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A college student made a TikTok video on how people react to different races hearing about a white on black, black on black and black on white crime. She was expelled. Was the university correct in doing this?


DeplorableToo 7 July 13
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The Universities are all directed (ultimately) by their hired Jewish lawyers who instruct the colleges and Universities to bow to political correctness under threat of lawsuits or worse.
Our societies are so badly infected with neoliberalism extremism, that people have gone into their tribal group identities. Everyone is offended by some other group in some way therefore we need to ban everything so that no one gets offended. Open discord is forbidden for fear it may contain or generate something offensive to someone somewhere. Ideologically paralyzed! This may be why trade schools are so popular among the non-parasites


I tend to be skeptical of any serious research starting with TikTok. The video in the link just looks silly and not like the start of a serious discussion of the issue. However, the university's decision to expel her is wrong. Students and everyone else should be free to explore those kinds of ideas about how and why our society reacts differently to different crimes.

It was not a "research" (I think people mistook it as such). It was a student posting her 1st Amendment rights to free speech, and comically making a joke of the current situation in America, and the responses of people to crimes committed by groups of people).

@DeplorableToo Thanks! As a video meme and not an attempt to suggest serious research, then you're right about this being a First Amendment issue. She should not be punished for making this point. Her video didn't appeal to me as a way to make the point, but that's just a generational thing. Again, that shouldn't negate her right to make this point.


NO! they should have given her extra credit for creating a study that was clearly designed to formulate an objective opinion.

iThink Level 9 July 13, 2020

No. There should be no limits in universities. That being said, I'm so sick of the dumb topic. I would say something like, "I hope they get over it already," but not even I am that naïve... Cheezus...

A1fredo Level 8 July 13, 2020

I fear you are right. I don't think they will "get over it" any time soon. I feel we will be seeing more of this as time goes by.


It is the University Administration that should be fired. That is an obvious area for research.


Nah... would have been an interesting study.


Deplorable Too, are you kidding????????????????
The answer is obvious!!!!!!

Serg97 Level 8 July 13, 2020

This has become a trend, apparently. I just heard another university recended admission to a young lady that did a TikTok video showing her support for the President. They sent her a letter stating that "Dreamers could have been offended" by her support of the POTUS.

@DeplorableToo Well, they can not have FREE thinkers infecting their drones, REALLY!!!!!!

@Serg97, quote one of their drones, "How Dare You!"


Facts that go against the left's agenda = hate speech. Sad world we live in today.

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