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So white people are being told to be less white, but when white people try to enjoy other cultures they are accused of cultural appropriation. I'm confused.

RaithRoguestar 7 Feb 24
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I know a few others more recent than Al Jolson lol

Jimmy Kimmel, Ralph Northom, Justin Trudeau; all wore black-face, all faced no woke outrage over it.

Why? Because their influence serves the woke agenda. So they're allowed to get away with it.

Nothing like standards un-evenly applied, huh?

@Alysandir YOU got it exactly.

"Do as I say but don't dare do as I do" seems to be the motto/creed of the intolerance of the self-proclaimed tolerant psychosis.


Don't sweat it. Nothing we do will make liberals happy so just enjoy your life and know anything you do will offend someone.

woo hoo I got to approve your comment lol

I'm about to decide that offending someone is a sign of getting it right.The Left's sense of propriety has left its sense of humor in severe need of resuscitation.

@Geofrank a long time friend on FB shares your sentiment and he's a self proclaimed Hedonist, hardcore.

@Weltansicht Defensive offense vs offensive defense! I love it!

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