5 3

Good questions...

SpikeTalon 10 Feb 16
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The irony of this statement is that Sam, in part, made a name for himself debating the very people hes speaking about in this quote.


This sounds like a trick questions. If that's the case, then the answer is: "you just don't" 🙂

Otherwise, my logic says, to answer these questions, "someone" should be identified as an individual. Who is "someone"?

You answered your own question...

@SpikeTalon please explain. I'm slow sometimes 🙂

@Evolve2More In regards to the last part of your original comment above...


Idk, Sam. These are questions for actual philosophers.


My favorite Golden Girl


Very good questions I love hearing how Sam's mind works

okay Level 4 Feb 19, 2019
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Posted by RitBorgShould any IDW types celebrate the removal of people from the public discourse? I think Sam has made an error with this one.

Posted by GodlessHarris is refreshingly upfront about his argument: the subtitle of his book is How Science Can Determine Human Values.

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Posted by postmaster“It turns out the IDW is mostly a collection of disillusioned liberals looking for a place to have honest conversation.

Posted by SpikeTalonGood questions...

Posted by ChadwickShould Sam Harris have Stefan Molyneux or Jared Taylor on his Making Sense pod cast to talk about Race?

Posted by SpikeTalonOne of my favorite quotes from Harris.

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