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"In September 1946, Albert Einstein called racism America’s “worst disease.” Earlier that year, he told students and faculty at Lincoln University in Pennsylvania, the oldest Black college in the Western world, that racial segregation was “not a disease of colored people, but a disease of white people, adding, “I willl not remain silent about it.”

If this bs is makes sense how we got to the place we are today. Can you imagine any race of a class of kids as engaged as these? Interesting how long the educators have been telling kids the way they should feel...shouldnt they be learning theoretical physics ?

Einstein became Michael Jordan of studying theoretical physics. THEORETICAL...we're all theoretical physicists! well in theory anyways..


DesireNoDesires 7 Sep 27
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Actually, Einstein was right then, and society recoiled in a wave of condemnation of racism - not by being overtly critical; just by subtle expressions of disdain, which were very effective. I remember. By 1960, we were not a racist nation. Not until Obama revived racism, using social disadvantage as the excuse.

Social disadvantage always exists in all societies. Aristotle wrote about it in ancient Greece.

Leftists are delusional or arrogant enough to believe they can abolish it, but only if those who believe human nature can not be controlled by government are eliminated, which means the loss of individual rights. The fact that Prohibition was a miserable failure is not proof to these utopian idealists.

And those who think its OK to forfeit individual rights are completely ignorant of history proving otherwise, as well as the record of socialism being the second most murderous force in human history. Until people start dying, AND they realize that they can't blame others, they will not understand that.

What at bottom these misanthropes and miserable narcissist want is equality of human attractiveness. Most leftist are unattractive if you haven't noticed. Yes, attractive people have prilvledge and isn't that terrible. They score more attractive mates, get hired and promoted quicker and etc. That is what evolution does along with IQ.

@johnlondon. Yes. Some folks don’t like reality, so they want to change it. When they can’t, they blame everyone else but themselves.


Funny as we had just won a war with Japan. You don't even know what racism is until you explore Japanese culture pre-WWII and even today. In the US it has never been about race, but culture and character.


The world was a different place in 1946. Since then we’ve seen the integration of the military, Jackie Robinson, Thurgood Marshall, Brown v Board of Education, the civil rights act of 1964, the voting rights act of 1965, and the fair housing act of 1968. Not to mention the election of Barack Obama. The progress made has been undeniable, except by those unwilling to see.

caused a lot of resentment and impostor syndrome, which could have been avoided with a natural in-segregation instead of forcing people to by law...laws against violence and theft are one thing..but hurt feelings builds and adversity builds strength and character


This is so bogus, it will give bogus a bad name.

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