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The right has it wrong about Netflix’s “Cuties”.

“Cuties” is neither about nor does it promote child porn, or any kind of porn. It is actually a movie parents would feel comfortable watching with their teen children.

It paints a vivid portrait of children trying to negotiate their way in the decaying West. Absentee parents, the morass of multiculturalism, schools that are little more than jails for kids, and a crass and decadent pop culture that targets children are all themes in this movie. The producers glorified none of it.

The major impetus behind the creation of the movie was the negative effect that the endless stream of pornographic and sexualized images spewed out by the media have on young girls. This is a concern of ours too.

To my right wing comrades just watch the movie. Then offer a critique, not just of the movie, but of our civilization. It will give you the picture you need.

PostUmbraLux 5 Sep 19
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So what would you say about someone recording themselves literally strangling a puppy, as a way to make society understand it is wrong to abuse animals?


There is a lot wrong with how we raise girls. I seriously doubt that this film is insightful. I will not bother to watch it as sexual exploitation doesn't need much of an explanation.

wolfhnd Level 8 Sep 19, 2020

It must be like a lot of the sex crime TV shows. They are really for voyeurs in a sense. A normal person --whatever that is today - can see through it - if they are normal and after 60 years of leftism who knows anymore.


I didn't see it. I gave up Netflix almost 2 years ago - I don't have cable, haven't watched anything on my TV in almost 2 years. So. I will make the following observation: if you are going to make a movie about exploitation of children, don't have children IN IT. Just the still pictures I've seen are 'suggestive'. Pedo's get off on 'suggestive'. Giving them even the HINT for minutes in a movie is exploitive, is so close to the porno line as to be misleading.

I don't need to see it to offer an opinion - I don't have to commit murder to have an opinion, or to have an abortion to have an opinion. I don't have to feed my mind garbage to have an opinion of the stink.

Your attempt to suggest that the lack of seeing the movie warrants dismissal of the critiques of it is disingenuous, as are all such suggestions.


@PostUmbraLux is disgusting, virtue-signaling, and probably irredeemable.
Might have the honour of being the first I have ever blocked.


I am not surprised that you are blind to Netflix leaning hard to the Left, including the Obamas becoming major stockholders and proposing changes to the lineup, which, as far as I can discern, have been implemented. I will have nothing to do with Netflix, Disney, or Universal.


I have not seen the entire film yet, but have seen the twerking scenes which caused the most brouhaha. To be honest, I think it possible that Doucourre was trying to make a statement and went overboard. My biggest issue is the fact that from the beginning Netflix promoted the film using a "sexy tweens" still from the movie rather than the less inflammatory poster used at Sundance and in theatrical productions.

Doucourre's motivations may be questionable. Netflix was without a doubt trying to sell this film using images of scantily dressed 11 year-olds. They may have done this to stir up controversy, in which case they succeeded. They may have been appealing to the sorts of viewers who find twerking 11 year-olds sexy. But they can hardly be surprised that people assumed the film they advertised as a pedo wet dream wound up being treated as a pedo's wet dream.


I watched several minutes of the film. I stopped when I realized it was child porn.


I haven't watched the movie, so, what dd54 said. I don't have Netflix, gave it up along with cable 15 years ago.


You're obviously a pedophile and everyone knows it.

I wonder how much time they had those kids spend humping and jacking off the stage til they got it perfectly synchronized. How many takes did they have to do before they got just the right closeup shot of an eleven year old rubbing her cunt?

Go fucking die you pedophile.


The movie sexually exploits children under the cover of being against the sexual exploitation of children. I tried watching a clip but it was so repulsive that I had to shut it off after 3 seconds.

I managed to watch several minutes before I had to stop.

@dd54 I think you'll get through a lot better if you dismiss with the "sin" part and talk about how and why it's harmful and causes physical and emotional pain in its victims. "sin" is an abstraction and children cannot make sense out of abstract ideas - pain and harm they will understand and they'll be relieved to know that their parent(s) will protect them from pain and harm


Some stories don't merit visual representation when that representation demeans children, and the whole idea of thousands of try outs exposing children to the same ... some might ask ... grooming ...

RCGibb Level 7 Sep 19, 2020

If you saw the movie you would know it was not about child porn. The dances the girls did can been seen on any teen or children's cable channel. Kids are watching much worse by their favorite pop stars. That was the point of the movie.

@PostUmbraLux I suppose you could argue about whether it is "porn" or not. Several questions for you:
Do you think that nudity - exposed genitalia is absolutely necessary in order for a film or photo be be "pornographic"? Is not obviously sexualized movement of the body also pornographic? Do you think "twerking" is pornographic?
Suppose this film depicted total nudity - would you continue defending it? What would be minimally necessary for you to agree that a movie/photo is indeed pornographic.
Would you not only encourage your own 11 year old daughter to act the way the girls in this movie are acting. Would you be a proud mother telling others about your 11 year old daughters role in that movie?


Putting children into situations where they portray activities of adults is not “normal” no matter how woke you want to imagine it.

You obviously did not see the movie. That did not happen.


Everyone's wrong about the movie throwing CHILDREN into sexually suggestive situations, eh? You do realize there are people reviewing this film, saying they got aroused while these CHILDREN were twerking, and that the movie tries you get you aroused at little girls, right? That is not an OK film in my mind. Tons agree.

Did you see the film? Apparently not.

@PostUmbraLux I don't need to see a film decrying the sexualization of children while at the same time sexualizing children. I saw a clip, and that was enough. While that may not be the majority of the movie, evidently the children's parents had no problem with these children sexualizing themselves in front of a room full of ADULTS, because the children were sexualizing themselves in front of ADULTS. I don't need to know the process that led these four children to this. I have a step daughter. In our house, she sees none of this crap. If she does, she's grounded, and what ever she had seen is gone. We don't have cable, she isn't allowed to watch JewTube, do any online searches, no Facebook or social media of any kind. She goes to school, has her friends there, comes home, plays games and watches kid's shows on Hulu.

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