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Its funny watching the silence from most if my left leaning friends. no one is praising anything Biden is doing except maybe giving cookies to troops (he and his administration put out in the cold). like you told me he had a plan to fix Covid where’s the oraise on how he is handling it? hell even the news can't praise it cuz there’s nothing to praise. at most you just aren’t criticizing him for not delivering on everything you voted for him to do. no one is talking about Portland and how “the Right” did nothing on the 20th but it’s the radicals on the left who acted out. Guess this is what Harris was trying to incite when she said “they won’t and should not stop after the election.” Biden even sent the national guard even though months ago that was tyrannical. i do see a ton of Bernie memes though. i guess we mask our fear and resentment behind humor because i can’t imagine anyone who voted for him simply because he wasn’t Trump are too happy given he’s unraveling all the good of the past 4 years they were just to annoyed with Trump’s demeanor and the news being at war with him to adtuakky realize what we had. Was it perfect, mo but a far cry better than it’s about to be.

Joehlert11 7 Jan 23
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Trump put 'em up in a hotel...


But the lights around the reflecting pool are like Biden taking the nation into his arms! Isn't that what they said?

I feel so warm and cared for. Even the way he sniffs my hair is full of Presidential gravitas.

i mean this sums up why people voted for him the same way people voted for Trump. “so what if his policies litterally fuck us over, at least he makes us feel good while he does it”. vs Trump voters “I don't care if the guys is loud and annoying and isnt a shining beacon of human decency and wears his ego on his sleeve, at least his policies actually make my life better”. its just a matter of which thing you are willing to ignore

@Joehlert11 yes to the part about Trump, but he also loves America and her people and freedom to love and grow and be there is that....that which the left will never have

@vangr exactly which is why i see it as an easy trade off but i think many just don’t like conflict which Trump brought to the table. just look at the previous elections and presidents, regardless of party, and he stirred the pot and many can't look past that. he forced us to have tough conversation many were taught you werent supposed to have but every 4 years and they want to go back to that but at what cost.

@Joehlert11 so your interpretation is "Liberals don't care that his policies fuck them over, he makes them feel good. Trump makes Conservatives' lives better, even if he isn't a great human."

Sorry to tell you, but as a Liberal, we view it a different way. Our perspective is "Biden's policies will make our lives better, and we feel okay with him in office. Trump's policies were terrible for our lives and the country, and he was a shit human to boot."

That's the reason there are Democrats and Republicans, Liberals and Conservatives - they each have their own ideas on what makes the country better. It's always better to ask someone from the other side their perspective, rather than assigning a narrative to them.

@vangr as an American on the Left, I love the country and its people and freedom. I don't feel like Trump ever actually loved the country or its people, he took advantage of them for power and money.

As for why people on the Left, and Biden supporters, aren't consistently praising Biden every second... well, first off, we are finally free of that weight on our shoulders, having to worry about every little thing Trump is doing, and what random troublesome Tweet will come out at 3am, what problematic law he will try and force through, what con he is up to next. We finally have boring. Boring is nice, let us take a moment to breathe.

Second, we aren't like the cult of Trump - we don't see the need to wear Biden branded clothing, or buy any other Biden related merchandise, or drive around with giant Biden flags, or have a Biden boat parade... Biden isn't a brand we need to flaunt and shout from the rooftops, he is a man who we elected to run the country, and we will certainly criticize him when it is warranted and he needs to do better, and give him praise when he does something we like (not just doing things more tactfully than Trump).

Not everyone thinks what Trump did the past 4 years was good, and those who supported Biden (and those who strictly voted against Trump) are happy he is unraveling the past 4 years. We are happy Biden removed the transgender military ban. We are happy Biden stopped the unnecessary wall. We are happy Biden re-entered into accords to combat climate change. We are happy Biden is taking COVID seriously. We are happy Biden is taking measures to help people impacted by COVID and in need of financial help. And we are happy Biden signed a 2-year (wish it were longer) ban on lobbying positions for people leaving government positions - something Trump actually promised to do on the campaign trail, and I praised him for it, but he never delivered.

Liberals / Progressives / Democrats did not only dislike Trump because of his demeanor, that is a gross simplification and completely ignoring the actual valid problems we had. And we think the country is better off without him, and the next four years will have progress.

@JacksonNought well to the comparison of the two parties quote you took issue with the point was not that itnis my actual belief that they think thatvway but drawing the comparison based on the previous comment and how people talked about Trump supporters and how it didnt matter to him that he was so bad as a human being they excused that about him. i fully understand there is more to it than just their personality, hell for years i was a democrat supportoer. i do actually try to talk and understand them but everytime i grt named called and am labled an ist and/or a phobe of some kind. ive yet to actually hear policy that greatly hurt anyones life unless you mean taking away certain things tgat favored certain groups like lgbtq people which is fine but look at why some of those things were done. im sorry if it felt like an attack on you but they werent dine simply out if spite. and im not asking Biden supporters to be cultlike and post allbthe praise but come on you criticize Trump at every turn for 4 years and now Biden is pulling some of the same crap and he gets a pass? and he has a plan for covid but what is it? mask up and 100 mil vaccines in 100 days? we’ve been doing that and he now says theres nothing we can do. so 1 thats an excuse for having no plan and 2 if thsts the case what more did you want Trump to do? and the man isnt even following his own nadk mandate and everyone had an opinion about Trump not wearing one and he didnt even make it an EO. instead whats everyone doing? Bernie memes. if people gave two shits about anything Biden was doing they’d be calling him out the same way they did Trump but clearly they don't care because anything is better than Trump but like i said the majority can't even address an actual policy he made that made life worse and even the policies they can name at the very least their basis fir why they dint like it is so musguided its astounding. and sorry firnthe spelling. im legally blind and slug sucks in in terms of accessibility

@Joehlert11 quite alright, I was able to understand your comment. Sorry to hear that Slug doesn't have decent accessibility. Are you using a mobile device, or a screen reader like JAWS or NVDA?

Bill Maher has been pretty good about his philosophy the past four years - you can hate Trump, but don't hate Trump supporters.

Unfortunately the name-calling and personal attacks will happen on both sides of the aisle. Fringe Liberals will be quick to label Conservatives racists or sexist or other bigoted terms, fringe Conservatives will be quick to label Liberals as Communists or baby killers or lazy no-job moochers.

As for what Trump did that hurt people, well yes rolling back civil rights on LGBTQ people did hurt. Completely dismissing COVID and telling his supporters it was a hoax and would just magically disappear, accusing hospitals of stealing PPE, etc, resulted in a terrible out of control pandemic where 400k Americans have died. He rolled back environmental protections and food safety regulations, harming the Earth and the health of Americans. He stopped funding of Social Security. He tried to remove the ACA with no replacement, which would have resulted in millions losing healthcare. He appointed three Catholic judges to the SCOTUS, who have all expressed desires to overturn marriage equality and Roe V Wade. You may think I am misguided for seeing these as as issues, but then I think Conservatives are misguided being heavily focused on anti-LGBTQ, anti-abortion, and pro-Christian policies.

You also can't complain about the treatment of Trump for 4 years unless you also complained about the treatment of Obama for 8 years. Obama had some of the most vile things said about him, and every little thing was a major headline for Conservative media - such as wearing a tan suit, putting mustard on a burger, Michelle's arms, etc. You had Trump himself spread lies about Obama's birth for 8 years, as he was the creator of the birther movement. You still have people attacking Obama, calling him a secret Muslim. calling him gay, accusing Michelle of being a man, etc. Trump also spent all 4 years attacking others, calling the press the "enemy of the people", using childish (and bigoted) nicknames for all of his opponents, going on Twitter tirades, lying constantly.

@JacksonNought as for what i use, no, at least mobile, just zoom in but the text box is weird so its hard to go back in and edit mistakes. i also feel like the keyboard is off on it somehow as i don't have nearly as many issues as with typing in other apps.

as far as the things you take issue on as far as policy that addresses my point in regards to nit understanding the why those things were done. ACA sucked and needed to be changed and done away with. ill agree he should have had a plan in place for what to replace it with but it did harm to many as well. in regards to marriage and lgbtq issues again at least look at why he did them. it was not just to screw the. over but because some of those policies do some harm or at the very least negatively impact others and not having the rules really doesnt change much for lgbt individuals or at the least not in any real impactful way that these rules helped. Being allowed to in whatever bathroom doesnt really solve anything for lgbtq people, sure maybe a but happier as there is less confusion on where to go but really it solves bullying and ends the debate on whether they are a “valid” person or not? allowing them to use and participate in things for the opposite sex does however harm the the opposite sex though. i know it may sound trivial but there is a real danger for women especially. as far as Catholic judges, honestly dint bring religion into it because that isnt even an argument given they literally just championed Biden as a Cathokic the ither day and he actualky didnt follow the Cathodic position. but that asside sticking to the issue with marriage equality and roe v wade i have an issue with telling people of faith that they have to agree to secular demands that go against their beliefs especially when there are other options. maybe not for marriage by definition but i thin marriage from a legal standard should be done away with. as far as roe v wade i think it shiukd be done away with and not just on religious beliefs but thats a whole different debate but basically it cones down to what defines personhood and conservatives believe an embryo is equivalent to a human life and therefor has deserves the same protection. its not a hatred of women but protecting an innocent human life just we protect human life after birth even from parents. and i know it sounds hypocritical since conservatives don't support the child or parent after birth but that is untrue they do it privately just nit through government assistance and if it is a human life i don't get why them being provided for is a prerequisite for not killing them. and with covid yeah he “downplayed” it but ince again, why? it was to not cause people to over react which at this point people are. im not saying it couldnt have been handled better but even now according to Biden, “there’s nothing we can do” makes me wonder what more you wanted Trump to do since it doesnt seem it could have been handled better even by the man whi criticized Trump and said he had a better plan.

Now im young and was not very in tune with the goings on under Obama. i was not old enough to vote in 08 and like many my age at the time could have cared less about politics since like i said i think before Trump we treated these conversations like something we only have every 4 years. in 2012 it was my first election and other than abortion i really didnt have issues i cared enough for or understood my stance on yet to vite responsibly. i voted obama again at the time as my understanding was aside from being for abortion my understanding was they were for social issues i cared about that republicans were against. fast forward to 2016 where i was now surrounded by republicans and not the democrat bubble i grew up in i was able to better understand that it was not that they were against social issues but that it was not up to the government to take care of everything and that some of the “protections” groups wanted also caused harm to other groups and as we keep hearing you have to be a president for all Anericans. and i know it sucks to not get what you want but some if the social issue solutions also don't solve the bigger issue anyway. i mean if marriage equality and bathrooms and even abortion solved the greeter issue sure but they dont. they just slap band aides on it. and like i said during Obama’s run i wasnt as interested so i can't say how i would have felt about the treatment towards him but that being said i don't even know how you compare a tan suit and mustard to actual defamatory accusations. plus the attwcks did not stop at Trump but anyone who voted for him. at the very least the attacks were focused on Obama personally. and i’l agree Trump is rude and such and doesnt use the nicest language and tone but like i said im not entireky sure that matters as much when it cones to pokicy and what the ither option is

@JacksonNought and thanks for the understanding abiut the accessibility thing. i hate that i have to throw out the accessibility thing but almost every person who wants to disagree pulls the poor grammar card and call that out rather than actually address the argument so at this point i almost have to include it any long response where i know im going to likely misspell a ton and have grammatical errors due to trying to correct myself

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