOT Allow Medical Tyranny to Continue – Refresher Videos Pt.

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