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When Adolph Eichmann was in court being tried for his part in the attempted genocide of the Jews, a survivor of the concentration camps was brought into court to testify against Eichmann. During his testimony, he suddenly became very emotional and broke down weeping.
The judges called for a recess so the man could compose himself. While he was out of the court, one of the people with him suggested, how difficult it must be see him and to relive the trauma emotionally. The man said, “it was wasn’t what he did to me and others that caused my emotional state. As I was testifying and looking at him, I realized that he just looked like a normal person and it came to me that we are all capable of doing what he had done”.

warminster100 9 July 26
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I have tried to tell others this very thing - and in every instance my observation was abjectly rejected.
Jordan Peterson also said the same thing. Anyone alive today who thinks they would have been able to resist becoming part of the German Nazi movement in the 1930s is lying to themselves. That movement was a National Socialist political movement and the vast majority of Germanys' population willfully enjoined it. Hitler did NOT do those awful things all by himself - people like Megele and Eichman were not special or unique in any way. They were men who suddenly found themselves with the power to do great harm to others and to do so with impunity. They, like the socialist movement afoot today in North American (antifa and Blm) were so convinced of their own self righteousness that the destruction they wrought was itself good and righteous.

iThink Level 9 July 26, 2020

Wisdom can be found, anywhere. Thank you.

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