3 2

Not all Trump did was bad - so don't ditch the good stuff Joe!

LOL even the Douglas Murray in the Sun when trying to say he did well has the covid deaths, the failed wall, the sexual assault allegations!

bastion 7 Jan 27
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due to recent presidential actions, Joe & Ho understand and believe

Exactly! The left still refuses to admit the seven nation travel ban used to viciously criticize Donald Trump — while good policy — wasn’t even his initiative. The ban was implemented by the Obama administration.

Under Trump, the press called it the “Muslim” ban and remains one of the biggest fake news stories of the president’s term.


I believe Trump did many good things. But history will remember him as the worst President in U.S history because, because everything written about him took everything neutral or negative about him and magnified it, while completely ignoring anything he did that was positive.

For example, the average low-information voter doesn't know that he received three Nobel Peace Prize nominations for his work in brokering multiple peace deals in the Middle East, because the Left-leaning MSM completely ignored it.

@bastion - That you didn't cite any American MSM sources is telling.

@Alysandir The fact you have to suggest a thing he achieved is being nominated and not even winning tells us even more.

Participation trophy president.

Elites were horrified to think an anti-globalist like Donald Trump might win the Peace Prize, yet they had no problem honouring PLO terrorist leader Yasser Arafat who became wealthy hijacking planes and planting bombs.

End of story.

@bastion they might refer to him (Trump) as 'a conspiracy theorist in chief' does that make Biden commander-in thief ??


@bastion sexual assault allegations []


The fact you have to suggest a thing he achieved is being nominated and not even winning tells us even more.

Well, we can't all be Obama and be awarded a Nobel Peace Prize in the FIRST YEAR of his administration, by virtue of being the first black President, now can we?

I'd rather be nominated for my efforts than given one for being a token; wouldn't you?

@Alysandir the salt lol.

participation trophy president.


One cannot be salty when the other side of the conversation is being patently, willfully dishonest for the sheer pleasure of doing so. I will patiently continue to speak with you when the situation calls for it, even though your sole purpose here appears to be to agitate and stir the pot. Whatever gets you off at night. Me? I prefer redheads.

Anytime you'd like to have a real conversation, please let me know.

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