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Pedos are in every level of society and can only be stopped by exposure. Courts protect them!

Fox News: Bizarre Facebook survey asks users if they condone pedophilia!


warminster100 9 June 19
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We have had the solution for thousands of years. Condemn all forms of promiscuity and promote marriage and pedophilia mostly disappears. That is as long as parents are responsible and don't allow their children to marry at young ages.

Exactly what instincts are involved in pedophilia is not clear. What is clear is that signs of youth and health are sexually attractive. Pedophilia is just one more example of how civilization is "unnatural". Civilization as it has evolved is an example of artificial group selection. It suppresses those instincts that evolved for an easy but unstable environment and encourages behavioral patterns that created a harsh but stable environment.

Although humans are highly K selected small differences in the degree to which behavior adheres to K selection can have dramatic societal effects. At the heart of societal need for K selection is trust. Trust is the central purpose of the rather unnatural institution of marriage. The relationship it plays within a relationship is well accepted but how it effects cooperation within the broader society less so. In less complex societies it is less of a problem because trust is built into tribal society. Tribal societies, especially stone age societies of Hunter gathers, also require lower level cooperation. It was only when agriculture allowed for more specialization that trust and cooperation became critical. In is within this framework of trust and cooperation that rigid behavioral rules evolved. Rules that create the necessary precondition of harshness and stability on which civilization rests. One of the rules in early civilizations was the death penalty for such things as marital infidelity and pedophilia. Two things that are practically irrelevant in the natural state.

If you look carefully you can see in the current unrest not an embrace of more sophisticated rules but the rejection of emotional restraints. Those instincts that when acted on become the enemy of complex social order itself. It is no coincidence that the liberated left consumes it's own, it is acting out the natural consequences of a fast lifestyle.

wolfhnd Level 8 June 19, 2020

"Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.
24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator–who is forever praised. Amen" (Romans 1:22-25)


I like Jordan Peterson 🙂

@wolfhnd or prefer?
There is no mental issue that is also not a spiritual one. That is why secular medicine and therapy only treat, not heal.

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