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Is Questioning Tyranny Jail Worthy?

I am convinced tyranny is about to go to explode to fully bare to bring down whatever remnant of American Liberty exists. I pray I am wrong.

When people like Owen Shroyer can go to jail for merely questioning if the 2020 Election was rigged, then the full Commie Press is afoot.

AND SO, HERE are some tyranny videos focusing on Shroyer, but one looks at Lara Logan preparing a series of J6 documentaries on X/Twitter. Who knows, perhaps questioning tyranny is jail worthy for me. Nah… Probably not. Currently I’m too small potatoes. Wouldn’t it be interesting if a bunch of us small potatoes gather together enough to be MANY LARGE BAGS OF POTATOES? ---READ & WATCH: []
#AmerikanPersecution #J6PoliticalPersecution #OwenShroyer

JohnHouk 8 Sep 14
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