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**From Alain Shram commenting on a video on YT:
I never cared:

-I never cared if you were “gay“ until you started shoving it in my face, and the faces of our children.
-I never cared what colour you were, until you started blaming my race for your problems.
-I never cared about your political affiliation until you started to condemn me for mine.
-I never cared where you were born until you wanted to erase my history and blame my ancestors for your current problems.
-I never cared if you were well-off or poor, until you said you were discriminated against, when I was promoted because I worked harder.
-I never cared if your beliefs were different from mine, until you said my beliefs were wrong

Now I care!

My patience and tolerance are gone.
I’m not alone in feeling this way there are millions of us who do......and we have had enough!!


warminster100 9 Aug 28
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